
Drinking astragalus water regularly, why do people become thinner? Advice: The side effects of astragalus water should be understood as early as possible

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

Uncle Li and a few old friends sat around the chessboard, chatting about the recent past. The topic changed and talked about Uncle Li's recent weight loss experience. It turned out that he insisted on drinking astragalus water every day, and after a month, he lost a lot of weight.

This matter spread in the circle of friends, and many people were eager to try it. However, before deciding to follow suit, it is essential to understand the benefits and side effects of astragalus water.

Drinking astragalus water regularly, why do people become thinner? Advice: The side effects of astragalus water should be understood as early as possible

1. The weight loss mechanism of astragalus water: accelerate metabolism and reduce swelling

Astragalus, a Chinese medicinal herb that grows in the mountains and wilderness, is widely used for its spleen-strengthening and qi-replenishing properties. Recently, it has also been found to aid in weight loss. What's going on?

It turns out that the active ingredients in astragalus are able to stimulate the body's metabolism and increase energy expenditure, thereby helping to reduce fat accumulation. It's like adding a fire to your body so that it burns off those extra calories faster.

Not only that, astragalus also has the effect of diluting water and reducing swelling. It helps the body to remove excess water and toxins, and reduces the puffiness caused by edema. This is good news for those who often feel heavy in their legs or feet.

However, drinking astragalus water is not simply "drinking water to lose weight", it is more about helping the body return to a healthier state by adjusting the internal environment.

Drinking astragalus water regularly, why do people become thinner? Advice: The side effects of astragalus water should be understood as early as possible

2. The endocrine regulation of astragalus water: it affects insulin and blood sugar

In addition to directly promoting fat burning and drainage, astragalus water also regulates the body's endocrine system. This is mainly because astragalus can affect the secretion of insulin, which can help lower blood sugar levels.

Especially for those middle-aged and elderly people with high blood sugar or at risk of diabetes, regular consumption of astragalus water may help prevent the occurrence of diabetes.

At the same time, this regulatory effect of astragalus can also improve fat metabolism and reduce fat accumulation in the body. Not only does this help with weight loss, but it also improves the overall health of the body. However, although astragalus water is good, it is not suitable for everyone.

Drinking astragalus water regularly, why do people become thinner? Advice: The side effects of astragalus water should be understood as early as possible

3. Side effects of astragalus water: potential risks that cannot be ignored

While astragalus water has many benefits for promoting health and weight loss, it is not without side effects. According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia and a number of research data, the main side effects of astragalus include possible indigestion, gastrointestinal discomfort, etc.

In some people with sensitive constitutions, excessive intake of astragalus may cause diarrhea, stomach pain, or loss of appetite. For example, a study published in the journal Chinese Herbal Medicine Research noted that long-term use of high doses of astragalus may affect liver function and cause mild liver function abnormalities.

In addition, astragalus has immunomodulatory effects, and for patients with autoimmune diseases, casual use without physician guidance may aggravate the condition.

For example, patients with conditions such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) may be at risk of exacerbation after taking astragalus. Therefore, this group of people should consult a professional doctor before using astragalus.

Drinking astragalus water regularly, why do people become thinner? Advice: The side effects of astragalus water should be understood as early as possible

Fourth, the correct drinking method and precautions of astragalus water

The right way to drink it is key to ensure that Astragalus Water is working at its maximum and reducing the risk of side effects. First of all, the dosage of astragalus should be adjusted according to the individual's constitution, age, and health status.

In general, adults are advised to use 15 to 30 grams of dried astragalus daily in decoction water. Astragalus water is best drunk before or within half an hour after meals to reduce irritation to the stomach.

For those who are trying astragalus water for the first time, it is recommended to start with a small dose and gradually increase it while observing the body's reaction. If uncomfortable symptoms occur, discontinue use immediately and consult a physician.

In addition, although astragalus has good health benefits, it should not be used as an indicative drug for diseases, but as an adjuvant treatment or part of health maintenance.

In particular, pregnant and lactating women should avoid the use of astragalus because there are insufficient data on the safety and efficacy of astragalus in this population. At the same time, people with bleeding disorders should also avoid using it, as astragalus may affect blood clotting.

Although astragalus water is a natural health drink, its use is not completely harmless. Proper use and a thorough understanding of the potential risks are essential for people who want to improve their health by drinking astragalus water.

Only in this way can we enjoy the health benefits of astragalus water while avoiding possible adverse effects.

Drinking astragalus water regularly, why do people become thinner? Advice: The side effects of astragalus water should be understood as early as possible

5. Applicable groups and contraindications: Who should be cautious about drinking astragalus water?

Although astragalus water has a variety of health benefits, it is not suitable for all people. For some specific health conditions, the use of astragalus may require more attention.

For example, people with autoimmune diseases, such as those with systemic lupus erythematosus, may have their condition exacerbated by the effect of astragalus in activating the immune system.

In addition, astragalus has the effect of invigorating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and the use of astragalus may increase the risk of bleeding in patients with thrombocytopenia or bleeding tendency.

For patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, although astragalus can help regulate blood sugar and improve blood circulation, a doctor should be consulted before use to ensure that there is no conflict with existing treatment options.

Drinking astragalus water regularly, why do people become thinner? Advice: The side effects of astragalus water should be understood as early as possible

6. Long-term use and health monitoring of astragalus water

While drinking astragalus water may bring some health benefits in the short term, long-term heavy use may bring some unforeseen health problems.

Therefore, it is recommended that people who have been drinking astragalus water for a long time should have regular health check-ups, especially tests of liver function and kidney function, to monitor possible side effects.

Long-term use of astragalus water may affect the activity of liver enzymes, with a potential risk of liver damage. In fact, some studies have pointed out that long-term use of high doses of astragalus may cause mild abnormalities in liver function.

Therefore, regular liver function tests can help detect problems early and avoid serious health consequences.

In addition, the long-term use of astragalus water should also be noted for possible effects on hormone levels. Although astragalus has endocrine modulating effects, long-term use may cause certain imbalances in the endocrine system, especially for those who already have endocrine disorders.

Drinking astragalus water regularly, why do people become thinner? Advice: The side effects of astragalus water should be understood as early as possible


As a traditional health drink, astragalus water not only brings health benefits, but also requires users to have enough awareness of its possible side effects and usage limitations.

Rational use, coupled with professional medical guidance, can maximize the positive effects of astragalus water while avoiding possible negative effects. In this way, everyone can enjoy the benefits of astragalus water while protecting their health.

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