
The statin instructions prohibit the use of pregnant women, can women with high-risk cardiovascular disease use it

author:Pharmacist Liu talks about medicine
The statin instructions prohibit the use of pregnant women, can women with high-risk cardiovascular disease use it

Statins are widely used to lower cholesterol and play an important role in preventing cardiovascular disease. However, statin use is a complex issue for pregnant women. The use of statins in pregnant women, as well as the associated risks and considerations, will be discussed here.

The statin instructions prohibit the use of pregnant women, can women with high-risk cardiovascular disease use it

First, the safety of statins in pregnant women has not been well studied. There is not enough data to prove the long-term effects of statins on the fetus, so doctors often advise pregnant women to avoid them. During pregnancy, a woman's physiological state undergoes a series of changes, including an increase in blood lipid levels, which are needed to meet the needs of fetal growth. Therefore, for pregnant women, the main way to control blood lipids is lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, rather than medication.

However, for some high-risk pregnant women with severe cardiovascular disease, statin use may be necessary. In this case, the doctor needs to weigh the risks and benefits of the mother and fetus and make a decision based on the individual situation. Some studies suggest that the use of statins may reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in pregnant women in certain circumstances. However, the results of these studies were inconsistent and the sample sizes were small, so more research is needed to confirm this.

The statin instructions prohibit the use of pregnant women, can women with high-risk cardiovascular disease use it

In addition, it is important to note that statins may enter the baby's body through breast milk. Although there is currently no evidence that statins are harmful to infants, some experts recommend that statins should be avoided during breastfeeding. Therefore, for lactating women who are taking statins, the decision to continue drug therapy should be made under the guidance of a doctor.

In conclusion, the prevailing view is that women should avoid statins during pregnancy. For high-risk pregnant women who need to use statins, it should be done under the guidance of a doctor and weighing the risks and benefits for the mother and fetus. At the same time, the doctor should inform the patient about the effects of statins on breastfeeding so that the patient can make a decision. More research is needed in the future to determine the safety and efficacy of statins in pregnant women.

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