
Why do people lose weight when they drink astragalus water for a long time? Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water cannot be ignored

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

Astragalus, known as the "king of herbs" since ancient times, contains a profound cultural heritage and people's incomparable reverence for it. Astragalus is not only a Chinese herbal medicine, but also a treasure of Chinese medicine and a precious wealth given to us by nature.

The rhizomes of the astragalus are thick and powerful, deeply rooted in the soil, absorbing the essence of nature. Its leaves are verdant and shimmer like emeralds, giving it a sense of vitality. When spring comes, the astragalus begins to bloom quietly in the fields, and its flowers are small but fragrant and intoxicating.

The medicinal value of astragalus is extremely high, and it is known as the "holy medicine for replenishing qi". In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, astragalus has the effects of tonifying and invigorating qi, fixing the surface and stopping perspiration, diluting water and reducing swelling, and is often used to treat symptoms such as qi deficiency and weakness, sagging of central qi, surface deficiency and self-sweating, qi deficiency and edema.

Modern medical research has also confirmed that astragalus contains a variety of active ingredients, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and other effects, and also have significant effects on improving human immunity and delaying aging.

Why do people lose weight when they drink astragalus water for a long time? Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water cannot be ignored

Astragalus has a wide range of uses, not only can be used alone, but can also be used in combination with other Chinese herbal medicines to form a variety of classic formulas. For example, in formulas such as Buzhong Yiqi Tang and Yuping Fengsan, Astragalus is an indispensable medicine. These formulas are widely used in the treatment of various diseases in clinical practice and have achieved remarkable efficacy.


What benefits can drinking astragalus soaked water bring to the body?

Astragalus is known as the "holy medicine for replenishing qi", which helps to improve the body's righteousness and enhance the body's immunity. In the fast-paced life, we often feel physically exhausted and lack of energy, which is often caused by qi deficiency.

Soaking astragalus in water can subtly improve these symptoms, allowing us to maintain strong energy in our busy work and life.

In addition, astragalus also helps to regulate the water balance in the body and has a diuretic and swelling effect. For those who suffer from edema, obesity and other problems caused by excessive moisture in the body, soaking in water is undoubtedly a good remedy. Long-term drinking can not only help us shape a healthy body, but also prevent some diseases caused by water metabolism disorders.

Why do people lose weight when they drink astragalus water for a long time? Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water cannot be ignored

Not only that, astragalus can also promote the body's metabolism, help remove free radicals in the body, and delay the aging of cells. Drinking astragalus soaked water regularly can not only keep our skin firm and elastic, but also delay the aging process to a certain extent, so that we can maintain youthful vitality.


If you drink astragalus water for a long time, why do people become thinner?

The reason why people become thinner after drinking astragalus water for a long time is due to the unique pharmacological effects of astragalus. Astragalus, as a kind of Chinese herbal medicine, has the effect of nourishing qi and blood, benefiting the kidney and strengthening the surface, and is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine clinics.

It is rich in active ingredients such as polysaccharides, flavonoids, etc., which play an important regulatory role in the human body.

Long-term drinking of astragalus water can promote the normal progress of human metabolism and enhance the body's digestion and absorption functions. This means that the body is able to use the nutrients in food more efficiently and reduce fat accumulation.

Why do people lose weight when they drink astragalus water for a long time? Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water cannot be ignored

At the same time, astragalus also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which can protect cells from free radical damage, slow down the aging process, and keep the skin firm and elastic.

In addition, astragalus can also regulate the balance of the human endocrine system and promote the normal secretion of thyroid hormones, adrenaline and other hormones. These hormones play an important role in regulating the body's metabolism and promoting lipolysis.

Therefore, long-term consumption of astragalus water can not only help people maintain a slim figure, but also improve the condition of the skin and make people rejuvenated.

Of course, in order to achieve the desired weight loss effect, it is not enough to rely on drinking astragalus water. It also needs to be combined with a reasonable diet and moderate exercise to better promote physical health and slimming results. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the dosage and usage of astragalus to avoid the occurrence of adverse reactions caused by excessive use.

Why do people lose weight when they drink astragalus water for a long time? Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water cannot be ignored


Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water cannot be ignored

First of all, astragalus has a warming and tonic effect, and overdose can easily lead to fire. Patients may have symptoms such as dry mouth, bitter mouth, and mouth ulcers, and even aggravate the pre-existing condition. Therefore, when taking astragalus, it is important to adjust the dosage appropriately according to your own situation to avoid overdose.

Secondly, astragalus may also cause allergic reactions. Some patients may experience skin itching, erythema, urticaria and other allergies after taking astragalus. As soon as allergy symptoms appear, discontinue taking it immediately and seek help from a medical professional.

In addition, astragalus may also affect the digestive system. Some patients may experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms after taking astragalus.

This may be related to the warming and tonic effect of astragalus, which leads to gastrointestinal dysfunction. Therefore, when taking astragalus, it is recommended to pay attention to the reaction of your own digestive system, and adjust the dosage or stop taking it in time if you feel unwell.

Why do people lose weight when they drink astragalus water for a long time? Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water cannot be ignored


How to reduce the side effects of soaking astragalus in water?

First of all, the dosage of astragalus should be controlled. When using astragalus soaking in water, you should follow the doctor's advice or professional advice, and should not overdose. Astragalus can exert its medicinal effects when used in moderation while avoiding unnecessary side effects.

Secondly, pay attention to the combination of other medicinal herbs. In TCM theory, the combination of herbs can have a synergistic effect, enhance the efficacy of the medicine and reduce side effects.

Therefore, when brewing astragalus water, you can consider combining some medicinal materials with the effects of clearing heat and generating jin, such as wheat winter, wolfberry, etc., to reduce the symptoms that may be caused by astragalus such as irritation and dry mouth.

In addition, according to individual physical differences, it is also necessary to appropriately adjust the way of soaking astragalus in water. People with different physiques react differently to medicinal herbs, so when using astragalus to soak in water, you should choose the appropriate dosage and combination method according to your own physical condition.

Why do people lose weight when they drink astragalus water for a long time? Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water cannot be ignored

For example, people with a hot constitution can reduce the dosage of astragalus in an appropriate amount, or use some herbs with heat-clearing effect, and those with a cold constitution can increase the dosage of astragalus in an appropriate amount to achieve better efficacy.

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