
Doctor: These types of people try to stay away as much as possible, and the more they eat, the worse their health will be

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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On the street, Zhao Shui paced briskly. Suddenly, she felt some itching on her cheeks, and when she stroked it gently, she found that the rash was thick.

At the hospital, Zhao Shui was told that the rashes could be caused by food allergies. After detailed questioning, the doctor learned that Zhao Shui had been eating yam a lot recently, thinking that it was a healthy food.

Doctor: These types of people try to stay away as much as possible, and the more they eat, the worse their health will be

However, the doctor explained that although yam is indeed rich in nutritional value, such as boosting immunity and aiding digestion, it is not suitable for everyone.

Doctors have pointed out that the consumption of yams may cause adverse reactions in people with certain constitutions, such as people who are allergic to certain ingredients in yams, or people who suffer from certain diseases.

Doctor: These types of people try to stay away as much as possible, and the more they eat, the worse their health will be

In Zhao Shui's case, excessive consumption of yam may have triggered an allergic reaction in her body, causing skin problems. This explanation was an eye-opener for Zhao Shui, who realized that healthy eating is not simply about pursuing so-called "superfoods".

Rather, it should be adjusted according to the individual's constitution and health condition. Each food has its own suitable population and may pose health risks.

Doctor: These types of people try to stay away as much as possible, and the more they eat, the worse their health will be

Here, we lead to a new perspective: the interaction of food with an individual's constitution. In the traditional concept of health, we always emphasize the nutritional value of food itself, but often ignore the complex relationship between food and individual physique.

For example, some people may be particularly sensitive to certain food components, even though those foods are widely considered healthy. Zhao Shui's story reminds us that we need to be more nuanced and individualized in our quest for healthy eating.

Doctor: These types of people try to stay away as much as possible, and the more they eat, the worse their health will be

Knowing one's body and listening to its voice is essential for everyone. In addition, instead of pursuing the so-called "all-purpose food", it is better to pursue a balanced diet that suits you.

Health is a way of life, not a goal that can be achieved by relying on a certain food alone. Zhao Shui's experience shows us that the secret to health is to understand and respect our bodies.

Doctor: These types of people try to stay away as much as possible, and the more they eat, the worse their health will be

Mix and match your diet wisely, rather than blindly following a fad or a single food craze. Zhao Shui pondered in the waiting room of the hospital. She realizes that healthy eating is not just about choosing what is called "good food", but also about building a relationship with food in harmony.

Just like we can't judge a person based on their appearance or what others say about their interactions, we can't judge a food based solely on its nutrition label.

Doctor: These types of people try to stay away as much as possible, and the more they eat, the worse their health will be

Here, we introduce a new perspective: the association between food and emotions. Modern research shows that our food choices are often influenced by emotions. When people are stressed or anxious, they may be inclined to consume comfort foods, such as foods high in sugar or fat, for psychological comfort.

However, while this behavior can bring pleasure in the short term, it can have a negative impact on physical health in the long term. Zhao Shui recalls that when he was under pressure at work, he would often eat some sweets to relieve his mood. This Xi briefly made her feel satisfied, but it was followed by weight gain and health problems.

Doctor: These types of people try to stay away as much as possible, and the more they eat, the worse their health will be

She began to realize that a truly healthy diet is not only about choosing the right foods, but also about learning to manage her emotions and avoid letting them dictate her dietary choices.

In addition, Zhao Shui also found that food choices can also affect mood in turn. A nutritious and balanced diet can help stabilize mood and improve quality of life. Pursuing a stimulating taste or temporary comfort can lead to greater emotional instability.

Doctor: These types of people try to stay away as much as possible, and the more they eat, the worse their health will be

This trip to the hospital not only gave Zhao Shui a new understanding of yams, but also made her rethink her relationship with food. Healthy eating is no longer a rigid food list, but a process of understanding one's physical and emotional needs. In this process, we should not only focus on the food itself, but also on the emotions and lifestyle behind the food.

Doctor: These types of people try to stay away as much as possible, and the more they eat, the worse their health will be

What do you think about yams? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Doctor: These types of people try to stay away as much as possible, and the more they eat, the worse their health will be

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