
#人老了, what is the greatest wish # People are old, the biggest wishes may vary from person to person, I think it is nothing more than these wishes:1. Health and longevity: want to stay healthy and able

author:Your Excellency who rode the waves

#人老了, what is the greatest wish #People are old, the greatest wishes may vary from person to person, I think it is nothing more than these wishes:

1. Health and longevity: Want to stay healthy and be able to enjoy more time with family and friends.

2. Family Happiness: The desire to see your children happy, successful, and to have a close relationship with them.

3. Inner Peace: Pursue inner peace and contentment, get rid of worries and stress.

4. Review and pass on: I hope to be able to look back on my life and pass on my experience and wisdom to the next generation.

5. Freedom and independence: Maintain a certain level of freedom and independence and be able to live as you wish.

6. Socialize and Friendship: Keep in touch with friends and peers to share joys and stories.

7. Accomplish your heart's desire: Fulfill a dream or goal that you didn't achieve when you were young.

8. Contribute to society: Hope to be able to contribute to society in some way and leave a positive impact.

9. Passing away peacefully: At the end of life, being able to pass away peacefully and peacefully.

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#人老了, what is the greatest wish # People are old, the biggest wishes may vary from person to person, I think it is nothing more than these wishes:1. Health and longevity: want to stay healthy and able
#人老了, what is the greatest wish # People are old, the biggest wishes may vary from person to person, I think it is nothing more than these wishes:1. Health and longevity: want to stay healthy and able
#人老了, what is the greatest wish # People are old, the biggest wishes may vary from person to person, I think it is nothing more than these wishes:1. Health and longevity: want to stay healthy and able

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