
Li Yizhou overturned, but pseudo-knowledge bloggers still couldn't guard against it

Li Yizhou overturned, but pseudo-knowledge bloggers still couldn't guard against it

Li Yizhou overturned, but pseudo-knowledge bloggers still couldn't guard against it
Li Yizhou overturned, but pseudo-knowledge bloggers still couldn't guard against it

Following Liu Run, knowledge blogger Li Yizhou also overturned.

Some netizens laughed and commented that there are two AI godfathers in today's era, OpenAI founder Ultraman leading the trend in the AI field abroad, and Li Yizhou, an Internet celebrity in China, leading the training trend in the AI field.

Li Yizhou overturned, but pseudo-knowledge bloggers still couldn't guard against it

When Sora exploded, Li Yizhou's AI course also sold out. According to Feigua data, Li Yizhou's AI course "Everyone's Artificial Intelligence Lesson" sold about 250,000 sets within a year, with sales of about 50 million. There is also a screenshot circulating on the Internet showing that Li Yizhou earned more than 100 million yuan by selling classes in three years.

The people who are really immersed in AI have not made any money, but Li Yizhou has made a lot of money with a mouth and almost no cost of AI courses.

However, the higher you stand, the worse you fall, the artificial intelligence class of China's "AI godfather" has been removed from the shelves, and Li Yizhou has also become the target of ridicule on the whole network.

Knowledge payment has become a new tool to make quick money?

According to the information, the author found that Li Yizhou has three entrepreneurial experiences, and the entrepreneurial projects include the "Magic Mirror" APP, the "Weimi" APP and 12sleep KeyWu Technology, among which, 12sleep KeyWu Technology has also entered the Xiaomi ecological chain.

But none of this made Li Yizhou make a lot of money. Finally, one day in 2021, Li Yizhou figured out that instead of studying how to make money, it is better to study how to make people make money, so that money comes faster.

Since 2021, Li Yizhou has seized the Douyin traffic outlet and played knowledge payment. In his career, Li Yizhou has made a lot of money by taking advantage of the public's anxiety and poor industry information again and again. To put it mildly, it is "cutting leeks to make money".

At the beginning, most of Li Yizhou's courses were biased towards financial management, and the advertisements were "How to counterattack the poor", "How to become rich for ordinary people", "How to break the information gap when starting a business at the age of 35", etc., and later after ChatGPT became popular, Li Yizhou launched AI courses, and constantly emphasized that ordinary people "will be eliminated by society if they don't use AI" and "AI is the last chance for ordinary people to get rich".

When Sora was on fire, Li Yizhou saw the opportunity and quickly launched his own course, making a lot of money again.

Li Yizhou overturned, but pseudo-knowledge bloggers still couldn't guard against it

Li Yizhou likes to emphasize personal "title" very much, and his Douyin profile is "Li Yizhou, a doctor from Tsinghua University, the founder of three technology companies, a professional manager with tens of millions of financing, and a good at solving AI artificial intelligence." And many people were so confused by these halos that they were willing to buy his classes.

Interestingly, Li Yizhou is a doctor of Tsinghua University, but he is a doctor of the Academy of Arts and Design of Tsinghua University, and his major is industrial design and design innovation methods, which has nothing to do with artificial intelligence, and he studied at the School of Design and Art of Hunan University with a bachelor's degree and master's degree.

Li Yizhou overturned, but pseudo-knowledge bloggers still couldn't guard against it

But nowadays, the money of leeks is not inexhaustible, because leeks will also rebel.

According to a number of netizens who have purchased Li Yizhou's AI class, Li Yizhou's recent live broadcast content is all recorded video, and the open source model of independent developers has been put on the shelves and commercialized, the quality of the course is poor, many of the video lessons and material courses are public information on the Internet, which has little value, and the service is not good after buying the course, and some staff even threatened to disband the course group.

The second is to offend the anger of the public, the people who really engage in AI have not made any money, he knows half of the way to cut leeks and sell 50 million courses, and the jealousy of human nature is also buried in the heart, so as soon as Li Yizhou's black material came out, he was "attacked by a group" by some people, and finally Li Yizhou also "collapsed" at a lightning speed.

The third is illegal operation and misappropriation of models, which is also the direct reason for being banned. Illegal operation mainly refers to the fact that "Yizhou Intelligence" (the large model website used by Li Yizhou's AI course package) does not have filing information, that is, the AI large model website operated by Li Yizhou is suspected of illegal operation.

The misappropriation of the model refers to the alleged misappropriation of an AI drawing model that is prohibited from commercialization, and in the case of a large number of sales and use, the creator was not informed. And this point is likely to put Li Yizhou in a lawsuit.

Li Yizhou overturned, but pseudo-knowledge bloggers still couldn't guard against it

Yizhou Intelligent official website

Since ancient times, there is an old saying that "if virtue is not matched, there will be aftermath." Don't do porcelain work without diamonds, otherwise it will hurt more if you fall from a height.

There are too many pseudo-knowledge bloggers to guard against

Heat is a double-edged sword, Li Yizhou's fire burned too fiercely, and it also accelerated the destruction of his ending.

But one Li Yizhou fell, and there were thousands of Li Yizhou.

In fact, since the rise of new media, paid courses have been the "best way" to make quick money. From financial management classes and maternal and infant classes in the early years, to this year's metaverse, ChatGPT, and the current Sora, bloggers who harvest the public through selling class routines abound.

Li Yizhou overturned, but pseudo-knowledge bloggers still couldn't guard against it

The hot spots are changing, but the course selling routine has remained unchanged for 10,000 years, basically following the path of "chasing hot spots, setting up people, creating anxiety, paying for streaming, and launching courses".

The author summarizes that there are two types of knowledge payment on the market, one is the training demand in some cutting-edge fields, the other is the course training that teaches people to make money, and these two types are the hardest hit areas of pseudo-knowledge payment.

Take Li Yizhou's 199 yuan AI course as an example, there are a total of 39 lessons, but the content is basically pieced together, with no gold content, and it is not worth the money. For example, what is computing power and tokens, 10 uses of artificial intelligence, what is artificial intelligence and AI 2.0, etc. Some students reported that there were even hard ...... in the course

Li Yizhou overturned, but pseudo-knowledge bloggers still couldn't guard against it

It can be said that there is indeed a great demand for training in some cutting-edge fields such as AI, and the professional course content is indeed worth paying, but the problem is that the so-called courses that are flooded with major platforms are basically patchwork, and consumers can sort them out with a little time, and the gold content of this kind of course is very low.

For another example, the course of teaching people to "make money" has also been complained by many consumers about "water", the reason is that this kind of course is purely taking advantage of consumers' anxiety, over-exaggerating publicity, over-packaging, and telling others that they can make money after learning, which cannot be called knowledge payment, which is completely using the evil of human nature to do business.

Once Douyin's million-fan blogger "Transparent Sugar" realized 1000W a month by selling classes, she just took advantage of the psychology of ordinary people who want to make money, launched short video delivery classes, put a lot of advertisements in the early stage, used one-yuan courses to attract traffic to experience classes, and then transferred to high-level courses for thousands of yuan.

Li Yizhou overturned, but pseudo-knowledge bloggers still couldn't guard against it

Transparent sugar

Her course is not cheap, the price of the short video delivery course is 9980 yuan, and it costs 5980 yuan after placing an order in the live broadcast room, but according to the students, the short video course of the transparent sugar is too far from the expectation, and the current "transparent sugar" has been banned.

The same type of blogger "Da Lan", through the analysis of the successful cases of other people's accounts, conveyed the concepts of "you can do it with your hands" and "you can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month with a mobile phone", as if ordinary people do Douyin and make money easily, they are the new generation of "success learning" masters.

Li Yizhou overturned, but pseudo-knowledge bloggers still couldn't guard against it

Now the market is still full of many Xiaohongshu training camps, AI writing training camps, Xiaohongshu online store tutorials, etc., all of which attract ordinary people in the name of making money and use them to cut leeks.

From this point of view, the current prevailing payment for knowledge is actually more like a "content payment", or "opinion payment". Knowledge is universal, verifiable and truthful, it may not be used to make money, it is actually used to avoid human mistakes, increase wisdom, and real knowledge payment requires a lot of time to learn, to exam, to practice, if someone tells you to spend money to get it immediately, then this is a "pseudo-knowledge" payment.

What is premium knowledge payment?

Of course, most members of society in the information age suffer from "knowledge anxiety" - a sense of anxiety that is deeply ignorant in the face of geometric growth of knowledge and is eager to learn.

The traditional discipline-based education with clear barriers only presents the knowledge within the professional field, and does not explore the unknown world outside the major and discipline enough, so the young intellectuals who have just come out of the ivory tower have to continue to resort to knowledge products or educational institutions to improve themselves.

In addition, the improvement of the overall productivity of the society has also made the consumption structure of most members of the society change from survival to development, people's curiosity and enterprising spirit continue to flourish, and most netizens, especially those born in the 90s, have begun to spend more money on entertainment and pastime, self-improvement and other fields.

Li Yizhou overturned, but pseudo-knowledge bloggers still couldn't guard against it

On other levels, cultural capital has also become a new social currency, a passport to high-end social networks.

In this context, the thirst for high-quality, deterministic content has gradually become a common psychology among most members of society. However, today's knowledge payment industry is full of chaos.

Open the black cat complaint website, there are 1479 complaints about "knowledge payment", which shows that people are not satisfied with knowledge payment, and the problems are mainly concentrated in the following two points. First, there is no standard for course content, many course platforms cannot be reviewed, and users only know whether it is good or bad after experience, which leads to a lag in product feedback. For example, Li Yizhou's AI class obviously stole the model, but it was not audited, and it was only taken seriously by the platform when it was reported by the students.

Second, after-sales cannot be guaranteed. In order to circumvent the seven-day non-return policy of goods or indicate "no refund for changes", many knowledge payment platforms define content payment products as "services" with "this column is virtual service content", which infringes on consumers' right to know. Moreover, a lot of knowledge is now paid for by Baidu Cloud and other network storage devices for transaction and dissemination, which makes piracy rampant and seriously infringes on the interests of the original author.

So, what kind of "knowledge" is really worth paying to learn? How should consumers distinguish what is a qualified knowledge payment product? The author gives three suggestions here.

First, the core tutorials of high-quality knowledge paid products should be original, and its main body cannot be the transfer of open and free knowledge, but it must have a large amount of incremental information for learners.

In terms of content, it should be systematic, from shallow to deep, with a complete theoretical framework, with scarcity in content, rather than advocating some shortcuts like many online paid courses, or scattered views that are out of the theoretical framework, erratic, and difficult to grasp.

Li Yizhou overturned, but pseudo-knowledge bloggers still couldn't guard against it

Second, high-quality knowledge paid products should combine theory with practice, and after learning, homework should be assigned to encourage you to practice while learning, so that you have time to precipitate and think repeatedly. Instead of telling you all at once, you can learn it if you have the hands, and you will learn it immediately.

Third, high-quality knowledge payment products should be verified and recognized by some industry experts, and should be well received by students.

For example, an engineer who has never written a program cannot teach you to learn a program, and in the same way, a person who does not do AI will only lead you astray, not only will you not learn useful knowledge, but you may even be led astray.

A high-quality knowledge payment product needs many conditions: unique content perspective, excellent presenters, efficient product experience, and good enough operation accompaniment...... Word-of-mouth and repurchase are always the only criteria for testing the success of knowledge products, if someone says that your class is not good, it may be an individual deviation, but if most people say that your class is not good enough, it must be something that needs to be improved, which can also become one of the bases for you to buy knowledge payment products, at the same time, if you can consult the opinions of industry insiders, a comprehensive evaluation will be more comprehensive and objective. 

In addition, based on your own feelings, if it is easy to learn, without challenging your original shortcomings, and you feel that you have been staying in your comfort zone, then there is a high probability that you may have only paid for the content and not the knowledge that is useful to you.

Learning without thinking is reckless, thinking without learning is dead, learning while thinking, learning while practicing, although hard but you still feel fulfilled and have a sense of achievement, then there is a high probability that you are on the right path.


1. "China's AI "Pioneer": Li Yizhou" Zinc Finance

2. "Hu Yong: Knowledge Payment or Content Payment?Content, Experience and Attention in the Internet Era" all-media school

3. "Li Yizhou's AI class is off the shelves of the whole network" interface news

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