
Are walnuts blood vessel scavengers, or "life talismans"?

author:Angelica Angelica health rhyme

Walnuts are a common ingredient that has high medicinal value in traditional Chinese medicine theory. It is praised as a "vascular scavenger" and "life booster" because of its significant benefits for cardiovascular health and longevity. However, there are some differences of opinion about when walnuts should be eaten, with some arguing that it is better to eat them in the morning while others advocate eating them in the evening. So, is it better to eat walnuts in the morning or in the evening?

First, let's understand the nutritional value and medicinal properties of walnuts. Walnuts are rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals and other nutrients, among which the fat content is high and rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which have an important protective effect on the cardiovascular system. In addition, walnuts are also rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin E and polyphenols, which have anti-aging and antioxidant effects. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that walnuts are sweet and warm in taste, and have the effects of nourishing the lungs and kidneys, moistening the intestines and laxatives, and nourishing essence.

Are walnuts blood vessel scavengers, or "life talismans"?

In response to the claim that walnuts are used as vascular scavengers and life amulets, the theory of Chinese medicine gives a scientific explanation. First of all, the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in walnuts have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system. It can reduce blood lipids, anticoagulate, dilate blood vessels, and lower blood pressure, thereby preventing and improving cardiovascular disease. In addition, walnuts also have medicinal properties such as clearing heat and detoxifying, dissolving phlegm and relieving cough, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, tonifying the kidney and strengthening yang, etc., which have a positive effect on improving lung function and nourishing the kidneys. So it can be said that walnuts do have a positive effect on cardiovascular health and longevity.

Are walnuts blood vessel scavengers, or "life talismans"?

Next, let's explore the question of whether it is better to eat walnuts in the morning or in the evening. According to the view of traditional Chinese medicine, walnuts have the effect of warming and nourishing the lungs and kidneys, and have an improving effect on symptoms such as yellowing of the complexion, fatigue, shortness of breath and lazy speech. When you get up in the morning, the body's yang energy gradually rises, and eating walnuts at this time can replenish energy, improve lung and kidney function, and enhance physical fitness. Eating walnuts before going to bed at night can play a role in nourishing the kidneys, calming the nerves, improving insomnia, etc., and is especially suitable for people who stay up late and are overworked mentally.

Are walnuts blood vessel scavengers, or "life talismans"?

All in all, walnuts, as a precious and highly medicinal ingredient, do have significant benefits for cardiovascular health and longevity. Eating in the morning or in the evening actually depends on the individual's physique and needs. If you are a person who is not in good spirits and is prone to fatigue in the morning, then eating walnuts in the morning can improve your physical fitness and increase energy, and if you are a person who is prone to insomnia and staying up late to work, then eating walnuts at night can assist sleep and improve sleep quality. In short, the consumption of walnuts should be reasonably selected according to their own situation, and the amount of consumption should be reasonably controlled to maintain the health of the body.



1. Sun Wanli, Shao Haohong, Zhang Huijing, et al. Research Progress on Nutritional Value and Medicinal Efficacy of Walnut[J]. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2017(2): 185-191.

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