
Why are the scrambled eggs with garlic seedlings in the restaurant so delicious? It turns out that the trick is here, and this practice is amazing

author:First Chef

Hello everyone, I am Zhang Dalei, the first chef, pay attention to us, there will be more gourmet recipes for your reference, so that your life is more delicious

Garlic sprout scrambled eggs is a simple home cooking, want to make delicious, in fact, also need some small skills, today to share with you a garlic sprout scrambled eggs, simple nutrition, wine and rice

Let's take a look at how we do it:

1. Prepare a handful of washed garlic seedlings, cut into sections with a slashing knife and set aside.

Why are the scrambled eggs with garlic seedlings in the restaurant so delicious? It turns out that the trick is here, and this practice is amazing

2. Half a red pepper cut into long strips, used for color matching, no can not be used.

Why are the scrambled eggs with garlic seedlings in the restaurant so delicious? It turns out that the trick is here, and this practice is amazing

3. Take a small basin, beat 4 serious stupid eggs, add a little salt to the bottom taste, add a few drops of white vinegar to fishy, and use chopsticks to beat well.

Why are the scrambled eggs with garlic seedlings in the restaurant so delicious? It turns out that the trick is here, and this practice is amazing

When the ingredients are ready, we start cooking.

Why are the scrambled eggs with garlic seedlings in the restaurant so delicious? It turns out that the trick is here, and this practice is amazing

4. Heat the wok, add a little cooking oil, heat the oil and pour in the egg mixture.

Why are the scrambled eggs with garlic seedlings in the restaurant so delicious? It turns out that the trick is here, and this practice is amazing

5. Gently push with a spatula, wait for the eggs to be set, stir-fry a few times, fry the eggs and pour them out for later.

Why are the scrambled eggs with garlic seedlings in the restaurant so delicious? It turns out that the trick is here, and this practice is amazing

6. Add a little cooking oil to the pot and add the garlic seedlings to stir-fry quickly.

Why are the scrambled eggs with garlic seedlings in the restaurant so delicious? It turns out that the trick is here, and this practice is amazing

7. Sauté the garlic sprouts until 7 ripe, pour in the eggs, stir-fry evenly, add the red pepper strips and start seasoning.

Why are the scrambled eggs with garlic seedlings in the restaurant so delicious? It turns out that the trick is here, and this practice is amazing

8. Add a little salt, a little pepper and cook a little soy sauce from the side of the pan.

Why are the scrambled eggs with garlic seedlings in the restaurant so delicious? It turns out that the trick is here, and this practice is amazing

9. Stir-fry evenly on high heat, after dissolving the seasoning, you can turn off the heat and start the pot and plate.

Why are the scrambled eggs with garlic seedlings in the restaurant so delicious? It turns out that the trick is here, and this practice is amazing

10. Well, this nutritious and delicious garlic sprout scrambled egg is ready, the color and flavor are complete, delicious and under the rice, learn to try it at home.

Why are the scrambled eggs with garlic seedlings in the restaurant so delicious? It turns out that the trick is here, and this practice is amazing

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