
Doctors suggest: If you want to nourish your stomach, try to avoid 4 kinds of food

author:Dr. Lin Health said

Introduction: According to the data released by the World Health Organization, in recent years, the incidence of gastric diseases has increased year by year, reaching an astonishing 76.32%, especially in China, the total number of gastric diseases is as high as 136 million, which is a shocking number.

Although the symptoms of stomach diseases are usually mild, if not taken seriously and regulated, they may evolve into more serious diseases and even increase the risk of stomach cancer.

Doctors suggest: If you want to nourish your stomach, try to avoid 4 kinds of food

Therefore, we need to pay enough attention and attention to stomach diseases, and in our daily life, we should develop good eating habits and avoid excessive intake of irritating foods, while maintaining adequate sleep and proper exercise.

If you have symptoms of stomach upset, you should seek medical attention in time and follow the doctor's advice for treatment.

Doctors suggest: If you want to nourish your stomach, try to avoid 4 kinds of food


People who have never had stomach problems actually have only 4 habits to do better than others

Eating regularly

Eating regularly is an important part of maintaining good health, and eating on time can allow the stomach to carry out regular digestion exercises and avoid excessive secretion of gastric acid, thereby reducing the occurrence of stomach diseases.


Chewing slowly during meals can make food better digested and absorbed, and reduce the burden on the stomach. At the same time, chewing food can also produce saliva, which reduces the concentration of stomach acid and reduces the risk of stomach problems.

Eat a light diet

People with a light diet are less likely to suffer from stomach problems. Irritating foods such as high salt, spicy, and greasy can irritate the gastric mucosa, increase the burden on the stomach, and cause stomach discomfort. Therefore, maintaining a light diet is an important measure to prevent stomach problems.

Exercise in moderation

Moderate exercise can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, accelerate metabolism, and help food digestion and absorption. At the same time, exercise can also relieve stress and reduce symptoms of stomach upset.

Doctors suggest: If you want to nourish your stomach, try to avoid 4 kinds of food


What are the signs of stomach lesions?

  1. Stomach pain: this is the most common symptom and may present as a dull, tingling, bloating, or burning pain, usually in the upper abdomen, but may also occur behind the sternum or around the navel;
  2. Dyspepsia: this may manifest as postprandial fullness, early satiety, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, belching, etc.;
  3. Weight loss: Weight loss can occur if your appetite becomes poorer, your food intake decreases, or your body is unable to absorb nutrients efficiently;
  4. Black or bloody stools: If a stomach lesion causes bleeding, blood may pass through the stool, giving the stool a black or red appearance;
  5. Abdominal mass: In some cases, such as stomach cancer, a lump may form in the abdomen;
  6. Persistent bad breath: Bad breath can be caused by Helicobacter pylori infection, a common gastric pathogen.
Doctors suggest: If you want to nourish your stomach, try to avoid 4 kinds of food


Can't eat "steamed buns" for stomach problems?

When discussing the question of whether patients with stomach problems can eat steamed bread, we first need to understand the composition of steamed bread and its impact on the stomach.

Mantou is a food made from flour, water and yeast, and its main nutrients are carbohydrates, which can be fragile for people with stomach problems, so they need to pay special attention to their food choices.

Some patients with stomach problems may have difficulty digesting carbohydrates due to excessive gastric acid secretion or damage to the gastric mucosa, in this case, if you consume too much steamed bread, it may cause stomach discomfort, such as bloating, acid reflux, etc.

Doctors suggest: If you want to nourish your stomach, try to avoid 4 kinds of food

In addition, the fermentation of yeast in steamed buns produces gas, which may also aggravate stomach upset.

However, not all patients with stomach problems cannot eat steamed bread, and for some patients with insufficient gastric acid secretion or mild gastric mucosal damage, it is okay to eat steamed bread in moderation.

In addition, in order to reduce the burden on the stomach, you can eat steamed bread with an appropriate amount of protein or fat foods, such as eggs, milk, meat, etc., which can improve the digestion and absorption rate of food and reduce the burden on the stomach.

Doctors suggest: If you want to nourish your stomach, try to avoid 4 kinds of food


Doctor's advice: If you want to nourish your stomach, try to avoid 4 kinds of food


To maintain a healthy stomach, we need to pay special attention to dietary choices, first of all, reducing the consumption of pickles is an important step.

Pickles are a kind of pickled food, and a lot of salt and other spices are added during the pickling process, and these ingredients may cause certain irritation and damage to the stomach.

Therefore, eating less pickles can help reduce the burden on the stomach and promote the normal function of the stomach.


If you want to have a healthy stomach, then you need to strictly control the intake of alcohol, which is a strong irritant, which can cause damage to the gastric mucosa, which in turn can cause gastritis, stomach ulcers and other stomach diseases.

Doctors suggest: If you want to nourish your stomach, try to avoid 4 kinds of food

These diseases will not only affect your digestive function, but also make you feel symptoms such as stomach pain, excessive stomach acid, and in severe cases, may even lead to stomach bleeding or stomach perforation.

In addition to this, alcohol can interfere with the body's absorption of important nutrients such as vitamin B1, iron, and calcium. Vitamin B1 is a key substance for the body's energy metabolism, iron is an important element in the formation of hemoglobin, and calcium is an important mineral for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Long-term heavy alcohol consumption can lead to a deficiency of these nutrients, which in turn can lead to a series of health problems, such as anemia and osteoporosis.

Eat raw and cold

Raw and cold foods can easily irritate the gastric mucosa, causing stomach discomfort, such as stomach pain, excessive stomach acid, etc. Long-term consumption of raw and cold foods may also cause chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers and other diseases.

Therefore, in order to protect the health of the stomach, we should try to choose cooked and warm foods, and during the cooking process, we can use a variety of rhetorical devices to enhance the taste and nutritional value of the food.

Doctors suggest: If you want to nourish your stomach, try to avoid 4 kinds of food

For example, use ginger, garlic, Sichuan pepper and other seasonings to increase the flavor and taste of food, use red dates, wolfberries and other ingredients to increase the nutritional value of food, and use slow cooking, steaming and other cooking methods to retain the nutrients of food.

Deep-fried food

Fried foods often become greasy and hard during the preparation process, which not only burdens the stomach but may also trigger indigestion and other stomach problems.

During frying, the moisture on the surface of the food is evaporated, while the fat penetrates into the inside of the food, which makes the fried food hard and difficult to digest. In addition, excessive intake of oil can also increase the burden on the stomach, which may lead to excessive gastric acid secretion, triggering stomach upset.

To reduce the burden on the stomach, we can choose other healthy cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, stewing, roasting, etc., which can better retain the nutrients of the food while making the food more digestible.

Doctors suggest: If you want to nourish your stomach, try to avoid 4 kinds of food


To keep your stomach away from stomach problems, we recommend these stomach tips

Regulate your diet:

  • Timing and quantification: Follow the principle of "eat good breakfast, eat enough lunch, and eat less dinner" to avoid overeating.
  • Food choices: Eat foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean meats. At the same time, avoid excessive intake of greasy, spicy, pickled, and grilled foods.
  • Chew slowly: Chew your food so that your saliva completely covers your food for digestion. At the same time, reduce the number of times you speak, ensure that the whole body is tight and relaxed, and reduce the load on the digestive tract.

Stay away from alcohol and tobacco:

  • Smoking increases the risk of gastrointestinal symptoms, and smoking can cause cancerous changes in the esophageal mucosa.
  • Drinking alcohol can also irritate the gastric mucosa, leading to gastritis, gastric ulcers and other diseases, so try to avoid smoking and drinking.
Doctors suggest: If you want to nourish your stomach, try to avoid 4 kinds of food

Maintain a good mood:

When you are depressed, your appetite will decrease, so you should avoid overwork and tension and maintain a good attitude.

Stick to appropriate exercise:

Proper exercise can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, improve blood circulation in the gastrointestinal tract, and enhance the resistance of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to choose an exercise method that suits you, such as walking, jogging, yoga, etc.

Medication Recuperation:

If you have long-term stomach discomfort, you can take some drugs under the advice of your doctor to recuperate, but it should be noted that the use of drugs should be followed by the doctor's instructions and should not be abused by yourself.

Doctors suggest: If you want to nourish your stomach, try to avoid 4 kinds of food


These 4 dishes are natural stomach dishes, and those with stomach problems should eat them often!

Pumpkin: Pumpkin is rich in pectin and vitamins A and E, which help protect the gastric mucosa and reduce stomach irritation.

Millet: As the leader of the five cereals, millet has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, eliminating food and accumulation, often drinking millet porridge, which can adjust the spleen and stomach, and nourish the stomach.

Bananas: Bananas are rich in serotonin, a substance that helps regulate stomach acid and relieve stomach pain, but it is important to note that bananas should not be eaten on an empty stomach.

Yam: Yam is known as a "good product for deficiency", it contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, which help to improve the digestion and absorption function of the spleen and stomach.

Doctors suggest: If you want to nourish your stomach, try to avoid 4 kinds of food


Extension: 5 acupuncture points, which are the "switches" on the body to nourish the stomach: insist on massage, and the stomach will become stronger

Middle elbow hole

Located in the upper abdomen, on the anterior midline, when the umbilicus is 4 inches above, massaging this acupoint can strengthen the spleen and reduce bloating, and when massaged, you can gently press with the palm of your hand, and press for about ten minutes at a time, which can relieve symptoms such as pantothenic acid and stomach pain in the stomach.

Jianli Cave

Located in the upper abdomen, the anterior midline, when the umbilicus is 3 inches, massage this acupuncture point can be qi, pain, massage, you can use one finger to gently massage, massage for a period of time will feel a feeling of bloating, only need to massage for five minutes at a time.

Doctors suggest: If you want to nourish your stomach, try to avoid 4 kinds of food

Shenque Cave

Located in the center of the umbilicus, massaging this acupuncture point can strengthen the body. Generally, massage with the palm of your hand, a massage of 10 minutes can be done, massaging this acupoint can relieve stomach pain, diarrhea and other symptoms.

Zusanli acupoint

Located on the outside of the calf, 3 inches below the calf's nose, the calf's nose is connected with the Jiexi, massage this acupuncture point can replenish the middle and benefit the qi, when massaging, mainly use the thumb to press, one time to press for five minutes, often press this acupuncture point can effectively help digestion and smooth qi.

Heya Hole

Located on the back of the hand, between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, when the midpoint of the radial side of the second metacarpal bone, massage this acupoint is mainly used to regulate the spleen and stomach, clear wind and heat, and activate the meridians, when massaging, you can stick the palm of the right hand on the back of the left hand, and massage the left and right sides of the Hegu acupoint with your thumb 50 times each.

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