
A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

author:Popular Science Bear


A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

Aunt Li's friend Ms. Zhang, 51 years old, unfortunately passed away a few days ago.

Ms. Cheung was suffering from leukaemia before her death, and although she had been actively working hard to cooperate with the treatment, her condition was getting worse and worse.

According to Aunt Li, Ms. Zhang had been in good health before, but then somehow she suffered from leukemia.

After inquiring about his condition in detail, the attending physician speculated that the cause of the illness was related to his daily diet.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

Ms. Zhang likes to eat meat, especially barbecue, and she also loves hot and oily foods.

Do unhealthy eating habits really lead to leukemia (commonly known as blood cancer)?

In this regard, the doctor said that there are three kinds of food to touch as little as possible, otherwise it will be very harmful to the body.

1. High-temperature processed meat

For food lovers, meat is the most processed ingredient with the richest taste.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

Both young and old people like to fry and fry it.

From a professional point of view, most meat contains heterocyclic amine precursors, which are creatinine, amino acids, creatine, etc.

These three substances produce heterocyclic amines in the process of high temperature heating, which is a major substance that induces tumors and causes cancer.

Some professional papers show that heterocyclic amines have attracted the attention of food experts, and there are currently more than 20 compounds derived from it.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

According to the data obtained from the experiment, the frequent use of roasting, frying, and frying methods will produce more heterocyclic amines in meat, and its mutagenicity will be increased by five times.

Cooking at a high temperature of 200 to 300 degrees, this harmful substance is produced a lot in the first five minutes.

If boiled instead, heterocyclic amines produce little or no amines.

Therefore, doctors recommend that you try to choose a healthy way of cooking.

Foods with low creatine and high protein, such as soy products, animal offal and milk, produce significantly lower heterocyclic amines during the heating process, and we can eat more.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

For people who like to eat barbecue very much, it is still necessary to try to avoid frequent processing by roasting, frying, frying, etc., and pay special attention not to burn the surface of the meat.

If burnt, remove this part and consume.

Experts recommend that it is best to microwave meat before cooking, which will reduce the amount of heterocyclic amines produced and also reduce their mutagenicity.

Eat more fruits and vegetables on weekdays, these foods are rich in dietary fiber, which can reduce the activity of heterocyclic amines, which is beneficial to health.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

In addition to heterocyclic amines, high-temperature processed meat also produces polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which can also contribute to the development of cancer.

For example, during the barbecue process, a large amount of smoke is generated, and these smoke is entrapped with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which can contaminate the food wherever it goes.

Think about it, are the barbecue ingredients we prepare contaminated during the production process, so we call on everyone to eat less barbecue.

Experts said that although polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are not toxic and basically do not cause acute poisoning, the chronic damage caused by them is still relatively obvious.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

This substance is very carcinogenic and has a wide range of pollution.

It can even enter the human body through breath, skin, etc., and accumulate to seriously endanger our health.

Less oil and light oil is one of the effective ways to prevent and fight cancer.

If you want to eat barbecue, you can also use cold smoke liquid without the food being baked directly.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

It is also important to point out that some elderly people like to use fried vegetable oil over and over again, and they call this oil "cooked oil" because they think it tastes mellow when eaten.

In fact, this practice is against the principle of health, and the oil that is repeatedly heated will produce more harmful substances.

2. Eat less pickles and don't eat bad vegetables

Many elderly people have the habit of eating pickles when they eat, and Ms. Zhang is no exception.

Normally, eating some pickles will not harm your health, but you are afraid of eating pickles as a meal.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

We all know that pickles are high in salt, and these pickled foods contain very high levels of nitrite.

There are also some fermented bean curd foods, such as stinky tofu and soy tofu.

These foods produce extremely high levels of nitrite during the first to second week of pickling, and the potential risk is high if consumed during this period.

After 21 days, the nitrite content will be much lower, and it will be healthier to eat.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

Nitrite can be synthesized into nitroso compounds under certain conditions, and there are more than 300 kinds of such compounds, which are basically carcinogenic.

What makes people feel terrible is that one of the compounds called nitrosamidites can be directly carcinogenic, it is not metabolized by the body, and it is very stable.

Experiments have shown that nitrite is ubiquitous in food and can be easily converted into nitroso compounds during processing.

Some scientists have used nitroso compounds on mice, and as a result, cancer cells have appeared in ninety percent of mice.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

Although there have been no cases of direct carcinogenesis in humans, scientists believe that these substances are the most important carcinogens.

Therefore, doctors are constantly emphasizing the need to reduce nitrite intake and to eat high-salt foods in moderation.

Like Ms. Zhang, many elderly people are always reluctant to throw away moldy food, thinking that it is enough to cut off the moldy part and eat the remaining good part.

In fact, when food becomes moldy, it will chemically react with bacteria in the air and convert nitrate into nitrite, which greatly increases the risk of eating.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

Even if the bad part is removed, the seemingly good part is already contaminated, and a protein breakdown reaction occurs, forming amines.

Both amines and nitrites can be synthesized into carcinogens – nitroso compounds.

At present, in the food industry, many businesses have controlled the use of nitrite and used colorants that can replace them, such as VC and red yeast rice.

VC is a nutrient rich in many fresh fruits and vegetables, which can effectively organize the synthesis of nitroso compounds.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

3. Long-term alcoholism is unacceptable

Although Ms. Zhang does not usually drink alcohol, her attending doctor reminds everyone that drinking alcohol is also one of the causes of leukemia.

If you have a long-term habit of alcoholism, it is recommended to make a determination to correct it.

There is a real-world experimental case: 50 middle-aged men who have been drinking alcohol all year round were forced to stop drinking, and blood samples were taken for analysis one month or three months after they quit drinking.

A further 50 men who did not drink alcohol were collected and their blood samples were compared with those of the previous 50 men.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

It was found that after abstinence, the blood routine of the first 50 men improved significantly, and there was almost no difference between the last 50 men.

The purpose of this group of experiments was to compare the effects of chronic alcohol abuse on white blood cells and red blood cells in the body, as well as the changes after abstinence.

We all know that hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow are important cells for the normal functioning of the human body, and they can produce other cellular components, such as white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, etc.

White blood cells have an immune role that can fight off disease.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

Red blood cells usually show the number of hemoglobin, and the number of red blood cells indicates that the person is not anemic.

If long-term alcohol abuse first affects the source - hematopoietic stem cell function is impaired, because after alcohol enters the bloodstream, the body's immune mechanism will be stimulated.

This stimulation acts on hematopoietic stem cells, inhibiting their hematopoietic function.

Some people do not listen to the doctor's advice and still drink heavily after the abnormality of the body, which will also stimulate the spleen, make the bone marrow hematopoietic function more abnormal, and over time, they will suffer from leukemia.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

From the above experiment of 50 alcoholic men, it can be concluded that excessive alcohol consumption can significantly reduce the number of white blood cells and red blood cells.

Excessive alcohol is like a toxic substance, which can induce cell atrophy and dissolution when it erodes these cells, and can also destroy the nutrients that have already been ingested, making the hematopoietic process even worse.

If the stop loss is stopped in time at this time, it can be effectively alleviated, and it will slowly return to normal.

But there are some alcoholics who can't get rid of this habit and still drink heavily every day.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

Papers have shown that hematopoietic stem cells are sensitive to alcohol-breaking products, which can damage the DNA of stem cells and cause irreversible damage.

British scientists have published an authoritative paper on this, saying that excessive alcohol consumption can permanently damage hematopoietic stem cells, make their hematopoietic function fail rapidly, and increase the risk of blood cancer.

Hematopoietic stem cells provide healthy blood to the body, and if we don't take care of them on a daily basis, they will no longer work for us in old age.

In other words, alcohol not only destroys benign cells, but also destroys hematopoietic stem cells, greatly increasing the chance of leukemia.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

Long-term alcohol abuse can also reduce the defense function of the respiratory tract, leading to alcohol poisoning.

It is mainly manifested in patients with respiratory center paralysis, gastritis, gastric ulcer, esophagitis, etc.

In addition, excessive alcohol stored in the body can lead to the occurrence of myocarditis, affecting the hematopoietic function of liver, spleen and other organs, and causing great damage to the human body.

4. How can we prevent it?

There are two types of leukemia, acute and chronic, and in either case, active prevention is a must for everyone.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

Not drinking alcohol or smoking is one of the most basic operations, and these habits will not affect our health in the short term, but they will have a negative impact over time.

On weekdays, it is necessary to stay away from strong radiation things, and some friends who work in chemical factories should be careful to avoid contact with organic solvents containing benzene and avoid exposure to all kinds of radiation.

Eat less fried or barbecued foods, and occasionally satisfy cravings, but regular consumption should be taken seriously.

Regular check-ups are also a good way to prevent problems, as they allow us to detect problems early.

A 51-year-old woman died of leukemia, and the doctor advised: 3 kinds of food should be touched less, which is more harmful to the body

The early symptoms of some chronic leukemias are very subtle and can only be judged by data.

Then there is the usual need to exercise more, walking 100 steps, jogging, etc. are good ways to exercise.

Some diseases do not manifest themselves in a short period of time, so if you want to prevent them, you must start from your daily habits, slowly improve your physical condition, and give yourself a strong body.

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