
The long river of meandering history has deposited the rich theatrical heritage in Tianjin, where countless theatrical seeds have been nourished and nurtured - people have added color to the drama and the drama has raised the people


The water of the Haihe River and the land of Jingu are full of vitality and poetry. The long river of meandering history has deposited a rich theatrical heritage in Tianjin, where countless theatrical seeds have been nourished and nurtured and flourished. The answer lies in the bright stars of the drama celebrities, the development footprints of the intersection of the northern and southern dramas, and the ancient and modern stages where good dramas are constantly played.

There is drama offstage

The "Guardian Audience" is both strict and inclusive

Tianjin can be described as a "testing ground" for actors. The unique geographical location makes all kinds of famous actors from the north and south compete in Tianjin. Seeing a lot of knowledge has cultivated the unique vision of the Tianjin audience for art, and the straightforward personality has created the Tianjin audience's unpleasantness in the theater.

"Tianjin people do have their own style of watching dramas. Liu Qi, an opera theorist and former deputy director of the Tianjin Art Research Institute, said: "If an actor sings the first sentence out of tune or sings the wrong words, it may be good to come with lightning speed. Responsive and clear-cut, this is the style of the 'Guardian Audience'. ”

Tianjin audiences who love drama and understand drama are both strict and tolerant. There was once a young opera actor who made a mistake, and the audience shouted "It's okay, do it again!" The actor made up his mind to come again, and the theater immediately burst into applause, the audience enjoyed it, and the actors refreshed themselves. Not long ago, two out-of-town actors sang the wrong words on the stage in Tianjin, but they received different evaluations. "This is because Tianjin audiences look at art and look more at attitude. Those who are lax and slack will naturally not be recognized by everyone if they make mistakes, and those who are serious and committed can understand and tolerate occasional mistakes. A veteran fan of the theater told the secret.

Tianjin audiences are also full of a sense of justice and sincerely love the actors. Liu Qi said that there was an actor who performed "Depicting the Road", "Zhao Wuniang" sat on the stage and sang like a cry, and suddenly two people stood on the stage and kept taking pictures of the pianist. One winter, Wusheng performance artist Zhang Shilin performed "Walking Wheat City", and the atmosphere in the theater was always very warm, and after he took three curtain calls, the audience was still applauding, so the curtain was called for the fourth time. At this time, some viewers saw Zhang Shilin's sweaty appearance, so they cared in a Tianjin accent: "Don't catch a cold!"

In Tianjin, there are countless "jokes" that interact on and off the stage. Actors, both local and foreign, said: "The Tianjin audience pushes us to take art more seriously and inspires us to constantly improve our skills." ”

There is a drama on campus

Drama nourishes young minds

There is such a video on the Internet: Before the start of a theater in Tianjin, two children in the audience sang Peking Opera decently. Hot comments from netizens: Even children can sing, Tianjin's opera atmosphere is so good!

Tianjin opera dolls, one stubble after another. When some opera fans were asked "why did they fall in love with opera", many of them replied "because they went to the opera with their parents since childhood". In fact, the opera atmosphere in Tianjin is not only in the family, but also on the Jingjing campus. Over the years, the city has continued to hold the school opera aesthetic education conference, this year in the 5th conference held in the Drama Museum, the city's 16 districts, 1,247 schools, 23,297 classes of more than 810,000 students use the Internet to appreciate the beauty of opera; the city's professional opera troupes have also continued to enter the campus to popularize opera, the children have seen how the art of opera in the dark in the bright environment, and know that the "beard" worn by the old students is called "mustache", and the actions such as brushing the hair and playing the hair are not concentric......

While sowing the seeds of opera, the land of Jingu also found another way to cultivate "sowers". In recent years, the city has launched a training course for opera teachers, and professional opera people have conducted systematic training for teachers in universities, middle schools and primary schools, aiming to establish a team of teachers who understand opera and love opera and are good at teaching. After returning to school, the "sowers" worked hard and bore fruitful results: some schools set up children's opera clubs, some students moved the "Ode to Pear Blossoms" with Beijing accent and Beijing rhyme to the graduation ceremony under the guidance of teachers, and some students automatically became quintessential preachers and promoted Peking Opera to various classes...... The traditional cultural genes flowing in the blood of children are constantly awakened.

Whether it is the national drama art that originated in the land of China, or the foreign drama art introduced to the mainland by the West, it has a vigorous posture in the eclectic Tianjin. The first Tianjin University Student Drama Festival, which has just ended, has been carried out in 56 colleges and universities in the city and some middle schools with drama traditions. Children experience the lives of others and gain their own insights through drama. Liu Jingfan, the "old drama bone" of Tianjin Renyi, walked into the campus to tutor students through this drama festival, and he said happily: "Drama brings positive energy to children, and children also bring new vitality to drama." ”

There is drama in life

"Drama" and "life" are mutually reinforcing

In Tianjin, drama is not only a moving performance in the theater, but also a true portrayal of the state of life. The enthusiastic and cheerful Tianjin people put the drama in their lives.

Last year, Liu Qun, the head of the Xinchunliu Drama Club, organized a script reading meeting, and senior theater people led enthusiasts to read and rehearse plays such as "Sunrise" and "Marriage". This kind of theatrical experience was very popular, and more than 400 people in the WeChat group of the reading meeting got together and got to know each other because of the play.

Wang Hao is a Tianjin guy who is obsessed with drama, has worked outside for many years, and after returning to his hometown, he learned that there was a script reading activity, and he excitedly participated in it. "Acting" gave him a different experience from "watching a play": "There is a policeman in "Marriage". When I watched the play, I only saw his comedic color. But when I played him, I realized that his humor is a resonance of many factors such as his profession and facing people, and this experience also gave me more insights into life. ”

Because of "Marriage", Wang Hao is really married. He and a girl who were also at the reading meeting rehearsed and fell in love and held hands, unexpectedly, reasonably, and logically, like a drama performed thousands of times on stage. While the two "protagonists" are grateful to the "drama" for the old man, they also set the drama as a long-term topic in their future lives. "We participate in theatre, enjoy theatre, achieve each other with theatre, and realize the beautiful theatre dreams in our hearts. Wang Hao said with emotion.

In the streets and alleys of Jincheng, people enjoy drama. "Post-95" Tianjin opera lost Lu Yaxin, through participating in the lively atmosphere of the opera activities, feel that the ancient opera is around her, she deeply feels that Chinese opera is a bridge between the descendants of Yan and Huang; Zhang Yu, a young man from other places, likes opera, and after coming to Tianjin to study, he found that the atmosphere of opera in Tianjin is far beyond imagination, not only the school has an opera club, but also the community box office is dotted, and some communities even have more than one box office; citizen Hu Jinyan holds the Tianjin Wenhui card with both subsidies and discounts, and frequently enters the theater to watch plays. Participating in theatrical activities has become a way of life that she never tires of, making her meet friends, improve herself, and feel deeply happy......

Reporter's Notes

Tianjin is a place with drama. The number of famous artists is like a splendid star, the abundance of drama varieties is like a hundred flowers blooming, and the number of fine products is like a cluster of flowers. This prosperity is due to the fertile soil of Tianjin drama, and this fertile soil is cultivated by the lovely Tianjin people. Their love for drama has ignited the flame of the inheritance and development of drama, and is the source of vitality and eternal youth of drama. The all-encompassing cultural nourishment of drama is the foundation of Tianjin people's spiritual wealth and the epitome of quality life. In Tianjin, drama has become an indispensable part of life, interpreting people's innermost dreams and hopes.

There are too many drama stories in Tianjin, which are far from being summarized in a few articles. The unique and magnificent theatrical scenery here is still depicted by the Tianjin people in the new era. May Tianjin become more and more dramatic!

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