
Astragalus, aconite, angelica, rehman...... These traditional Chinese medicines have such miraculous health preservation effects

author:Dr. Wang of the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the elements of yin and yang, qi, blood, and qi in the human body are interdependent and mutually influential. If you want to maintain good health, you must pay attention to these elements. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, replenishing yang, yin, qi, and blood are the basic principles of health preservation, while traditional Chinese medicines such as astragalus, aconite, angelica, rehman, and ginseng are commonly used tonic drugs.

Astragalus and aconite must be used to supplement yang. Astragalus is a holy medicine for replenishing qi, and aconite can warm yang and dispel cold, and the combination of the two can play a role in tonifying yang. Clinically, it is often used for symptoms such as chills, cold limbs, shortness of breath and weakness caused by lack of yang qi.

Astragalus, aconite, angelica, rehman...... These traditional Chinese medicines have such miraculous health preservation effects

To replenish yin, it is necessary to use angelica and cooked land. Angelica can nourish blood and moisten dryness, and cooked land can nourish yin and nourish blood, and the combination of the two can play a role in replenishing yin. Clinically, it is often used to treat symptoms such as dry mouth and dry skin caused by insufficient yin and blood.

Astragalus and ginseng must be used to replenish qi. Astragalus and ginseng are both traditional qi-tonifying medicines, which can enhance the body's immunity and improve fatigue and other uncomfortable symptoms. Clinically, it is often used to treat symptoms such as self-sweating and susceptibility to colds caused by qi deficiency.

Blood tonic must be based on angelica and raw land. Angelica can nourish and invigorate blood, and raw land can clear heat and cool blood, and the combination of the two can play a role in replenishing blood. Clinically, it is often used to treat symptoms such as paleness, palpitations, and insomnia caused by blood deficiency.

Astragalus, aconite, angelica, rehman...... These traditional Chinese medicines have such miraculous health preservation effects

In addition to regulating yin and yang, qi and blood, TCM also focuses on symptomatic treatment. To break blood stasis, it is necessary to use guiwei and peach kernels, to improve qi, it is necessary to use cohosh and bellflower, and to stop bleeding, it is necessary to use Jingmo and leek juice. Different symptoms require different medications to treat, which is also the principle of individualized treatment emphasized in TCM.

In addition to medication, special attention is also needed to pay attention to diet and exercise in daily life. Deficiency sweat must be mainly yellow and atractylodes, forgetfulness must be mainly Yuanzhi and calamus, deficiency and annoyance must be mainly Zhuru, and sleepless must be mainly sour jujube kernel. All of these drugs have some efficacy, but they need to be used under the guidance of a doctor.

Astragalus, aconite, angelica, rehman...... These traditional Chinese medicines have such miraculous health preservation effects

In conclusion, TCM health care is a comprehensive conditioning process that needs to be approached from multiple aspects. Through the adjustment of traditional Chinese medicine and daily lifestyle, it can effectively maintain good health and prolong life. At the same time, we should also realize that health preservation is not an overnight process, and requires persistent efforts and practice. Only in this way can we truly realize the beautiful vision of a long and healthy life.

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