
A must-eat in winter! One laxative, two bright eyes, three strong bones, make you full of vitality health recipes!

author:Advanced Chenxing l0T

Hey! The cold winter is coming, do you want some delicious and healthy recipes to warm your body and improve your immunity? Today I bring you three winter dishes - one laxative, two bright eyes, and three strong bones! Not only are they easy to make, but they are also packed with nutrients to keep you energized during the cold season. Follow me to explore!


The first course: a laxative

We all know that winter is often prone to gastrointestinal discomfort, and constipation becomes a problem that plagues us. Don't worry, here's a magical dish to help you get started! First, prepare the main ingredients – mung bean sprouts and fungus. Mung bean sprouts are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, and fungus is rich in plant gum, which has the effect of moistening the intestines and laxative. Wash them, cook them, add salt, vinegar, sesame oil and minced garlic and mix well. Brightly coloured and crispy, this dish not only helps with digestion, but also helps you stay away from constipation and stomach discomfort.

A must-eat in winter! One laxative, two bright eyes, three strong bones, make you full of vitality health recipes!

The second way: two clear eyes

In winter, when the weather is cold, many people will feel dry eyes and vision loss. At this time, you need a healthy dish to improve the condition of your eyes. The main ingredients we use are carrots and black fungus. Carrots are rich in β-carotene, which is an important ingredient for maintaining eye health, while black fungus is rich in gum, which helps to improve blood circulation in the eyeballs. Slice the carrots and cook them, soak the black fungus and cut them into shreds, then add an appropriate amount of salt, sugar, vinegar and peppercorn powder and mix well. Not only is this dish delicious, but it will also help you protect your eyes, improve your eyesight, and let you see the world clearly and brightly during the cold season.

A must-eat in winter! One laxative, two bright eyes, three strong bones, make you full of vitality health recipes!

The third way: three strong bones

Winter is the time when our bones are most likely to feel tired and brittle. To make your bones healthier and stronger, I've got you covered with this three-bone dish! First, we'll need brisket, mushrooms, and black beans. Beef brisket is rich in protein and calcium, which helps to improve bone density, mushrooms are rich in vitamin D, which promotes calcium absorption, and black beans are rich in protein and vitamin K, which help to strengthen bone strength. Cook the beef brisket and black beans, soak the mushrooms and slice them, then add an appropriate amount of salt, soy sauce, cooking wine and ginger slices and simmer for 1-2 hours. This delicious dish will not only nourish your body, but also strengthen your bones and keep you energized on a cold winter day!

A must-eat in winter! One laxative, two bright eyes, three strong bones, make you full of vitality health recipes!


The cold of winter does not stop us from loving food and pursuing health. One laxative, two bright eyes, three strong bones, these three dishes are not only simple and easy to make, but also a good recipe for health. Not only do they nourish our bodies, but they also keep us energized. Get started and try your hand at making these delicious and nutritious dishes that will make the winter cold warm and beautiful!

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