
The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

author:Released by Longnanli County

Peanuts are very common in life, it is a nut food, regular eating has certain benefits for the body, can help supplement nutrients and trace elements, intellectual, brain, and even maintain the stomach and intestines. Moreover, peanuts can also be used to make edible oil, which has a wide range of uses.

Many people don't believe the saying that peanuts don't nourish the stomach, because how can a small peanut have a big effect? Let's take a look at it today.

The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

Nutritional value of peanuts

Peanut rice refers to the peanut kernel with the peanut shell removed, in fact, the peanut seed, and the whole peanut is called the fruit, the pod. But it is still generally called peanuts. Peanuts themselves are high-energy, high-protein, and high-fat plant foods.

Peanuts do not contain cholesterol and trans fatty acids, rich in micronutrients, plant sterols, resveratrol, isoflavones, antioxidants and other substances, is an excellent substitute for milk and meat food, and plays an important role in balancing the diet and improving the nutrition and health of Chinese residents.

The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

Get up early and eat a few peanuts on an empty stomach for half a month, these 5 benefits may be "uninvited"

1. Promotes brain development

Peanuts are rich in zinc, which plays an important role in cranial nerves. For children and adolescents, eating peanuts appropriately every day can supplement the body with zinc, promote the development of cranial nerves, and to a certain extent, also help enhance memory.

The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

2. Protect the brain and delay aging

Raw peanuts are rich in nutrients needed by brain cells, such as protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, etc., which can improve the activity of brain cells, improve memory and Xi learning ability. In addition, the antioxidants in raw peanuts can also scavenge free radicals in the body, delay the aging process of brain cells, and help maintain brain health.

The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

3. Laxative

Peanuts are rich in oil, which can replenish energy for the human body and provide a source of nutrition for the body to synthesize some important substances. Eating a peanut on an empty stomach after getting up in the morning can also reap many benefits, and it can also achieve the effect of "lubricating" the stomach and intestines.

If you can have a smooth bowel movement at a regular time after getting up in the morning, it can also have a detoxifying effect, and peanuts happen to have this advantage. Because peanuts are rich in oleic acid, it can achieve the effect of lubricating the intestines, helping the body to defecate and remove waste and toxins from the body.

The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

4. Protect the heart

Most of the fat contained in peanuts is unsaturated fatty acids, and does not contain cholesterol, which can reduce blood cholesterol and protect blood vessels, and has a good preventive effect on cardiovascular diseases. In addition, peanuts are rich in resveratrol, dietary fiber, arginine, etc., which can also play a certain protective role in the heart.

The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

5. Nourish the lungs

Eating a few peanuts on an empty stomach every morning can achieve the effect of nourishing the lungs and reduce the burden on the stomach. With proper nutrients, it can promote the digestion of the gastrointestinal tract, enhance the resistance and immunity of the stomach, and lay the foundation for its own health.

Peanut It is a factor that treats stomach problems, which can enhance one's own immunity and resistance, thereby improving the ability of digestion and maintaining the health of the body, which is very important.

The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

Mr. Song, a 33-year-old man from Henan, is a takeaway boy who suddenly had a stomach attack on the way to deliver takeaways, and after being discovered by passers-by, he hurried to call the 120 emergency number.

After a detailed examination by the doctor, it was found that Mr. Song had gastrointestinal adhesions, and if he was delayed, there was also a possibility of gastric perforation.

The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

After returning home, in addition to following the doctor's instructions to take medicine on time, he was also looking for some small stomach remedies, such as eating peanuts. After half a year, Mr. Song went to the hospital again for a check-up because of stomach discomfort, and it was found that the stomach problem had worsened instead of improving.

The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

After the doctor's inquiry, he learned that Mr. Song had been eating peanuts for half a year, and told him that it was because of the long-term consumption of peanuts that the stomach problems worsened. This is because peanuts neutralize stomach acid and relieve stomach discomfort.

Peanuts are high in fat and protein, and excessive intake will also increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, and they are not easy to digest. As a result, the gastrointestinal mucosa is damaged and the condition is aggravated, so it is not recommended for patients with gastrointestinal diseases to eat more.

Eating four or five peanuts a day may protect the heart, but these four side effects should be known

1. Aggravation of hepatobiliary diseases

Patients with hepatobiliary diseases are not recommended to eat more peanuts, because peanuts are high in fat. Eating peanuts can easily induce or aggravate hepatobiliary diseases, such as cholecystitis, resulting in abdominal pain, bloating, jaundice and other symptoms.

The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

2. Causes diarrhea

Peanuts are stored in lipids, and starchy foods that people don't usually come into contact with. Peanuts are rich in fat and are rich in indigestible fats. Eating too many raw peanuts will cause diarrhea if the human body digests and absorbs them too slowly, and the intestines cannot absorb lipids well.

The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

3. Indigestion

Raw peanuts are rich in fiber and fat, which can easily cause indigestion, diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms, especially for people with poor gastrointestinal function.

The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

4. Induce allergies

Peanuts are a common allergen, and people who are allergic to peanuts will experience severe reactions such as rashes, difficulty breathing, nausea and vomiting after eating peanuts. Even people who are not allergic to peanuts should be careful not to eat too much or eat moldy and spoiled peanuts to avoid food poisoning or cancer.

The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

How to eat peanuts to have a stomach-nourishing effect?

Eating peanuts properly can nourish the stomach, and eating peanuts inappropriately can easily hurt the stomach.

Raw peanuts themselves are an alkaline food, and many people have stomach diseases caused by gastritis and gastric ulcer diseases, and these people will be accompanied by symptoms of excessive gastric acid secretion.

When gastric acid secretion is excessive, chewing a small amount of raw peanuts can neutralize gastric acid, so it can relieve stomach discomfort and acid reflux symptoms.

People with a bad stomach should avoid eating fried peanuts when eating peanuts, you can eat boiled peanuts, boiled peanuts have high nutritional value and will not increase the burden on the stomach.

The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

Extended reading: How many peanuts should I eat every day?

If it is fried peanuts, adults can eat 25-35g a day to avoid indigestion caused by excessive consumption. If it is boiled peanuts, it is recommended that healthy adults eat 30-50g a day to avoid indigestion caused by excessive consumption.

For people with peanut allergies, it is not recommended to eat peanuts, so as not to cause allergic reactions, rashes, itching and other uncomfortable symptoms. For people with hyperlipidemia, it may be necessary to reduce the amount because peanuts contain more fat.

The man insisted on eating "peanuts" to nourish his stomach, and after half a year, what changes had occurred in his body?

Maintaining a balanced and varied diet is key to maintaining good health, and peanuts are just one of the options.

Source: From Baidu Flower Doctor's Interesting Talk

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