
Don't forget to drink this bowl of soup in these two months, there may be fewer minor problems, and it is good for the body~

author:Longnan Xi and released

Recently, the temperature has been getting higher and higher, and it is about to enter May, and the real summer is just around the corner. Usually at this time, not only is there a lot of rain, but also the humidity is heavy, and many friends will have an appetite that will be affected and have symptoms of decreased appetite.

Especially people with high blood pressure, constipation, gastrointestinal discomfort, easy fatigue, depression and other conditions will feel more uncomfortable!

Then, at this time, you must drink this bowl of soup! It is - potato and tomato soup, drinking it, it is very good for the body!

Don't forget to drink this bowl of soup in these two months, there may be fewer minor problems, and it is good for the body~

Eating tomatoes and potatoes regularly is not only appetizing, but also has a lot of benefits for our body.

The two ingredients are a perfect match for the soup

Potatoes are full of treasures and enjoy the reputation of "underground apples".

Linda Horn, a professor at Northwestern University School of Medicine, said that potassium-containing vegetables and fruits represented by potatoes can help lower blood pressure, and eating 1 medium-sized potato (about 130 grams) a day can reduce the incidence of stroke by 40%.

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is one of the strongest antioxidants found in plants in nature, and is known as the "gold of plants".

Several studies have found that the antioxidant lycopene in tomatoes has several health benefits, with higher levels of lycopene in cooked tomatoes than in raw tomatoes.

Potatoes and tomatoes are a perfect match for soup, and they are not only powerful but also delicious, so they are very popular.

A bowl of potato and tomato soup has five major health benefits

1. Control blood pressure and prevent heart disease

In hot and humid weather, blood vessels constrict, causing blood pressure to rise. The moderate intake of potassium ions can prevent the increase in blood pressure caused by excessive sodium and salt intake in the diet, and potatoes are a good source of trace element potassium.

A new study from the University of Verona in Italy has found that eating tomatoes cooked can lead to higher intake of antioxidants and better protection against heart disease.

Studies have shown that the nutrients in tomatoes can reduce the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, and help prevent the occurrence of various cardiovascular diseases, but dietary therapy cannot replace normal drug treatment.

2. Nourish the spleen and stomach and prevent constipation

Tomatoes contain a certain amount of malic acid, citric acid, etc., which can stimulate our gastric juice secretion and increase appetite.

In addition, traditional Chinese medicine believes that potatoes have the effect of "regulating the stomach and strengthening the spleen and invigorating qi", and are a good food for regulating the spleen and stomach.

In addition, a recent study by the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom found that potatoes contain a special antibacterial molecule that can treat stomach ulcers, which can not only prevent stomach ulcers compared with antibiotics, but also do not develop resistance without any side effects.

In the elderly, the contractility of the intestinal smooth muscle and levator ani muscle decreases with age, resulting in difficulty in defecation. The dietary fiber in potatoes is conducive to promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis and has a laxative effect.

3. Anti-fatigue and anti-aging

Tomatoes are rich in potassium and sodium, which usually work together with sodium in the human body to maintain the normal activity of muscles, regulate the osmotic pressure inside and outside cells and the balance of water, so that the body does not lose excessive fluids.

Don't forget to drink this bowl of soup in these two months, there may be fewer minor problems, and it is good for the body~

Moderate consumption of tomatoes can help ensure the body's normal muscle activity and nerve response, and reduce fatigue symptoms such as lack of energy caused by lack of potassium and sodium in the body. Research by a Japanese food company and Suzuka Medical University has found that tomato juice has an anti-fatigue effect.

Potatoes are rich in vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin that helps with gum health as well as boosting immunity in the elderly. Especially for the elderly friends who like to exercise, eating some potatoes every day and increasing the intake of vitamin C have anti-aging and anti-fatigue effects.

4. Stroke prevention

If the weather is hot, the human body sweats a lot in order to dissipate heat, and if it is not replenished in time, it is easy to lead to blood volume depletion, increased blood viscosity, and slow blood flow, which greatly increases the probability of thrombosis, thereby inducing stroke.

Potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, which helps to control the amount of cholesterol in the blood. The mucous protein in it can prevent cardiovascular disease and reduce the risk of stroke. A new study by Finnish researchers has found that lycopene-rich foods such as tomatoes may help men reduce their risk of stroke.

The researchers found that those with the highest lycopene levels had a 55 percent lower chance of having a stroke compared to those with the lowest levels of lycopene in their blood. Lycopene also inhibits cholesterol production, prevents blood clots and platelet aggregation, and may be associated with a reduced risk of stroke.

5. Reduce the risk of depression

Hot and humid weather has a serious impact on people's mood, often making people irritable and irritable, and these mood swings can lead to symptoms such as depression.

Tomatoes are not only fragrant, helping to purify the mind and refresh the mind, but also rich in vitamin C, which can also maintain the concentration of red blood cells, increase resistance, and is one of the important components involved in the body's production of dopamine, adrenal hormones and other "stimulant" substances.

Therefore, people who are stressed and prone to depression can increase their intake of tomatoes in moderation.

6. Take care of your eyes

In addition to drug treatment, you can also eat some tomatoes regularly, because the lycopene in it has a good antioxidant function, which can protect our eyes from oxidative stress and help reduce the appearance and development of cataract disease.

How to make potato and tomato soup, you can learn it immediately!

1. Wash the tomatoes, cut off the stems, then cut them open, cut them into 6-8 slices for later use, peel the potatoes after washing, and then cut them into strips.

Don't forget to drink this bowl of soup in these two months, there may be fewer minor problems, and it is good for the body~

2. Put the wok on a hot fire, pour in the cooking oil and burn until it is hot, pour in the tomatoes and stir-fry, then add Shao wine, refined salt and sugar, stir-fry until the tomatoes are crispy, put in an appropriate amount of fresh soup, then push in the potatoes, cook until the potatoes are cooked, add monosodium glutamate, sprinkle with chopped green onions, and you can serve the soup plate on the table.

The combination of these ingredients helps to protect the endothelium of blood vessels and clean up vascular waste. Now is also the season of high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, it is recommended that everyone drink this bowl of soup often to replenish water and protect blood vessels.

Other related recipes

Don't forget to drink this bowl of soup in these two months, there may be fewer minor problems, and it is good for the body~

Roasted eggplant with tomatoes

Method: 1. Cut the tomatoes and eggplant into pieces, pour the juice from the tomatoes into the eggplant, grasp and marinate evenly. 2. Put less oil in the pot, add the eggplant, cover and simmer for 2-3 minutes, open the lid and add minced garlic, stir-fry evenly. 3. Add the tomato pieces, add cooking wine, sugar, salt, add a little water and stir well, and then sprinkle some minced raw garlic after cooking. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which has a strong antioxidant effect, and eggplant is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and help metabolize toxins and waste products in the body, all of which are nutrients that help fight cancer. The allicin in garlic can kill bacteria, antioxidant, enhance the flavor and increase the nutrition of the dish.

Don't forget to drink this bowl of soup in these two months, there may be fewer minor problems, and it is good for the body~

Tomatoes, beef, eggs

Method: 1. Add cooking wine, salt, light soy sauce and flour to the beef. 2. Mix with a spoonful of cooking wine, half a spoon of light soy sauce, a spoonful of rice vinegar, 1/3 tablespoon of sugar, and a little starch. 3. Stir-fry the beef in a pot with hot oil temperature, add tomatoes after changing color, then pour in egg liquid and stir-fry, and finally add the sauce and stir-fry evenly. Beef is low in fat and rich in high-quality protein, and the amino acid structure in eggs is similar to that of the human body, and is listed as a reference protein. The combination of these two high-quality proteins, coupled with appetizing and nutritious tomatoes, is the best in terms of taste and nutritional supplementation.

Note: When tomatoes, in order to reduce nutrient loss, first, it is best not to peel, the skin is rich in lycopene and cellulose, and it is best to eat it with the skin;

At this time, you must drink a bowl of potato and tomato soup, which can nourish the spleen and stomach, anti-fatigue, anti-aging, and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Source: Traditional Chinese Medicine Health WeChat Public Account (ID: zyys099)

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