
Relations between China and the United States are tense, and China already has the strength to develop its own memory chips, how can the United States despise it?

author:End of June

Tensions between China and the United States have continued to rise recently, and while we expect the United States to change, we have not seen progress in this area. Instead, the United States has taken a tougher stance toward China.

Relations between China and the United States are tense, and China already has the strength to develop its own memory chips, how can the United States despise it?

A few days ago, Mr. Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, successfully held talks with US Minister Raimondo and Secretary of State Tai Qi in Washington. Although the two sides held in-depth discussions on a number of topics during the meeting, they were still unable to achieve substantive results. Although the US side has expressed its desire for a thaw in relations between the two countries, the solution it proposes requires substantial concessions from the Chinese side, which is almost equivalent to an outright compromise. The ultimate goal of the US side is to hinder China's development by weakening its power, while preventing China from becoming a true superpower in the world. He opposes China's possession of a powerful military and self-developed cutting-edge technology products, and questions the current global economic order and the rules of the game. However, China has always been firmly committed to breaking through numerous difficulties and obstacles and resolutely defending its own interests and development space.

One scholar said: "It is clear that the Americans seem to be polite, but in fact, they are unscrupulous behind the scenes, and they are unwilling to leave any leeway." "The chairman once ridiculed the arrogance and unreasonableness of US imperialism, and now decades later, the United States has not changed.

Relations between China and the United States are tense, and China already has the strength to develop its own memory chips, how can the United States despise it?

It is reported that the mainland already has the strength to master the self-developed memory chip technology, which is comparable to American manufacturers in terms of price and technology. This suggests that in the event of restrictions imposed by the United States, the mainland has enough means to deal with and find alternatives. Although Western media and semiconductor industry experts have given negative comments on our ban on the sale of Micron products from the United States, they have not paid attention to the fact that China already has independent research and development technology.

Experts believe that if we want to substantively reduce tensions between China and the United States, we should push the United States into a corner so that they can understand the situation. Therefore, China needs to be prepared for a long time, and at the same time abandon the good expectations of beauty.

Relations between China and the United States are tense, and China already has the strength to develop its own memory chips, how can the United States despise it?

The tensions in China-US relations will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications for the global economic and political environment. We are all very concerned about the friction and confrontation between China and the United States, and have a certain degree of concern about it, because it could lead to more serious conflicts. The failure of the talks to produce tangible results will undoubtedly escalate tensions between the two countries and perhaps lead to more sanctions and confrontations. Among them, the tension in Sino-US relations has reached the point where we must pay attention to it. For China, it is necessary to abandon unrealistic expectations and prepare for the ongoing contest that may arise in the future. In order to protect one's own interests and development rights and interests in the international community, in addition to adhering to a principled position, it is also crucial to improve one's own technological research and development strength.

We look forward to your valuable views on the issues of China-US relations and share your thoughts and positions. We have gathered together to discuss this important global topic and contribute to the harmony and stability of international relations.

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