
Nasal abyss, chest paralysis, blood in the stool... These difficult little problems, with these traditional Chinese medicines, can be solved

author:There is a doctor who says doctor 001

Nasal abyss, chest paralysis, blood in the stool... These seemingly tricky problems, in fact, with these magical Chinese herbs, everything can be solved!

Nasal abyss, chest paralysis, blood in the stool... These difficult little problems, with these traditional Chinese medicines, can be solved

1. Asarum and Xanthus: a good medicine for the treatment of nasal abyss

Have you ever been troubled by nasal congestion and runny nose? Try the golden pair of fine pungent and cangzi to make your nasal passages smooth and your breath fresh!

2. Melon, shallot: natural medicine to relieve chest paralysis

Chest tightness and chest pain make people miserable? Try the classic combination of melon and shallot, so that chest paralysis will no longer be a big problem in your heart!

Nasal abyss, chest paralysis, blood in the stool... These difficult little problems, with these traditional Chinese medicines, can be solved

3. Elm and locust flowers: the secret weapon to say goodbye to blood in the stool

Hemorrhoids and fissures are painful? The two masters of hemostasis, Diyu and Huaihua, let you say goodbye to blood in your stool and regain your health!

4. Thistle, white grass root: natural medicine for the treatment of blood in the urine

Blood in urine makes you worried?The golden partner of small thistle and white grass root for diuresis and hemostasis keeps you away from the trouble of blood in urine!

5. Aconite, dried ginger: a good first aid remedy for the dead sun

The classic combination of aconite and dried ginger will bring you back to life!

Nasal abyss, chest paralysis, blood in the stool... These difficult little problems, with these traditional Chinese medicines, can be solved

6. Smallpox pollen, yam: natural medicine to quench thirst

Dry mouth, excessive drinking and excessive urination make you miserable? Smallpox pollen and yam are the golden partners that nourish yin and nourish the yin, so that you can say goodbye to thirst and regain sweetness!

7. Houttuynia cordata and bellflower: natural medicine for the treatment of pulmonary carbuncles

Cough and phlegm make you miserable?Houttuynia cordata and bellflower are the classic combination of clearing the lungs and dissolving phlegm, so that the carbuncle will no longer be a major problem in your heart!

8. Red vine and soybean grass: natural medicine for the treatment of intestinal carbuncles

Abdominal pain and diarrhea make you miserable? Red vine and soybean sauce grass, the golden partner of anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving pain, let you say goodbye to intestinal carbuncles and regain your health!

Nasal abyss, chest paralysis, blood in the stool... These difficult little problems, with these traditional Chinese medicines, can be solved

9. Dogwood, psoralen: the secret weapon to say goodbye to the five more leaks

Morning diarrhea makes you miserable? The classic combination of Evodia and psoralen to warm the kidneys and spleen will make you say goodbye to the five more diarrhea and regain your health!

10. Qianghuo and Mulberry Branches: Natural medicine for treating upper limb paralysis

Pain and heaviness in the upper limbs make it difficult for you to walk? Qianghuo and Mulberry Branch, the golden partner of dispelling wind and dehumidification, let you get rid of the problem of upper limb dampness!

11. Duhuo and Wujiapi: a natural medicine for treating dampness of the lower limbs

The pain and heaviness of the lower limbs make you stagger? The classic combination of Duhuo and Wujiapi, which relaxes the muscles and activates the body, makes the paralysis of the lower limbs no longer become a major problem in your heart!

12. Shoot dry, mountain bean root: natural medicine for sore throat

Sore throat makes it difficult for you to swallow?The golden partner of ejaculation and mountain bean root to clear heat and detoxify will let you say goodbye to sore throat and regain comfort!

Nasal abyss, chest paralysis, blood in the stool... These difficult little problems, with these traditional Chinese medicines, can be solved

13. Pulsatilla and Coptis chinensis: natural medicine for the treatment of damp heat dysentery

Diarrhea and abdominal pain make you miserable? The classic combination of pulsatilla and coptis makes you say goodbye to dampness, heat and dysentery and regain your health!

14. Yin Chen, Phellodendron Phellodendron Phellodendron - The golden partner of Yin Chen and Phellodendron for treating damp heat jaundice, keeps you away from damp heat jaundice!

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