
Why does the British Royal Guard, the real "Red Shrimp Soldier", always wear a black bear hat on his head?

author:Xiao Xiao's fun world

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The Bearskin Hat's Fantastical Journey: The Glory, Controversy and Humour of the Royal Guard

If you've ever seen the Royal Guards wearing bearskin hats and red military tops at the Queen's birthday celebrations, you'll be wondering: what is the sacredness of the furry hats on the heads of these "red shrimp soldiers"?

Today, let's unveil this mysterious bearskin hat and explore the glory, controversy and humor behind it!

Why does the British Royal Guard, the real "Red Shrimp Soldier", always wear a black bear hat on his head?

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The glorious history of the bearskin hat: from grenadier to glory of the Royal Guard

Hundreds of years ago in Europe, a group of soldiers with unique skills and courage, armed with round iron bombs, were like a group of brave "bombers" on the battlefield.

They were the Grenadiers, a special unit that was feared by the fear. Not only did these guys have to face the enemy's heavy artillery fire, but they also had to bravely charge into the enemy line after lighting the fuse of the bomb, and then - bang!

In those days, in order to demonstrate the heroic status of these warriors, grenadiers from all countries were allowed to wear a kind of "top hat". This hat may have started as an ordinary military hat, but over time it became tall and powerful, eventually evolving into the bearskin hat we see today.

I have to say that this hat is really a bit of an "explosive" history!

Why does the British Royal Guard, the real "Red Shrimp Soldier", always wear a black bear hat on his head?

When it comes to bearskin hats, it's impossible not to mention its legendary story in the British Royal Guard. These soldiers who guarded the British royal family not only carried on the heroic tradition of grenadiers, but also wore the bearskin hat higher and more proudly.

For them, the hat was not just a decoration, but a symbol of glory, a privilege and pride in being part of the Royal Guard.

Time flies, and now every year on the second Saturday of June, the sun shines on the streets of London, and thousands of tourists and people gather in anticipation.

Why does the British Royal Guard, the real "Red Shrimp Soldier", always wear a black bear hat on his head?

What are they waiting for? Of course, it is the British Queen's birthday parade! As the guard of honor marches slowly, a group of "red shrimp soldiers" wearing bearskin hats and bright red military uniforms walked into people's eyes with neat steps.

Their every movement and every look reveals rigor and pride. At that moment, they seemed to have become national heroes of the United Kingdom, enjoying endless applause and cheers.

Why does the British Royal Guard, the real "Red Shrimp Soldier", always wear a black bear hat on his head?

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The bearskin hat controversy: a challenge from conservationists

However, as the old saying goes, "People are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong." As its popularity grew, the furry hat was also involved in a "bloody storm" controversy.

After enjoying the scenery for hundreds of years, the bearskin hat finally meets a group of uninvited "critics" - animal protectionists.

As soon as they saw the mighty bearskin hat, they were furious, accusing the tradition of being cruel and inhumane. Each bearskin hat, they claim, hides the tragic fate of a hunted black bear.

This can push the British Royal Guard to the forefront. They just wanted to wear a hat to show off, but they didn't expect it to cause such a big problem.

Why does the British Royal Guard, the real "Red Shrimp Soldier", always wear a black bear hat on his head?

As a result, a debate about tradition and morality is in full swing in British society. On the one hand, conservationists hold high the banner that "everyone has a responsibility to protect animals", while the Royal Guard insists that it is their tradition and glory and cannot be easily abandoned.

The debate went on for several years, with both sides arguing and not giving in to each other. But as time went on, more and more people began to side with the conservationists, questioning the traditions of the Royal Guard.

In the face of this pressure, the British Royal Guard is also aware of the seriousness of the problem. They began to wonder: how can we respect the right to life of animals while maintaining traditions?

Finally, in 2011, the Royal Guard made a big decision: they announced that they would use faux fur instead of wild black bear skin to make hats.

Why does the British Royal Guard, the real "Red Shrimp Soldier", always wear a black bear hat on his head?

The decision immediately won the admiration and support of many environmentalists. Animal conservationists say it's a wise choice that respects tradition while protecting animals.

And those "Red Prawn Soldiers" can continue to wear their bearskin hats, but this time the hats are no longer burdened with a "bloody" past.

Since then, the "Red Prawn Soldiers" have walked the streets and alleys of London, still looking heroic.

Only now, when they proudly raise their heads and show off their iconic bearskin hats, there is no longer the wailing of animals behind them, but the applause and applause of people for the harmonious coexistence of tradition and environmental protection.

Why does the British Royal Guard, the real "Red Shrimp Soldier", always wear a black bear hat on his head?

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The addition of Sikh soldiers: a new chapter in the bearskin hat

As we all know, history always likes to surprise people. Just when we thought that the bearskin hat turmoil had subsided and we were about to write "The End" on it, in 2012, history gave us another "surprise".

That year, the British Royal Guard welcomed a special new member – a Sikh soldier. The soldier came from a people with a deep cultural tradition, and their Xi was not to cut their hair, but to wrap it in a turban.

Therefore, when he stood among those "red shrimp soldiers" wearing bearskin hats, he looked out of the ordinary.

Can you imagine that scene? In a group of tall soldiers wearing bearskin hats, a smiling young man in a turban suddenly appeared. It's almost like being in a serious historical drama with a sudden insertion of a comedic bridge.

Why does the British Royal Guard, the real "Red Shrimp Soldier", always wear a black bear hat on his head?

But you know what? This Sikh soldier didn't do it for fun. His choice is actually his respect for and adherence to his own national culture.

"I love my country and I love my national traditions," he said. I hope that in the army, I can both defend the country and maintain my national Xi. ”

This move quickly attracted widespread attention from society. Some praised the soldier for his courage, while others thought he broke the traditions of the Royal Guard.

But in any case, the soldier succeeded in showing the integration and tolerance of multiculturalism in the military.

The British Royal Guard also showed their generosity and open-mindedness. Not only did they take in the Sikh soldier, but they also allowed him to wear a headscarf on official occasions.

Why does the British Royal Guard, the real "Red Shrimp Soldier", always wear a black bear hat on his head?

The decision has been widely praised by all sectors of society, who have said that it is a model of tradition and modernity, diversity and inclusion.

Since then, there has been a unique landscape in the ranks of the "Red Shrimp Soldiers". Whenever they marched through the streets of London, people couldn't help but glance at the hijab-clad and energetic Sikh soldier.

His presence seems to tell the world that in the British Royal Guard, every soldier can maintain his or her own personality and traditions, and this is also a symbol of the diversity and inclusion of the country they jointly defend.

Why does the British Royal Guard, the real "Red Shrimp Soldier", always wear a black bear hat on his head?

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Epilogue: A tradition of glory and controversy

Looking back on history, it is not difficult for us to find: whether it is the bravery and fearlessness of the grenadiers, or the glory and pride of the Royal Guard;

Whether it's the questioning and protesting of conservationists or the tolerance and innovation of Sikh soldiers – bearskin hats are always accompanied by glory and controversy. It has witnessed the changes of history and the progress of society, and it also makes us think about how to embrace change while respecting tradition.

In this humorous and witty story, we see the tenacity and perseverance, courage and innovation of the British Royal Guard;

We have seen the wisdom and strength of a people in the face of challenges.

In the end, the "Red Shrimp Soldiers" told us with their actions: no matter how the times change, the glory and faith under the "bearskin hat" will be inherited forever!

Why does the British Royal Guard, the real "Red Shrimp Soldier", always wear a black bear hat on his head?

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Infinite reverie

When we stand in the long river of history and look back at this fantastic journey about bearskin hats, we can't help but fall into infinite reverie.

It is not just a hat, but also the culture, tradition, morality and tolerance and other diverse factors behind it have given us a deeper knowledge and understanding of this country and this nation.

So what challenges will the "Red Prawn Soldiers" encounter in the future, and how will they deal with them?

Let's wait and see!

Why does the British Royal Guard, the real "Red Shrimp Soldier", always wear a black bear hat on his head?

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