
Doctor reminds: This most comfortable sleeping position is destroying your spine, don't underestimate it

author:Dr. Wang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

The spine is the "mainstay" of the human body, and it is indispensable to shoulder the heavy responsibility of supporting the body and protecting the spinal cord. However, many people seek a good night's sleep, but ignore the importance of sleeping position for spinal health. Sleeping positions that may seem comfortable but can actually ruin your spine, and how to adjust it so that our spine can truly rest and recover at night.

Doctor reminds: This most comfortable sleeping position is destroying your spine, don't underestimate it

1. The relationship between sleeping position and spine health

The effect of sleeping position on the spine

Maintain the natural curve of the spine: The ideal sleeping position should maintain the physiological curvature of the spine, including the natural curvature of the neck (cervical lordosis), the slight curvature of the chest (thoracic kyphosis), and the lumbar lordosis (lumbar lordosis). However, many people often overlook the importance of proper sleeping posture for the health of the spine in their quest for a good night's sleep. A good sleeping posture can not only help distribute body weight and reduce pressure on the intervertebral discs, but it can also help relieve spine fatigue and pain.

Reduces muscle tension: When we are in a poor sleeping position, certain muscle groups may overstretch or contract, resulting in muscle tension and pain. For example, if you lie on your side, your pillow will be high or low, which may cause excessive tension in your shoulder and neck muscles, which in turn will affect your comfort.

Avoid twisting the spine: Sleeping in a prone or curled up sleeping position may cause the spine to twist, which may pull on muscles and ligaments and may even lead to joint misalignment.

2. Case studies of common poor sleeping postures

Case 1: Xiao Ming's stomach sleep confusion

Xiao Ming, an energetic college student, has always had a habit of sleeping on his stomach. For him, this position not only makes him feel safe, but also seems to bring him a deeper sleep. However, as the years passed, Xiao Ming gradually felt that there was occasional slight pain in his neck and waist, which struck from time to time, and so on. He wondered why this seemingly comfortable sleeping position was painful.

However, as time passed, Xiao Ming began to feel pain in his neck and lower back from time to time, perhaps because he often adopted the sleeping position on his stomach during sleep, which caused his spine to be forced into an unnatural twisted state, which increased the pressure and discomfort in his neck and lower back. In order to keep breathing open, the neck has to be twisted to one side for a long time, and this constant pressure may put more burden on the cervical spine. Similarly, due to the lack of necessary support and proper posture, the lumbar spine is often prone to excessive bending, which can lead to lumbar disc problems. Staying in this position for a long time will not only affect the health of the spine, but may also trigger a series of chain reactions, such as headaches, stiff shoulders and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Doctor reminds: This most comfortable sleeping position is destroying your spine, don't underestimate it

Case 2: The mystery of Xiaohong's curling

Little Red, a gentle girl, curls up in a ball every night and sleeps like a kitten. She felt that this would not only protect her from the cold, but also bring her psychological comfort. However, she gradually found that when she woke up in the morning, her back and lower back often felt sore, and sometimes it took courage to even get out of bed.

Curled up in a sleeping position can be comfortable in the short term, but in the long run, it's not kind to the spine and muscles. Maintaining such a sleeping position for a long time will lead to excessive stretching of the back muscles, which will keep the spine in a curved state for a long time, and it will not be able to maintain a natural physiological curve, which will further increase the burden on the spine. Over time, this constant and inappropriate pressure may lead to deformation of the cervical and lumbar spine, and may even accelerate the degeneration of the intervertebral discs.

3. The effect of sleep position on the muscles

Muscle health is often overlooked by sleep position, where muscles are at rest but need to be relaxed to recover and rebuild. An improper sleeping position can cause certain muscle groups to be in a constant state of tension, which can lead to a range of problems.

For example, if the pillow height is not appropriate, it may be difficult for the neck and shoulder muscles to relax completely, resulting in tightness and discomfort. When lying on the side, if the pillow height is not appropriate, the constant tension of the neck and shoulder muscles may cause the neck to wake up the next morning with stiffness and pain, causing discomfort and distress to the body. Similarly, if the shoulder muscles are compressed or overstretched for a long time, it can also lead to shoulder pain and limited mobility, which in turn can affect comfort and functional activities in daily life.

When sleeping on your stomach, in order to keep your head turning, your neck muscles must work continuously to support the weight of your head, which can lead to excessive muscle fatigue. At the same time, this posture can also overstretch the back muscles, which can lead to tension and discomfort in the back muscles.

Doctor reminds: This most comfortable sleeping position is destroying your spine, don't underestimate it

4. Personalized adjustment of sleeping position

Individualized sleeping positions are especially important for those with specific spinal problems, such as lumbar disc herniation, cervical spondylosis, or scoliosis. For example, a patient with a herniated lumbar disc may find that placing a pillow under the knee while lying on their back can reduce pressure on the lower back, while a patient with cervical spondylosis may need a specially designed neck pillow to support the curve of the neck.

When it comes to choosing and adjusting your sleeping position, a medical professional or physiotherapist can be of great help. They are able to provide accurate assessments and professional advice on the individual's physical condition and spine health to ensure targeted care and treatment options. These professionals may recommend specific sleeping positions, pillow types, or mattress firmness, and may even recommend some specific exercises or treatments to improve sleep quality and spine health.

With the development of technology, some high-tech sleep products can also help individuals adjust their sleeping position. As a specific example, some advanced mattresses are equipped with the function of intelligently adjusting the hardness according to the user's body shape and weight, so as to provide the user with a more personalized, thoughtful and meticulous comfort experience. There are also smart pillows that can be shaped according to the position of the head and neck to provide optimal support.

5. How to choose a spine-friendly sleeping position

1. Lying on your back – the "gentle township" of the spine

The advantage of lying on your back, as the "gentle township" of the spine, is not only in the protection of the spine. This pose also helps to promote blood circulation, especially for the back and neck. When the body is in a supine position, the blood circulation path between the heart and the rest of the body is shortest, which helps the blood flow more efficiently, thus reducing the burden on the heart.

In addition, the supine position is also effective in reducing pressure on the back, which helps to keep the spine healthy and comfortable. For those who work while sitting for most of the day, their back muscles are often under tension. Lying on your back allows your back muscles to stretch and relax sufficiently, helping to relieve fatigue that has accumulated during the day.

However, supine is not for everyone. For pregnant women, as the fetus grows, the supine position may compress the large blood vessels in the abdomen, preventing blood from returning to the heart, which can lead to hypotension. In this case, lying on the side, especially on the left side, becomes a better option because it improves the blood circulation of the pregnant woman and provides sufficient oxygen and nutrients to the fetus in the womb.

In addition, the supine position not only reduces the friction between the facial skin and the pillow, but also takes care of the skin to keep it soft and delicate, which helps to slow down the formation of wrinkles. However, it is important to note that adopting a supine position may cause the base of the tongue to fall, severely blocking the airway, so it may not be the best option for people who snore or have respiratory problems.

Doctor reminds: This most comfortable sleeping position is destroying your spine, don't underestimate it

2. Lying on your side – a "nap stop" for your spine

Lying on your side has other benefits besides being good for your spine. For example, using a proper supine position can effectively reduce the occurrence of snoring. Snoring often occurs when the tongue and soft palate inadvertently relax and droop during deep sleep, causing airway obstruction. Lying on your side prevents this from happening because it reduces the likelihood of your tongue falling back, which helps keep your airway open.

Lying on your side is also a good option for those who often experience stomach upset or have symptoms of heartburn. This position can reduce acid reflux because it positions the stomach higher than the esophagus, which reduces the likelihood of acid reflux.

To make the side bed more comfortable, choosing the right pillow is crucial. The pillow should be just the right height to fill the gap between the head and shoulders, keeping the head and spine at the same level. Placing a pillow between your legs can help keep your pelvis stable, reduce the burden on your lower back, and avoid overstretching your lower back muscles.

Although prone and curled up sleeping positions may be psychologically comforting in some cases, their negative effects on physical health cannot be ignored. When lying on the stomach, the natural curve of the spine is disrupted, and the muscles of the neck and back are in a state of tension, which can lead to muscle fatigue and pain. Maintaining this posture for long periods of time may also accelerate the deterioration of the spine and joints.

3. Avoid prone and poor sleeping posture

The prone position is not good for the spine. In this position, the curvature of the spine increases, and the cervical and lumbar spine are subjected to more pressure, which can lead to cervical spine disease and lumbar disc herniation. Prolonged prone lying can also lead to overstretching of the back muscles, affecting the stability of the spine.

Curled up in a sleeping position, while able to provide temporary comfort, it keeps the spine in a bent position, which can lead to overstretching of the spine and muscles for long periods of time. In addition, this posture may also increase pressure on the joints, especially on the knee and neck joints.

To improve these poor sleeping positions, there are some simple things you can try. For example, use appropriate pillows and mattresses to support your spine and neck, or do some gentle stretching exercises before bed to relax your muscles. If the above methods do not solve the problem, it is recommended to consult a doctor or physiotherapist who can provide more professional advice and treatment options.

Doctor reminds: This most comfortable sleeping position is destroying your spine, don't underestimate it

4. Suggestions for sleeping positions in Western medicine classics

In the field of medicine, there is a book that is highly regarded for its in-depth exposition and comprehensive medical knowledge – Klinefelter's Surgery. Although the book does not directly discuss the specific impact of sleeping position on spinal health, the concept of comprehensive care for all parts of the body advocated by this book undoubtedly provides us with valuable guidance for choosing the right sleeping position.

The book mentions that proper posture and posture are essential for maintaining the integrity of the body's structure and proper functioning. This principle applies not only to our daily standing and sitting postures, but also to our sleeping posture every night. A good sleeping position should not only support the natural curve of the spine, but also be effective in reducing unnecessary twisting or compression, thereby protecting the spine from any damage.

For example, when we lie on our back, the spine is in a natural, untwisted state, which helps to reduce pressure on the back and neck. When lying on the side, proper pillow support can keep the spine in a straight line and avoid scoliosis. These are small details, but they can protect the health of our spine over time.

The Gramelter's Surgery also emphasizes the importance of individual differences. Everyone's physical condition, lifestyle habits and health needs are different, so it's important to think deeply about these individual and unique factors when choosing the right sleeping position to ensure that sleep quality matches your physical health. For those with specific spinal problems, such as lumbar disc herniation or cervical spondylosis, it may be necessary to choose a more professional and customized sleeping position under the guidance of a doctor.

Doctor reminds: This most comfortable sleeping position is destroying your spine, don't underestimate it

Choosing the right sleeping position is like choosing the right "bed" for your spine. Let's pursue a comfortable sleep while not forgetting to give the spine a healthy "home". Remember, a good start is half the battle, and a good sleeping position is the beginning of a healthy spine. Let's start tonight, adjust our sleeping position, and gently embrace a healthier and better version of ourselves!

I'm Dr. Want Want, welcome everyone to like and follow, and say your views in the comment area, let's chat

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