
Sudden good! A-shares exploded at midday, semiconductors rose and stopped, and the Politburo meeting was heavy

Sudden good! A-shares exploded at midday, semiconductors rose and stopped, and the Politburo meeting was heavy

Look at finance

2024-05-27 17:27Posted on the official account of Guangdong Kancai

Last week's most blockbuster real estate policy landing, A-shares have always been good to cash, not to mention that the real estate sector is completely a game policy, not many people will really look at the short-term reversal, the market since the real estate, funds will naturally take advantage of the policy to cash in. Coupled with the suppression of events such as hawkish Fed meeting minutes and exercises, A-shares fell sharply on Thursday and Friday, even if Nvidia's performance exceeded expectations and rose sharply, but the AI of A-shares opened high and low for two consecutive days, which shows the weakness of the market.

As a result, many institutions and big Vs began to be bearish, feeling that a big wave of adjustment was coming. We believe that there is an adjustment, but look at the "big adjustment" can only say that there is no pattern, not to say, there are three plenums in July, reform is the theme, last week's entrepreneur meeting has begun to build momentum, if you put aside here bearish, just come to a policy will not be empty, such as today's big fund phase III, the semiconductor sector burst to drive technology stocks upward. In addition, the issuance of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds has begun, and the actual workload will be formed in the future, and social finance is expected to rebound, so it is not bearish.

Let's take a look at today's blockbuster news:

The third phase of the big fund

According to the report, recently, the third phase of the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Co., Ltd. was established, the legal representative is Zhang Xin, with a registered capital of 344 billion yuan, and its business scope is private equity investment fund management, venture capital fund management services, and private equity funds are engaged in equity investment, investment management, asset management and other activities, and enterprise management consulting.

Sudden good! A-shares exploded at midday, semiconductors rose and stopped, and the Politburo meeting was heavy

The first phase of the fund was established in September 2014 with a total investment of about 138.7 billion yuan, and has been completed and is in the stage of orderly exit. Established in October 2019 with a registered capital of about 204.15 billion yuan, the second phase of the fund is currently in the stage of increasing its layout. The third phase of the big fund is as high as 344 billion, which greatly exceeds market expectations.

In fact, we saw this news at ten o'clock in the morning, when the lithography machine pulled a wave, and then the other plates did not follow, there was no movement, it is estimated that the market is too cheating in the near future, small compositions are frequent, chasing high must sets, funds are tired and do not love, which can also reflect the downturn in market sentiment. At noon, big media such as the Financial Associated Press and Flush began to push, and more people received the news, plus semiconductors were almost at a new low, and some funds began to do an over-falling rebound.

Sudden good! A-shares exploded at midday, semiconductors rose and stopped, and the Politburo meeting was heavy

Specifically, lithography machine, HBM, storage and other subdivisions are stronger, and many stocks such as Lanying Equipment, Rongta Photosensitive, and Gaoke have risen to the limit.

Sudden good! A-shares exploded at midday, semiconductors rose and stopped, and the Politburo meeting was heavy

Power equipment continues to rise and fall

Last week, the chairman of the State Power Investment Group and other leaders spoke at the symposium of enterprises and experts, mentioning the reform of the power system, and the power sector set off a tide of price limits, which continued to ferment over the weekend and continue to soar today.

In fact, in addition to the domestic power reform, transformers, UHV and other sectors have been very strong in the wind of "going to sea", and the performance in the first quarter is also high. The rapid development of new energy in Europe has brought about the upgrading of the power grid, and the high growth of computing power in the United States has also brought new demand.

National Grid (NGG) is a large international power grid company, which owns electricity and gas pipeline network assets (mainly power grids) in the United Kingdom and the United States, and is also the power dispatching agency in the United Kingdom. The company has released a crazy investment plan: it plans to invest 60 billion pounds in the 2025-2029 financial year, a significant increase of 81% compared to 33 billion pounds in the last five financial years 2020-2024! NGG has increased capital expenditure in recent years, with capital expenditures of 7.74 billion pounds and 8.235 billion pounds in FY23 and FY24, an increase of 8% and 11% year-on-year, of which the regulated power grid and other businesses grew by more than 17% in FY24. 

Sudden good! A-shares exploded at midday, semiconductors rose and stopped, and the Politburo meeting was heavy

Politburo meeting

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on May 27 to review the "Several Policies and Measures to Promote the Accelerated Rise of the Central Region in the New Era" and the "Provisions on Accountability for Preventing and Resolving Financial Risks (Trial)".

The meeting pointed out that promoting the rise of the central region is a major strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. It is necessary to profoundly understand the strategic intent of the CPC Central Committee, always closely follow the strategic positioning of the central region as an important grain production base, energy raw material base, modern equipment manufacturing and high-tech industrial base, and comprehensive transportation hub on the mainland, and strive to promote various key tasks and promote the rise of the central region to achieve new major breakthroughs.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to give full play to the advantages of gathering scientific and educational resources, adhere to innovation-driven development, and strengthen original scientific and technological research. It is necessary to develop new productive forces in accordance with local conditions, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, expand and strengthen the real economy, coordinate and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, cultivate and expand emerging industries, and plan the layout of future industries.

Finally, as of the close, the Shanghai Composite Index rose 1.14%, the ChiNext Index rose 0.68%, the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index rose 1.24%, and the Hang Seng Technology Index rose 1.69%. The turnover of the two cities increased slightly to 0.77 trillion, and more than 3,300 companies rose.

Sudden good! A-shares exploded at midday, semiconductors rose and stopped, and the Politburo meeting was heavy

In terms of industries, electronics, coal, transportation, non-ferrous metals, household appliances and other industries led the rise, while the three major industries of building materials, real estate and comprehensive fell. Today, in addition to the semiconductor, power sector, high dividends are still strong, last week special treasury bonds were speculated, market liquidity is actually very sufficient, but there are few good assets, the main line of high dividends will continue in the context of asset shortage.

Sudden good! A-shares exploded at midday, semiconductors rose and stopped, and the Politburo meeting was heavy

Risk Warning:

The stock market is risky, investment needs to be cautious, this article does not constitute investment advice, readers need to think independently

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  • Sudden good! A-shares exploded at midday, semiconductors rose and stopped, and the Politburo meeting was heavy
  • Sudden good! A-shares exploded at midday, semiconductors rose and stopped, and the Politburo meeting was heavy
  • Sudden good! A-shares exploded at midday, semiconductors rose and stopped, and the Politburo meeting was heavy
  • Sudden good! A-shares exploded at midday, semiconductors rose and stopped, and the Politburo meeting was heavy
  • Sudden good! A-shares exploded at midday, semiconductors rose and stopped, and the Politburo meeting was heavy
  • Sudden good! A-shares exploded at midday, semiconductors rose and stopped, and the Politburo meeting was heavy

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