
Houttuynia cordata is a "harmful grass"? What will happen if you love to eat Houttuynia cordata? Doctor will give you the answer!

author:Everyone's Medical Association
Houttuynia cordata is a "harmful grass"? What will happen if you love to eat Houttuynia cordata? Doctor will give you the answer!

Houttuynia cordata, also known as folded ear root, is a favorite vegetable in the southwest. However, in recent years, there has been a lot of controversy about Houttuynia cordata, and some people even call it "harmful grass". So, what are the effects of eating Houttuynia cordata regularly? Let's take a look.

Houttuynia cordata is a "harmful grass"? What will happen if you love to eat Houttuynia cordata? Doctor will give you the answer!

What is Houttuynia cordata?

Houttuynia cordata is a common wild vegetable that has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling, and quenching thirst, and its name comes from the fishy smell emitted by its leaves and stems, especially in the hot and humid season. Houttuynia cordata has a very high nutritional value and contains a lot of nutrients such as vitamin C, calcium, and iron, making it a very healthy vegetable. In southern China, Houttuynia cordata is a very common home-cooked dish, which is usually stir-fried or used to make soups, and it can be paired with a variety of different toppings, such as garlic sprouts, tofu, meat, etc., and is very popular with people.

Houttuynia cordata is a "harmful grass"? What will happen if you love to eat Houttuynia cordata? Doctor will give you the answer!

Houttuynia cordata is a "harmful grass"?

In fact, Houttuynia cordata is a vegetable with a high nutritional value. At the same time, Houttuynia cordata also has good medicinal value and can be used to treat pneumonia, colds, coughs and other diseases. Therefore, Houttuynia cordata is not a "harmful grass", but a very healthy ingredient.

Of course, for some people, Houttuynia cordata may cause allergic reactions such as rashes, shortness of breath, and other symptoms. Therefore, it is best to test yourself before consuming Houttuynia cordata. In addition, since Houttuynia cordata has certain medicinal properties, it should also be consumed in moderation and not in excess.

What happens if you love Houttuynia cordata?

1. Anti-inflammatory, antiviral Houttuynia cordata can be regarded as a natural antibiotic, which can effectively reduce inflammation and anti-virus, so as to remove harmful substances and viral garbage in the body, so that the body and various functions can be operated normally. In addition, Houttuynia cordata can also effectively clear away heat and detoxify, help improve bacterial or viral infections caused by epidemic viruses and colds, so as to strengthen the immune system and reduce the occurrence of symptoms such as influenza.

Houttuynia cordata is a "harmful grass"? What will happen if you love to eat Houttuynia cordata? Doctor will give you the answer!

2. Anti-tumor effect In recent years, studies have found that Houttuynia cordata contains a special substance called lentil lectin, which can inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells by binding to cancer cells. This discovery provides new ideas for the development of anti-cancer drugs and brings hope to cancer patients. 3. Some substances contained in diuretic defecation Houttuynia cordata can effectively promote the expansion of capillaries after entering the human body, so that the blood flow in the body and the secretion of urine will increase, so it has a certain diuretic effect. This is likely to be caused by the organic matter contained in Houttuynia cordata, which is also rich in potassium.

Houttuynia cordata is a "harmful grass"? What will happen if you love to eat Houttuynia cordata? Doctor will give you the answer!

4. Improve the body's immunityHouttuynia cordata soaking in water can effectively enhance the phagocytic ability of white blood cells, and has a good effect on the synthesis of serum properin, and patients with chronic bronchitis can effectively improve the phagocytic ability of cells in their body after drinking Houttuynia cordata soaking water. Therefore, often drinking cordata soaked in water is very beneficial to improve the body's immunity. 5. Promote water metabolismIn our daily life, people's bodies accumulate a lot of useless toxins and garbage, and their own metabolism is too slow, and these metabolites are piled up more and more in the body. If there is no way to metabolize it in time, it will affect your own health, Houttuynia cordata contains special nutrients, which can promote water metabolism in people's bodies. At this time, the excess metabolites in the body will be excreted from the body through water, so we don't have to worry about the occurrence of metabolites.

Houttuynia cordata is a "harmful grass"? What will happen if you love to eat Houttuynia cordata? Doctor will give you the answer!

Houttuynia cordata, the "king of wild vegetables", is eaten in a variety of ways, but there are also contraindications

1. Allergies: Don't eat Houttuynia cordata, Houttuynia cordata contains Houttuyn, which may cause anaphylactic shock or severe allergic reactions after entering the body, and even face life-threatening reactions. Therefore, for people with allergies, special attention must be paid when using them, and people with allergies should not eat too much to avoid solar dermatitis after eating. 2. Do not consume too much Houttuynia cordata, which may have side effects, such as damage to the function of the kidneys. Consumption of Houttuynia cordata in small amounts generally does not cause damage to the kidneys, but these symptoms can be more pronounced if consumed in large amounts. Because Houttuynia cordata contains a small amount of lactam, it tends to irritate the stomach and kidneys, causing various kidney diseases.

Houttuynia cordata is a "harmful grass"? What will happen if you love to eat Houttuynia cordata? Doctor will give you the answer!

3. If Houttuynia cordata is added to the soup as an ingredient, it is best to blanch Houttuynia cordata with water to reduce its taste and smell, and at the same time, it can also better exert the medicinal effect of Houttuynia cordata. In addition, if you want to eat Houttuynia cordata as a cold dish, it is best to salt Houttuynia cordata first to remove excess moisture and odor, and also improve the taste of Houttuynia cordata.

Houttuynia cordata is a "harmful grass"? What will happen if you love to eat Houttuynia cordata? Doctor will give you the answer!

4. There are no very clear taboos for matching Houttuynia cordata, mainly because it cannot be eaten with spicy, irritating, greasy, raw and cold food. This is mainly because Houttuynia cordata has a diuretic effect, if it is eaten with food with a strong diarrheal and damp effect, it is easy to aggravate the diuretic effect, resulting in excessive urination, dry mouth and other discomforts. At the same time, Houttuynia cordata is slightly cold in nature, and if it is eaten with cold food or traditional Chinese medicine, it is easy to damage the spleen and stomach, resulting in spleen and stomach discomfort, abdominal pain, diarrhea, chills and other symptoms.

Houttuynia cordata is a "harmful grass"? What will happen if you love to eat Houttuynia cordata? Doctor will give you the answer!

5. People with cold constitution eat less Houttuynia cordata itself belongs to the cold substance Yin, cold and cold hands and feet are better to eat less or use Houttuynia cordata to soak in water to drink, otherwise it will aggravate the dampness in the body, and there will also be uncomfortable symptoms, which is not conducive to the recovery of the condition.

First, wash the houttuynia cordata, drain the water and set aside. Then mash the prepared Houttuynia cordata and fry it in boiling water. After the water boils, skim off the Houttuynia cordata residue, and drain the water after the residue is drained and you can drink it directly.

Houttuynia cordata is a "harmful grass"? What will happen if you love to eat Houttuynia cordata? Doctor will give you the answer!

To sum up, Houttuynia cordata is not a "harmful grass", but a Chinese herbal medicine with the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuretic and drenching. Moderate consumption of Houttuynia cordata is beneficial and harmless to the body, but it is necessary to pay attention to the principle of moderation and individual differences.

At the same time, we must also maintain a scientific and rational attitude, not blindly believe rumors and prejudices, so that Chinese herbal medicine can play a greater role in safeguarding human health. Source: Dr. Jiongshen chat

Houttuynia cordata is a "harmful grass"? What will happen if you love to eat Houttuynia cordata? Doctor will give you the answer!
Houttuynia cordata is a "harmful grass"? What will happen if you love to eat Houttuynia cordata? Doctor will give you the answer!

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