
Macron has pressed the political restart button to ignite hope in Europe? France is finally going to go the right way

author:Global Defense Highlights
Macron has pressed the political restart button to ignite hope in Europe? France is finally going to go the right way

With the announcement of the resignation of French Prime Minister Bornet, this action is widely seen by the outside world as "Macron has pressed the political reset button", and he will then form a new leadership team to reinvigorate the political momentum of the French government. To tell the truth, it is really embarrassing that France, as the only country in Europe that has not been garrisoned by American troops, has now fallen to such a situation. The reason for this is due to the fact that previous President Nicolas Sarkozy has contributed a lot. But this cannot be blamed entirely on Sarkozy, after all, France's independent spirit was not much left when Sarkozy was in power. His coming to power only added fuel to the fire and completely ruined the international status that De Gaulle had so hard built.

Macron has pressed the political restart button to ignite hope in Europe? France is finally going to go the right way

The successor Macron, is struggling to support under a mess, but fortunately, after a re-election, Macron has finally strengthened his leadership in France, and now he can slowly show his ideas to the outside world. In the last two years, we have often heard Macron put forward the concept of a "European political community". Such an attitude has made everyone understand France's determination, and after being led by Britain and the United States for a long time, France is now finally about to seize the right to speak in European countries.

In the previous French election, Macron and Le Pen, known as the female version of "Trump", fought inextricably. The countries of the world are silently watching the show, and Germany is frightened, once Le Pen, a populist, comes to power and fulfills her political promise to immediately lead France out of NATO, then Germany will really be alone. Fortunately, Macron was successfully re-elected at the last moment, but the public opinion aroused by Le Pen also reminded Macron that it is not a wise thing to blindly follow the United States and sacrifice the interests of France.

Macron has pressed the political restart button to ignite hope in Europe? France is finally going to go the right way

For this reason, the concept of "European Political Community" is getting hotter and hotter, just looking at the five words of the European Community, what Macron wants, in fact, it is obvious. Now, the United States is adding fuel to the fire in the Ukraine crisis, and so is the United Kingdom, and European countries have also been led to the rhythm of launching rounds of sanctions against Russia one after another, and the sanctions have caused rising prices and capital flight throughout Europe. Americans are even more concerned about the situation in Europe than Europeans, because the only way for the Biden administration to ease inflation in the United States is to let European money flow back to the United States.

Facts have proved that the inflation dilemma in the United States has indeed been alleviated to a certain extent because of the continuation of the Ukraine crisis, which has also stimulated Macron to decide to lead Europe out of the current predicament again. But can Macron really ignite Europe's hope for independence? As far as the current situation is concerned, although Macron's choice is a headache for Biden, the probability of it is very low.

Macron has pressed the political restart button to ignite hope in Europe? France is finally going to go the right way

On the one hand, it is certainly not possible to rely on Macron alone to try to smash the US hegemony that hangs over the land of Europe, but now only France is left in the Franco-German alliance, thinking of following Europe's own path. On the other hand, France itself faces unbearable burdens, with pension and immigration reforms creating even more volatile legal and political dilemmas. For this reason, if Macron wants to realize a "European political community", he must first solve his own problems, and only after solving them can he have the opportunity to lead Europe to regain the political autonomy that has been lost over the years.

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