
If you want to improve your gastrointestinal health, you might as well eat these 5 foods regularly to effectively promote gastrointestinal digestion!

author:Health Week Talks

  The intestine is a digestive organ in the human body, which is divided into three segments: the large intestine, the small intestine and the rectum. The small intestine has the function of digesting food, while the large intestine can concentrate some metabolites to form stool, which is then excreted through the rectum through the anus, which has the function of helping to detoxify.

  It's just that many people will have some unhealthy eating habits that lead to intestinal lesions, which seriously endanger their health. Therefore, in daily life, it is necessary to do a good job of intestinal maintenance. In particular, eating more of the following foods can play a role in maintaining the intestines.

If you want to improve your gastrointestinal health, you might as well eat these 5 foods regularly to effectively promote gastrointestinal digestion!

  What foods have the effect of maintaining the gut?

  1. Mulberries

Mulberries contain a lot of crude fiber, sugars, amino acids and other substances, and are also particularly rich in vitamins, iron, selenium, zinc, calcium and other elements.

These elements not only have the effect of enhancing immunity, but also can promote the secretion of gastric juice and intestinal juice, improve digestive function, and can also promote intestinal peristalsis to achieve the function of laxative.

Especially for patients with chronic blood deficiency and constipation, eating some fresh mulberries appropriately can regulate intestinal health, and you can also drink black mulberries with dry water, which can improve gastrointestinal function.

If you want to improve your gastrointestinal health, you might as well eat these 5 foods regularly to effectively promote gastrointestinal digestion!

2. White radish

  White radish contains a large amount of mustard oil, which can stimulate the intestines and accelerate peristalsis, which can quickly discharge some metabolites in the intestines and have a laxative effect.

In addition, radish also contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which is not absorbed by the intestines, but can stimulate intestinal peristalsis and has the effect of promoting bowel movements.

In addition, white radish contains a lot of vitamin C and other trace elements, which can play a role in improving digestive function. It can also eliminate some disease free radicals and has the function of preventing intestinal lesions.

If you want to improve your gastrointestinal health, you might as well eat these 5 foods regularly to effectively promote gastrointestinal digestion!

 3. Dragon fruit

  Especially for people who often have difficulty in defecating or suffer from some intestinal diseases, you can eat a dragon fruit every day.

Because there are many black grains in the flesh of dragon fruit, these grains belong to the fiber component, which cannot be absorbed by the intestines, but can improve the peristalsis speed of the intestines, promote the digestive function of the intestines, and have the effect of moistening the intestines and laxative.

Moreover, dragon fruit also contains a large amount of plant albumin, which can combine with some heavy metals in the intestine and promote excretion, which has the effect of protecting the intestinal mucosa and preventing intestinal diseases.

If you want to improve your gastrointestinal health, you might as well eat these 5 foods regularly to effectively promote gastrointestinal digestion!

  Fourth, figs

  Figs contain a large amount of pectin, which can form a protective film on the intestinal mucosa to prevent some metabolites from harming the intestinal mucosa, and the dietary fiber contained in it can promote intestinal peristalsis and quickly discharge some metabolites, which not only has a laxative effect, but also has the effect of helping intestinal detoxification.

And it can promote the multiplication of some beneficial bacteria, which can maintain the balance of flora in the intestines. In addition, the amino acids, vitamins, polysaccharides and a variety of mineral elements contained in figs also have anti-cancer effects, and have certain inhibitory and adjuvant treatment effects for intestinal diseases such as enteritis and intestinal cancer.

If you want to improve your gastrointestinal health, you might as well eat these 5 foods regularly to effectively promote gastrointestinal digestion!

  5. Nuts

  Especially for people who are often constipated, some nuts should be added to the diet, such as black sesame seeds, peanuts, and walnuts. These nuts contain a large amount of oils and fats, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, not only moisten the intestines, but also protect the intestinal mucosa.

If you want to improve your gastrointestinal health, you might as well eat these 5 foods regularly to effectively promote gastrointestinal digestion!

  All in all, if you want to protect your gut health, you must do a good job in diet. In particular, the above 5 foods can be eaten more appropriately, which has the effect of moisturizing the intestines and preventing some intestinal diseases.

In addition, you should also eat more legumes, whole grains and green leafy vegetables, these foods contain various nutrients can improve digestive function, can also help intestinal detoxification, and effectively prevent a series of intestinal lesions.

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