
Hong Kong media revealed that the European market has reversed, and China's exports of electric vehicles to Europe have plummeted by 20% in two months

Hong Kong media revealed that the European market has reversed, and China's exports of electric vehicles to Europe have plummeted by 20% in two months

Hong Kong media revealed that the European market has reversed, and China's exports of electric vehicles to Europe have plummeted by 20% in two months

It is reported that since 2022, the export situation of Chinese electric vehicles in the European and American markets has been very good, thanks to the lower price and high cost performance, Chinese electric cars soon triggered the purchase of European and American people, and because of the advantages of Chinese auto parts and lithium battery technology, American car companies, including Tesla, have also turned to purchase Chinese lithium batteries. However, last year, the Biden administration announced a decree announcing that US companies will gradually divest China's battery supply chain from 2024 and subsidize local battery manufacturers, and the US also announced an investigation into Chinese electric vehicles under the pretext of "national security", and it is expected to take action soon.

Hong Kong media revealed that the European market has reversed, and China's exports of electric vehicles to Europe have plummeted by 20% in two months

According to data cited by the Hong Kong media "South China Morning Post" on Thursday, China's electric vehicle exports to the United States also fell by 42% year-on-year in the first two months of this year, and lithium battery exports to the United States also plummeted by 46%, indicating that China's electric vehicle market in the United States is not optimistic. Restricted by the Biden administration's decree and the United States' "investigative threats", many car companies and distributors are no longer afraid to buy Chinese electric cars and parts, and at the same time, the European Union also announced the launch of a countervailing investigation into Chinese electric vehicles in October last year, but some predictions are not certain whether the EU market is optimistic - due to the opposition of Germany and other countries, the bill may not be passed, and it is too early to assert that Chinese companies are "cold".

Hong Kong media revealed that the European market has reversed, and China's exports of electric vehicles to Europe have plummeted by 20% in two months

In the first two months of this year, China's exports of electric vehicles to the EU have fallen by nearly 20% to 75,000 units, while exports have also fallen by a third. The report attributed it to the panic caused by "protectionism" in Europe, and the obvious difference from the United States is that the last resort that the EU may take is to impose countervailing duties, rather than the United States often flaunting the banner of "national security" and may even issue bans. Sources believe that this cannot be ruled out as being co-opted by the United States, and in short, the EU's move has affected Sino-European trade.

Hong Kong media revealed that the European market has reversed, and China's exports of electric vehicles to Europe have plummeted by 20% in two months

Industry insiders said that the possible tax hike by Europe on Chinese electric vehicles is the main reason for the decline in sales. Because if the tax increase is too large, many dealers will no longer sell China's electric vehicles, bringing the problem that the vehicle follow-up service can not be updated; coupled with the vigorous promotion of local cars in the context of the European Union, the reduction of Chinese car advertising, etc., are all leading to changes in consumer choice, so it is not difficult to imagine that Chinese cars are cold. It is expected that the European Union and the United States will continue to suppress China's electric vehicles in the future, and their intentions in this regard are the same.

Hong Kong media revealed that the European market has reversed, and China's exports of electric vehicles to Europe have plummeted by 20% in two months

It is also worth mentioning that the person suggested that in the case of Europe and the United States so "xenophobic", the current Chinese car companies need to open up new markets, such as ASEAN, South Asia, South America and Africa, all of which have rising demand for electric vehicles; Some commentators said: "This is the reverse thinking of colonialism: when their products have an advantage, they will use force to open the door of other countries to dump them; when their products lose their advantage, they will forcibly close the country and prevent the inflow of goods from other countries, and Europe and the United States have still used this set of rules for hundreds of years." ”

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