
Eat these foods regularly to relieve constipation difficulties and make it easy to go to the toilet

author:Fresh citrus DL

In modern life, many people face the problem of constipation, which may be caused by various factors such as life Xi and dietary structure. However, with a scientific and reasonable diet, we can choose some foods that help relieve constipation and promote intestinal health, making the bowel process easier and more relaxed. The following foods, such as creamy roasted sweet potatoes, bok choy and egg soup, celery tossed with bean curd, and blueberry yams, are not only delicious and delicious, but also natural defecation assistants, providing a healthy and delicious choice for solving bowel movements.

Eat these foods regularly to relieve constipation difficulties and make it easy to go to the toilet

1. Creamy roasted sweet potato:

Creamy roasted sweet potatoes are a delicious and wholesome food. Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber and natural sugars, which help promote intestinal peristalsis and relieve constipation. In addition, roasted sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, etc., which also have a positive effect on the overall health of the body. Creamy roasted sweet potatoes have a richer taste and provide a delicious option for bowel movements.

Ingredients: 2-3 sweet potatoes, appropriate amount of milk, appropriate amount of sugar, appropriate amount of butter (optional).

Eat these foods regularly to relieve constipation difficulties and make it easy to go to the toilet


1. Prepare the sweet potatoes: Wash the sweet potatoes, brush off the dirt on the surface with a brush, and dry them for later use.

2. Pickle sweet potatoes: Make cross-knife cuts on the surface of sweet potatoes, which will help make them easier to peel after they are roasted. Soak the pickled sweet potatoes in water to allow them to absorb water fully and improve the taste.

3. Oven Preheat: Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

4. Roast sweet potatoes: Bake the soaked sweet potatoes in a preheated oven for 40-50 minutes until the sweet potatoes are soft and glutinous.

5. Cut the sweet potato: Cut the roasted sweet potato, which can be cut into four cloves along the cross knife edge to make it easier to peel.

6. Add milk: Add an appropriate amount of milk in the middle of each sweet potato petal to soak it and add a milky flavor.

7. Sprinkle with sugar: Sprinkle sweet potatoes with sugar to suit their taste.

8. Add butter: If you like, add some more butter to the sweet potatoes for a creamy texture.

9. Continue to bake: Continue to bake the processed sweet potatoes in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 15-20 minutes until the surface is golden and crispy.

10. Bake: Wait until the creamy roasted sweet potatoes are golden brown and the sugar has melted, then remove.

11. Enjoy: Creamy roasted sweet potatoes can be eaten hot or slightly cooled.

Eat these foods regularly to relieve constipation difficulties and make it easy to go to the toilet


(1) The time of roasting sweet potatoes varies according to the oven performance and the size of the sweet potato, and the roasting time can be adjusted according to the actual situation.

(2) The amount of milk, sugar and butter can be increased or decreased according to personal taste.

2. Cabbage and egg soup:

Baby cabbage egg soup is a light and nutritious soup. Bok choy is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, which help to increase intestinal peristalsis and promote bowel movements. Eggs, on the other hand, provide high-quality protein that provides energy to the body. This soup is delicious and easy to digest, making it a light and healthy option for a meal that can help relieve poor bowel movements.

Ingredients: Appropriate amount of baby cabbage, 2 eggs, appropriate amount of ginger (sliced), appropriate amount of broth or water, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of cooking oil

Eat these foods regularly to relieve constipation difficulties and make it easy to go to the toilet


1. Prepare the ingredients: Wash the cabbage and beat the eggs and set aside.

2. Heat the pan with cold oil: Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pan and heat until it is 60% hot.

3. Stir-fry sliced ginger: Add the sliced ginger and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Add the bok choy: Put the bok choy in a pan and stir-fry quickly.

5. Pour in the stock or water: Add enough stock or water, reduce the heat to medium-low heat and cook until the baby cabbage is tender.

6. Add the beaten eggs: Pour the beaten eggs evenly into the pan and stir gently with chopsticks to form egg drops.

7. To taste: Add salt to taste and stir well.

8. Remove from the pot: When the eggs are in the shape of egg flowers and the cabbage is cooked, it is ready to be removed from the pot.

9. Serving: Place the bok choy egg broth in a bowl.

10. Enjoy: The bok choy egg soup can be eaten on its own or with rice.

Eat these foods regularly to relieve constipation difficulties and make it easy to go to the toilet


(1) The time of boiling the cabbage should be mastered to keep it tender and crispy.

(2) After the eggs are added to the pot, stir gently with chopsticks to form a uniform egg drop shape and increase the texture of the soup.

(3) When seasoning, you can add or decrease the salt according to your personal taste to keep the soup light and palatable.

III. Stirring Bamboo Stirring:

Celery mixed with yuba is a refreshing and delicious salad. Celery is rich in dietary fiber and water, which helps to increase intestinal lubrication and promote bowel movements. Yuba provides plant-based protein to support gut health. This coleslaw has a crispy and tender texture and can be used as a side dish for a main meal, playing a certain role in regulating intestinal function.

Ingredients: Appropriate amount of celery, appropriate amount of bean curd, appropriate amount of ginger (minced), appropriate amount of garlic (minced), appropriate amount of edible oil, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of sesame oil

Eat these foods regularly to relieve constipation difficulties and make it easy to go to the toilet


1. Prepare the ingredients: Wash the celery and cut it into sections, soak the yuba in advance until soft, and mince the ginger and garlic for later use.

2. Blanch the yuba: Blanch the yuba in boiling water to make it more tender, then remove and drain.

3. Heat the pan with cold oil: Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pan and heat until it is 60% hot.

4. Fry the bean curd: Put the blanched yuba into the pan and fry it slowly over low heat until the yuba swells and becomes crispy, then remove it and set aside.

5. Stir-fry spices: Leave the bottom oil in the pan, add minced ginger and minced garlic, and stir-fry until fragrant.

6. Mix celery: Add the celery segments and stir-fry quickly to make the celery tender and crispy.

7. Add the yuba: Add the fried yuba to the pan and continue to stir-fry evenly.

8. Seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and continue to stir-fry until the seasoning is even.

9. Sprinkle with salt: Add the right amount of salt to your taste and adjust the taste.

10. Drizzle sesame oil: Before turning off the heat, drizzle with an appropriate amount of sesame oil and stir well.

11. Serving: Place the celery and yuba on a plate.

12. Enjoy: Celery mixed with yuba can be eaten as a coleslaw or with rice.

Eat these foods regularly to relieve constipation difficulties and make it easy to go to the toilet


(1) When frying yuba, you should carefully control the heat and avoid frying paste.

(2) The celery should not be stir-fried for too long to maintain a certain tender and crispy taste.

(3) When seasoning, you can add or decrease the appropriate amount of salt and light soy sauce according to your personal taste to ensure that the taste is moderate.

4. Blueberry yam:

Blueberry yam is a food rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants. Blueberries are rich in natural sugars and pectin, which help promote intestinal peristalsis and improve constipation. Yam is a low-calorie, high-fiber food that helps to increase satiety and promote intestinal health. This delicious and healthy combination provides a variety of nutrients to support the relief of constipation.

Ingredients: 1 yam, blueberry, honey, lemon juice

Eat these foods regularly to relieve constipation difficulties and make it easy to go to the toilet


1. Prepare the ingredients: Wash and peel the yam and cut it into pieces of appropriate size. Wash the blueberries and set aside.

2. Steaming the yam: Put the chopped yam into the steamer and steam for 20-30 minutes until the yam is soft and glutinous.

3. Blueberry Treatment: While steaming yams, you can soak blueberries in lemon juice to increase the sweet and sour taste.

4. Stir the yam: Put the steamed yam in a blender and blend until it becomes a fine puree.

5. Mix the blueberries: Mix the stirred mashed yam with the blueberries soaked in lemon juice.

6. Add honey: Add the right amount of honey according to your personal taste and adjust the sweetness.

7. Stir well: Stir all the ingredients well so that the mashed yam and blueberries are well combined.

8. Serving: Place the mixed blueberry yam on a plate.

9. Garnish with blueberries: Add some fresh blueberries to the surface for an extra look.

10. Refrigeration: Place the plate with blueberry yams in the refrigerator for a few moments to enhance the taste.

11. Enjoy: Blueberry yam is more refreshing and delicious when refrigerated, and can be enjoyed as a dessert or healthy snack.

Eat these foods regularly to relieve constipation difficulties and make it easy to go to the toilet


(1) Stir the yam puree for sufficient time to ensure that it becomes a fine puree.

(2) The amount of honey can be increased or decreased according to personal taste.

(3) If you prefer a fresher taste, you can add lemon juice in moderation before refrigeration.

In the regulation of the diet, choosing foods that are good for the gut is the key. The rich fiber and natural sugar of milky roasted sweet potatoes, the light nutrition of cabbage and egg soup, the crisp and tender taste of celery mixed with yuba, and the multiple nutrients of blueberry yam provide multi-angle support for relieving constipation difficulties. The process of defecation is not only related to the health of the body, but also affects the comfort of life. By eating a balanced diet and cultivating a healthy Xi lifestyle, we can easily meet the day, say goodbye to the troubles of bowel movements, and enjoy a healthy and happy life.

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