
Wearing a hat can protect the heart? The doctor reminded: wearing a hat in winter can prevent 3 diseases, but don't wear it for 1 type of person

author:39 HealthNet

"Mom, you're all home, can you take off your black hat?

"What do you know? I wear a hat to protect my heart, Uncle Zhang in the next building, I just don't like to wear hats, I was admitted to the hospital for a heart attack two days ago, and now I am not out of danger of life."

After listening to her mother's words, Liu Yan was unconvinced, but she didn't dare to refute, after all, the health of the elderly is the top priority, but she still opened the webpage in disbelief and began to search:

Does wearing a hat really protect the heart?

Wearing a hat can protect the heart? The doctor reminded: wearing a hat in winter can prevent 3 diseases, but don't wear it for 1 type of person

1. If the elderly do not wear hats in winter, the consequences may be serious

Liu Yan's search subverted her cognition - wearing a hat to protect her heart is actually true!

The human head is known as the "Convergence of the Suns". Wearing a hat when you go out in winter is like adding a stopper to a thermos.

Studies have shown that when the temperature is 15 °C, about 1/3 of the heat of the human body will be emitted from the head without wearing a hat at rest;

When the temperature is around 4°C, about half of the body's heat is emitted from the head;

At around minus 10°C, 3/4 of the heat "escapes" from the head.

In this way, the head is like the "air outlet" of our human body, and in the cold winter, people will have a lot of heat from the head when they are outdoors.

Wearing a hat can protect the heart? The doctor reminded: wearing a hat in winter can prevent 3 diseases, but don't wear it for 1 type of person

Clinical studies have confirmed that people who have the habit of wearing hats in winter have a significantly lower chance of suffering from respiratory diseases such as colds.

People who do not wear hats, if their heads are cold after going out, it will cause cerebral vasoconstriction, which can cause dizziness, dizziness, headache, or lead to scalp nutritional imbalance, hair loss, and colds, mouth and eyes crooked and other diseases.

Therefore, it is recommended that the elderly, children, and people with poor physical fitness choose a suitable hat when they go out in winter to prevent excessive heat dissipation in the head and cause symptoms;

Wearing a hat can protect the heart? The doctor reminded: wearing a hat in winter can prevent 3 diseases, but don't wear it for 1 type of person

2. A hat in winter can prevent 3 diseases

The elderly wear hats in winter, which can prevent at least 3 diseases:

1. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Due to the low temperature and strong wind in winter, the blood vessels of the human body are easy to constrict, which promotes the increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and thrombosis, so wearing a hat can prevent the head from being too cold, so that the temperature is "covered" in the body, and the increase in blood pressure is reduced.

2. Respiratory diseases

The head is one of the most sensitive parts of the body to heat and cold, and the large difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures in winter can easily cause people to develop respiratory diseases such as colds, and wearing hats can reduce the risk of respiratory diseases such as colds.

Wearing a hat can protect the heart? The doctor reminded: wearing a hat in winter can prevent 3 diseases, but don't wear it for 1 type of person

3. Scalp injury

Wearing a hat in winter, in addition to preventing diseases, can also isolate the haze aggravated by winter heating, prevent microorganisms and bacteria from sticking to the scalp and causing scalp damage, breeding bacteria, and protecting the scalp.

Yang Li, a professor at the Graduate School of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, emphasized that people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should pay more attention to wearing hats in winter, otherwise the head is susceptible to cold, which may cause increased blood pressure and even cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

However, the hat of this type of person should not be too tight, and a suitable hat should be chosen to prevent headache, dizziness and other discomforts due to poor blood circulation in the head.

Wearing a hat can protect the heart? The doctor reminded: wearing a hat in winter can prevent 3 diseases, but don't wear it for 1 type of person

3. If you don't wear a hat well, be careful of getting sick

I have to say that Liu Yan's mother is indeed a particular person, she not only knows how to wear a hat in winter, but also knows that she can't take off her hat immediately when she enters the house.

Taking off the hat as soon as you enter the house, more than half of the people who wear the hat will make this mistake.

It's not enough to know how to wear a hat in winter, once you step into these misunderstandings, it's better not to wear a hat:

1. Take off your hat immediately when you enter the house

A survey shows that nearly 48.9% of people from the cold outdoors into the indoor immediately after the hat off, if the indoor is not heated in the south or the temperature is not enough at this time, it will cause rapid loss of body heat, especially after sweating, if accidentally into the wind and cold, it is more likely to catch a cold or cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Wearing a hat can protect the heart? The doctor reminded: wearing a hat in winter can prevent 3 diseases, but don't wear it for 1 type of person

2. The hat is too big, too tight, and too heavy

Many people don't like to wear hats because wearing hats has a sense of constraint and is very uncomfortable, so you have to learn to pick hats:

The hat should not be too tight, so that it can fit into one finger;

The weight of the hat should not be heavy on the top of the head and the neck should not feel pressure.

Moreover, when picking a hat, you should not only look at its style, but also look at its function, such as the hat is too large, not only can not play a good role in cold protection and warmth, but also easy to block the line of sight when going out;

If the hat is too heavy, it will bring too much burden to the head and cervical spine, and it is inconvenient to raise or twist the head;

A hat that is too tight is not only very uncomfortable, but also causes pressure on the scalp, affecting the blood circulation of the head, and the hairline is more pressed by the hat, and the pores are easy to sag, which may lead to hair loss.

Wearing a hat can protect the heart? The doctor reminded: wearing a hat in winter can prevent 3 diseases, but don't wear it for 1 type of person

3. The hat is not changed

Many people only have one hat and wear it all winter, which is very bad for scalp health. The human scalp is rich in sebaceous glands, which secrete a lot of oil, and when sweating and dust, the lining and brim of the hat will become greasy and bacteria will grow.

Therefore, it is recommended that you can wash the hat once a week, and the material that is not easy to clean can be wiped with a clean towel dipped in warm water, and the newly bought hat should also be washed before wearing.

4. Share hats with your family

Everyone's scalp condition is different, and the size of the head is different, and they always wear hats, which will make them deformed and not have a good warmth effect. If someone in the family has a prominent scalp problem, wearing each other's hats may cause skin diseases such as tinea capitis to be transmitted through hats.

There is also a type of person who is not very suitable for wearing a hat:

People with hair loss. Wearing a hat for a long time will cause the scalp pores to breathe poorly, and sebum will accumulate on the scalp, which is easy to form dandruff, itchy head or skin inflammation, which will cause hair loss, so people with hair loss wearing hats may aggravate hair loss.

Wearing a hat can protect the heart? The doctor reminded: wearing a hat in winter can prevent 3 diseases, but don't wear it for 1 type of person

If you really want to wear it, you can choose a size slightly larger than your head circumference to give your scalp room to breathe, and pay attention to choose a lightweight, breathable material.

Finally, you can wear a hat in winter to prevent the "air outlet" from losing heat in the body and help prevent diseases. In daily life, you should also comb your hair and massage your scalp frequently to promote blood circulation in your head and make your scalp healthier.


[1] "Go Out, Do You Wear a Hat", Life Times, 2014-01-17

[2] "Wear a hat, keep warm in winter "top priority"!3/4 The heat is slipping away from the top of your head", Life Times.2020-12-30

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