
The discussion of online property services has fallen into the "crow's law". What is the "law of the crow"? It is the crow's cry that annoys people, but the crow does not think it is his problem. current

author:Meihou King 666

The discussion of online property services has fallen into the "crow's law". What is the "law of the crow"? It is the crow's cry that annoys people, but the crow does not think it is his problem.

At present, property management companies and owners' self-governing organizations have described themselves very well and believe that their methods are correct. For example, the owners themselves serve themselves are the best, and they are beyond reproach. However, neither the property management company nor the owner's self-government organization saw their own shortcomings, that is, the lack of supervision.

If you look at the reason why the property management company has a bad impression among the owners and residents, it is that the property management company thinks that everything it does is right, and there are laws to follow and rules to check. And the owner's self-government organization also thinks that it is the best, it can be competent for the owner to manage itself, the owner to serve itself, and it can save money.

There is a fable about a crow and a dove saying goodbye to a house to move. When the pigeon asked why, the crow said helplessly, "The people here do not like my cry and do not welcome me to stay." The pigeon pondered for a moment and said, "Isn't it the same ending for you to go elsewhere?"

If the property company does not change itself and does not improve the level of management services, it will definitely be like a crow, and it will not get a good impression wherever it goes. Of course, the owner's self-management service community, is not said, let alone blown out, if there is no excellent property management service skills, may end worse than the property company. Because the property company is an organization after all, there is still the possibility of improvement through rectification and learning. Once the owners' self-government group fails, all the owners of the community will not give the members of the owners' self-government group a second chance.

Everyone, welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

#Micro Headlines Starter Challenge# #Headline Starter # #关于物业那些事#

The discussion of online property services has fallen into the "crow's law". What is the "law of the crow"? It is the crow's cry that annoys people, but the crow does not think it is his problem. current
The discussion of online property services has fallen into the "crow's law". What is the "law of the crow"? It is the crow's cry that annoys people, but the crow does not think it is his problem. current
The discussion of online property services has fallen into the "crow's law". What is the "law of the crow"? It is the crow's cry that annoys people, but the crow does not think it is his problem. current

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