
After getting sick, I have a dry cough and want to finish it quickly, put away these ingredients, and do it

author:YTY Jin Yujing Director 6071

In daily life, dry cough is a common cough symptom and one of the main reasons why many children get sick and have fever repeatedly.

If the child has a dry cough, parents need to pay attention to it in time and treat the symptoms to avoid the adverse effects of dry cough symptoms on the child's health. Below, we'll take a closer look at the causes of dry cough and how to deal with it.

After getting sick, I have a dry cough and want to finish it quickly, put away these ingredients, and do it

When a child has a dry cough, parents should take timely measures to deal with it. First of all, make sure that the room is well ventilated to reduce pungent odors. If there are people who smoke, try to avoid them from smoking in your child's activity area.

In addition, children can drink plenty of warm water to keep their respiratory tract moist and reduce dry cough symptoms.

If a dry cough interferes with the child's normal life, parents can consider giving the child some cough medicines, but they need to pay attention to the dosage and medication method. At the same time, if your child has a dry cough for too long or the symptoms worsen, you should take your child to the hospital for timely treatment.

After getting sick, I have a dry cough and want to finish it quickly, put away these ingredients, and do it

If your child has a dry cough, parents are advised to take the following steps to help alleviate it:

1. Drink plenty of water: Giving your child plenty of water can keep their throat moist and help relieve a dry cough.

2. Keep your child away from dry air as much as possible, such as placing a basin of water indoors when using an air conditioner.

3. Avoid spicy, irritating foods: These foods may irritate the throat and worsen dry coughs.

4. Use cough suppressants: If your child's dry cough is severe, consider using a children's cough suppressant, but use it under the guidance of a doctor.

If your child's dry cough persists or worsens, or if you experience other uncomfortable symptoms, you are advised to take your child to the doctor as soon as possible.

After getting sick, I have a dry cough and want to finish it quickly, put away these ingredients, and do it

First of all, the causes of dry cough are very complex. If the child has a respiratory disease such as chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc., then the cause of the dry cough is likely to be inhalation, infection, food, climate change, mental factors, and exercise, etc.

For some children, a dry cough may be triggered by asthma, which requires parents to pay attention.

Secondly, we need to understand the different types of dry cough and how to deal with it. Dry cough can be divided into the following two types:

1. Acute dry cough: usually caused by respiratory infections or allergies. Your child may have frequent coughing, an itchy throat, and a dry mouth. This type of dry cough can be relieved by using bronchodilator medications or by using inhalers such as aminophylline, mepbutin, etc.

After getting sick, I have a dry cough and want to finish it quickly, put away these ingredients, and do it

2. Chronic dry cough: It is usually associated with respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, bronchitis, etc. Your child may have persistent coughing, itchy throat, dry mouth, etc. If you have a dry cough caused by asthma, an asthma inhaler may have a noticeable effect.

For different types of dry cough, parents need to take different treatments.

For acute dry cough, you can appropriately give your child some cough medicines, such as Chuanbei loquat ointment, snake gallbladder Chuanbei liquid, etc., and at the same time, you should also pay attention to letting your child drink more water and keep indoor air circulation.

For chronic dry cough, it is necessary to see a doctor in time so that the doctor can develop a personalized treatment plan according to the specific situation of the child.

In short, parents should not be too nervous when their child has symptoms of dry cough, but they should not take it lightly.

After getting sick, I have a dry cough and want to finish it quickly, put away these ingredients, and do it

It is necessary to pay attention to the child's symptoms in time and treat the symptoms to avoid the adverse effects of dry cough on the child's health. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to giving children plenty of water, keeping indoor air circulation, and trying to avoid letting children come into contact with substances that are easy to cause allergies, such as pollen, dust mites, etc.

Ingredients for dry cough include:

1. Sydney: Cooking pears with other ingredients that have the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs into soup, such as white fungus, wolfberry, etc., is an effective dietary therapy method for treating dry cough. At the same time, Sydney pears can also be eaten directly, or made into desserts such as bitter gourd and pear white fungus soup.

2. Tremella: Tremella, along with lily and pear, is also a good choice for treating dry cough. White fungus can also be flavored with rock sugar in the soup, which makes the taste even more delicious.

3. Lily: Lily is also one of the ingredients used to treat dry cough. Boiling lilies with white fungus and pear has a good effect on moistening the lungs.

After getting sick, I have a dry cough and want to finish it quickly, put away these ingredients, and do it

4. Persimmons: Persimmons can be made into home-style persimmon cakes, and they are also one of the ingredients for treating dry cough. Persimmons can help relieve cough and phlegm.

5. White radish: White radish can be made into steamed shredded radish, which is also an effective dietary therapy for dry cough.

6. Lotus root: Lotus root can be made into lotus root mutton soup, which can also help relieve cough and phlegm, and improve dry cough symptoms.

7. Rock sugar: Rock sugar can be flavored in food therapy and can also help relieve cough.

After getting sick, I have a dry cough and want to finish it quickly, put away these ingredients, and do it

These ingredients can play a role in moisturizing the lungs, helping to relieve cough and phlegm, and you can choose the appropriate dietary therapy method according to your personal taste.

Finally, I hope that all babies will grow up healthily, I am Jin Yujing, and I am concerned about the health of babies.

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