
It turns out that technology is a circle, and the iPhone may be equipped with a removable battery module.

author:Bean Dad

Recently, Apple received a patent for a modular removable battery charging system.

Apple's Mac, iPhone, iPad and other products will be designed with removable batteries, and users only need to replace the battery module to make their mobile phones, computers, and tablets flexibly respond to various usage scenarios and needs.

Some netizens said that he was the first to design that the battery could not be removed, right?

It turns out that technology is a circle, and the iPhone may be equipped with a removable battery module.

Some netizens joked that Apple made the design of not dismantling the battery because the removable battery design was someone else's, and they didn't apply for it

It turns out that technology is a circle, and the iPhone may be equipped with a removable battery module.

Some netizens also said that it was not there before it was disassembled?

It turns out that technology is a circle, and the iPhone may be equipped with a removable battery module.

Actually, it can be understood that the detachability is original, but the technology inside is different, well, that's how it is explained [flash of inspiration]


It turns out that technology is a circle, and the iPhone may be equipped with a removable battery module.
It turns out that technology is a circle, and the iPhone may be equipped with a removable battery module.
It turns out that technology is a circle, and the iPhone may be equipped with a removable battery module.
It turns out that technology is a circle, and the iPhone may be equipped with a removable battery module.
It turns out that technology is a circle, and the iPhone may be equipped with a removable battery module.

但是也有人间清醒的‬网友‬,直接给兄弟们泼了一盆冷水,表示‬苹果在申请可拆卸电池的时候,就已经想着怎么赚你电池和充电器的钱了。 Well, you're right, sharpen the knife Huo Huo Xiang fruit powder.

It turns out that technology is a circle, and the iPhone may be equipped with a removable battery module.
It turns out that technology is a circle, and the iPhone may be equipped with a removable battery module.
It turns out that technology is a circle, and the iPhone may be equipped with a removable battery module.

也有网友表示,既然是可拆卸电池,又‬对应万能充,那万能充有专利吗?只能说兄弟,万能充是咱们发明的(发明人陈天晗,出生于1985年,河南郑州人,在2003年,即他18岁那年,发明了万能充。 ), is patented, but a company like Apple will definitely avoid it from other aspects.

It turns out that technology is a circle, and the iPhone may be equipped with a removable battery module.

After all, the battery has basically developed to a bottleneck period temporarily, Apple's patented removable battery, which should be equipped with a dedicated interface, using standardized connections, and it is estimated that it is still the current Apple Type C interface.

At first, you may not understand why all manufacturers have canceled removable batteries for a while. In fact, whether it is from environmental protection (a little taller), or the frequency of mobile phone replacement, or convenience, the removable battery still has its advantages.

The times are advancing, technology is developing, there is no most suitable, only more adaptable, maybe in the near future, all mobile phones will change back to removable battery design.

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