
The overlooked changes to S35 have affected the entire support class, and the survival and protection abilities have been strengthened

author:A king at your fingertips

Hello everyone, I'm at the tip of my fingers.,The update announcement for the new season has come out.,I hope everyone goes to see it.,Some of the content may not be so detailed if you rely on others to say.,And it doesn't necessarily mean that it's what you're interested in.,Especially the balance adjustment.,It's a must-know.。

However, this article wants to talk about support, a "little" adjustment landed next season, which is a reinforcement for most support heroes, why do you say that?

The overlooked changes to S35 have affected the entire support class, and the survival and protection abilities have been strengthened

In the past, if you want to make a dual-active equipment, you need to select the equipment you want to switch in the equipment column in the store, and then click the "Replace" button on the top, and the switching method is the same as the shoes, but this is the kind of operation, which almost makes the dual-active pretend to be an almost chicken rib, because it will be forgotten, and it is difficult to switch out at a critical moment.

For example, Ming Shiyin didn't have hard control, he took the initiative to pretend to be a redemption, and there was a frost impact, when your teammates were beaten, can you accurately use redemption and then switch equipment and then use frost impact?

The overlooked changes to S35 have affected the entire support class, and the survival and protection abilities have been strengthened

The support pack and other active loadouts can coexist, and when you buy the second active loadout, it will appear in a new way, and the second skill button will appear above the active skill, which is too convenient, so some of the supports that require dual skills are strengthened.

Zhong Kui: The dream has come true

The last auxiliary modification strengthened most of the assistance, and it was also for Zhong Kui, but there was an embarrassing problem, that is, the effect of Frost Impact on it would be difficult to achieve, and it could be done after the new version.

The frost impact can be used to counteract the forward swing before opening the big and improve the accuracy of the joint control, which is the same as Sun Ce's use of dizziness.

The overlooked changes to S35 have affected the entire support class, and the survival and protection abilities have been strengthened

So now it's completely possible to use the group to slow down first, and then hook the enemy over, open up a wide forward swing gap and stun the target with frost impact, so that the ultimate is almost certain to hit, for this kind of functional support, there is nothing more direct than increasing the means of joint control.

Ming Shiyin: Finally, there is control

For Ming Shiyin, his biggest drawback is that he has no hard control, or any control, this time there is a chance to be active, and the frost impact can indeed be arranged, once a teammate is beaten, he can be fainted in the face, increase the survival of his teammates, and reduce the risk of his own big move.

The overlooked changes to S35 have affected the entire support class, and the survival and protection abilities have been strengthened

In addition, it is not only the frost impact that cooperates with the support equipment, for Ming Shiyin, the dream casting is also an option, pushing the enemy away from his teammates, it is also a way to protect, especially when he encounters a hero like Dunshan.

Guiguzi: Pull a group, stun a group, and die a group

It's unimaginable how strong Guiguzi will be with frost impact, and it's too rare to pull five pictures ideally, but even if you only pull one or two, after pulling the general attack all slows down, make up a plus version of frost impact dizziness, for teammates, this is simply an insoluble control, Guiguzi's own double resistance, plus a long control time, the victory or defeat of the team may really lie in this one pull.

Zhang Fei: The overall survival of meat auxiliary has improved

A hero like Zhang Fei, many times it really dragged on to the late stage, and the last piece of equipment didn't know what was coming out at all, because the old version was a double auxiliary outfit, and at the same time, his demand for equipment was not high, and this time he finally had a choice, the wrath of the blood demon.

The overlooked changes to S35 have affected the entire support class, and the survival and protection abilities have been strengthened

Tanks, Su Lie, Bull Demons and other meat auxiliaries, you can consider it later, the new version of the Overlord reloaded to increase the battery life, and in the later stage, there is the Wrath of the Blood Demon to increase the amount of shields, which just complement each other, and the shields are thicker, so the survival of the auxiliary has been improved a lot.

Summary: Not only the heroes mentioned above, most of the support has more equipment options, who said that the support can't produce the Bright Moon and the Pure Sky?

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