
Health Education | Prevention tips for common infectious diseases in children in winter, please check!

author:Ludian Media
Health Education | Prevention tips for common infectious diseases in children in winter, please check!
Health Education | Prevention tips for common infectious diseases in children in winter, please check!
Health Education | Prevention tips for common infectious diseases in children in winter, please check!

The cold wind splits the night, and the small cold is better than the big cold.

Frost recondenses the window lattice, and the ice crystals form a water bar.

Today is the Xiaohan solar term, which is the 23rd of China's 24 solar terms and the 5th solar term of winter, marking the deepening of winter and the further drop in temperature. During the cold season, the weather is cold, especially in northern China, where temperatures drop to the lowest point of the year. Children have low immunity and are susceptible to bacterial or viral infections, which can cause respiratory infections and symptoms such as cough and sputum production. How to keep children safe in winter, please put away this disease prevention tip.

Health Education | Prevention tips for common infectious diseases in children in winter, please check!

Infectious diseases are common in children in winter

1. Norovirus

Norovirus mainly causes non-bacterial acute gastroenteritis, especially in winter, and is often referred to as "winter vomiting disease". Norovirus mutates rapidly, new variants that cause global epidemic can appear every 2~3 years, and it is also highly contagious and rapidly spreading, and outbreaks are prone to occur in crowded places such as schools and childcare institutions. The onset is mainly mild, with diarrhea and vomiting being the most common symptoms, followed by nausea, abdominal pain, headache, fever, chills and muscle aches. Norovirus is mainly excreted through faeces and vomitus, and is transmitted from person to person, food and water. The course of the disease is generally 2~3 days, and children need to seek medical attention in time if they have symptoms such as poor mental condition, vomiting and dehydration.

2. Rhinovirus

Rhinovirus is a common virus that causes respiratory infections in children. The population is generally susceptible, especially in children. Rhinovirus is one of the main pathogens that cause the common cold and can cause cold symptoms such as sneezing, tearing, and nasopharyngeal irritation in children. Rhinovirus infection in children over 3 years of age rarely causes fever, which is usually mild, self-limiting, and generally does not cause pneumonia. Transmission routes include direct contact and droplet transmission, but it can also be transmitted indirectly through hands and objects contaminated with nasal and throat secretions. The incubation period ranges from 12 hours to 5 days, usually 48 hours. For infants and young children and susceptible people with underlying respiratory diseases, rhinovirus infection may cause more serious sequelae.

3. Influenza virus

Influenza viruses can cause influenza ("flu" for short). This year, the influenza virus is dominated by the H3N2 subtype in type A and is co-circulating with the Victoria lineage in type B. The incubation period of influenza virus is generally about 1 week, and it is mainly transmitted through respiratory droplets produced by sneezing and coughing of infected people, and can also be directly or indirectly infected through mucous membranes such as the mouth, nose, and eyes. The main manifestations in children include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, muscle pain, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, etc., and infants and young children may have only atypical symptoms such as fever, vomiting, or diarrhea. Most cases of influenza in children have mild symptoms, but people under the age of 5 may have severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, persistent high fever, confusion, etc., and should seek medical attention promptly.

Health Education | Prevention tips for common infectious diseases in children in winter, please check!

4. Adenovirus

Adenoviruses are a common group of viruses that can cause respiratory infections in children. Adenovirus infection is seasonal, usually epidemic in winter and spring, and the transmission route is mainly through droplet transmission and contact transmission, and it is easy to spread in kindergartens, schools and other environments. The main symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, etc., and the symptoms are similar to those of influenza virus infection, but adenovirus infection usually has a longer course of illness and more severe symptoms. In addition to respiratory infections, adenovirus can also cause other diseases such as sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia, etc.

5. Mycoplasma pneumoniae

Mycoplasma pneumoniae can cause mycoplasma pneumonia in children. This pathogen is a bacterium, but it does not have a cell wall and is therefore more resistant to antibiotics. Preschoolers and adolescents are generally susceptible, especially in group settings such as kindergartens and schools, where transmission is susceptible due to close contact. The incubation period of mycoplasma pneumonia is about 1~3 weeks, and the incubation period is contagious within a few weeks of symptom relief. Generally, fever and cough are the main symptoms, and the cough is paroxysmal and more severe, and the cough may last for 1~2 weeks after the fever subsides. Children with difficulty breathing, chest pain, persistent high fever, and other severe respiratory symptoms should seek medical attention immediately.

6. Other Viruses

For example, respiratory syncytial virus and new coronavirus are also easy to cause children to be infected in winter or co-infected with other viruses, and the symptoms caused by them are difficult to distinguish, so parents should also pay attention to and take precautions.

Health Education | Prevention tips for common infectious diseases in children in winter, please check!

How to protect the family

  • Pay attention to personal hygiene, avoid touching your mouth, eyes and nose with unclean hands, and cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow when sneezing or coughing.
  • Perform hand hygiene promptly after exposure to contaminants.
  • Pay attention to the ventilation of the room, when the weather is suitable, ventilate 2~3 times a day, 20~30 minutes each time. Pay attention to keeping warm when ventilating to prevent colds.
  • Enhance the cleaning of the room. You can use a vacuum cleaner to clean the corners of walls and the crevices next to the bed to reduce the source of indoor dust.
  • Children should seek medical attention if they have symptoms such as fever, sore throat, cough and sputum, general malaise, poor mental appetite, or chest tightness and shortness of breath.
Health Education | Prevention tips for common infectious diseases in children in winter, please check!

How to do a good job of prevention and control in schools

1. Health monitoring

Implement morning, afternoon (evening) inspections, and registration and tracking of the causes of absenteeism due to illness. Strengthen the reporting of information related to infectious diseases, standardize the management of the resumption of classes, and pay attention to the health status of teachers, students, and staff at any time.

2. Ventilation and disinfection

On the basis of paying attention to keeping warm, regularly open windows and ventilate public places on campus (such as classrooms, dormitories, canteens, libraries, toilets, etc.). Wipe and disinfect key parts of public places on campus (such as door handles, stair handrails, faucets, toilet buttons, elevator buttons, handrails for getting up and down beds, etc.), and clean and disinfect toys in public facilities of schools and kindergartens.

3. Keep it clean

Do a good job of cleaning the school environment, set up sufficient handwashing facilities and hygiene products such as hand sanitizer or soap, and actively guide students to increase the frequency of handwashing after recess activities.

4. Health education

Do a good job in health education on the prevention and control of infectious diseases in winter for teachers, staff, students and parents. Encourage all teachers and students to maintain good hygiene Xi, increase personal protection knowledge, and enhance self-protection ability.

5. Be prepared

Improve the school's emergency response plan for infectious disease epidemics, and strengthen training for teachers and staff in dealing with infectious diseases. Do a good job of stockpiling common materials such as masks, disinfection supplies, and temperature measurement equipment. Classes with suspected or clinically diagnosed cases of respiratory infectious diseases should strengthen measures such as symptom surveillance, case management, disinfection, ventilation, etc., and minimize the organization of group activities.

Health Education | Prevention tips for common infectious diseases in children in winter, please check!

How to protect children when they go out

  • Masks should be worn scientifically when seeking medical treatment. If you have symptoms of respiratory illness, it is recommended to wear a particulate mask (without a breathing valve) or a medical respirator when seeking medical attention.
  • When using public transportation, it is recommended to wear a disposable medical mask or a mask of the higher grade according to the child's own health condition.
  • Reduce visits to crowded public places, such as supermarkets and playgrounds, to reduce the risk of infection. If you must go, it is recommended to wear a mask scientifically and do a good job of personal protection.
  • When dining in public places, it is recommended to choose a well-ventilated place with few people and reduce the time spent in the dining place.
Health Education | Prevention tips for common infectious diseases in children in winter, please check!

Reasonable diet and regular exercise can enhance children's immunity

1. Balanced nutrition

Make sure children are getting enough protein, vitamins and minerals. Eat a variety of foods including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, fish, legumes, dairy products, and nuts. Adding foods that contain probiotics (e.g., yogurt, fermented foods) or prebiotics (e.g., whole grains, onions, garlic) can help maintain gut health and thus boost immunity.

2. Moderate amount of water

Drink small amounts of water to maintain adequate water intake, which is essential for the normal function of the immune system, and at the same time, drinking water can improve blood circulation, so that the body's metabolic waste or toxins can be quickly excreted from the body, thereby reducing respiratory irritation.

3. Exercise regularly

Make sure your child regularly participates in outdoor sports, such as running, cycling, ball games, etc., moderate exercise can avoid excessive fatigue and injury, and at the same time strengthen the immune system.

4. Get enough sleep

Make sure your child gets enough sleep, as sleep is essential for the recovery and function of the immune system.

5. Healthy Psychology

Help your child learn to de-stress, as long-term stress can weaken the immune system, and maintaining a good mind can help boost immunity.

Health Education | Prevention tips for common infectious diseases in children in winter, please check!
Health Education | Prevention tips for common infectious diseases in children in winter, please check!

Source丨China CDC News, Healthy China, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Anhui Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China School Health Journal, Editor丨Li Xuan Editor丨Kong Xiangshu Submission Email: [email protected]

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