
What should I do if my baby only eats complementary food and doesn't like to drink milk? Will he be malnourished?

author:Cultural parenting
What should I do if my baby only eats complementary food and doesn't like to drink milk? Will he be malnourished?

Many babies begin to resist milk powder and breast milk after adding complementary food, what kind of harm will this cause to the baby's stomach?

What should I do if my baby only eats complementary food and doesn't like to drink milk? Will he be malnourished?

Eating only complementary foods without milk will be nutritionally unbalanced?

The baby is still half a month old and one year old, three days of weaning from breast milk, eating every day is very good, just don't drink milk powder? with a spoon he doesn't drink, will the baby eat Xi, will just eating cause nutritional imbalance?

It is common for babies to resist milk powder when they are used to breast milk, and babies are just weaned and need a psychological adaptation process. If you want your baby to receive milk powder, it is recommended to use a pacifier close to breast milk for your baby, or let your family feed your baby milk, and your mother should not stand next to her. In addition, because of the development of taste, it is normal for babies to like to eat food with flavor.

Although eating normally can ensure basic nutritional needs, parents should not take it lightly, because the total milk volume of 500ml should be guaranteed every day after the baby is 1 year old. Milk powder can be fed little by little with a small spoon, so that the baby can accept the taste first, and then gradually turn the milk powder into a baby auxiliary food, the combination of milk and food can ensure a healthier growth of the baby.

What should I do if my baby only eats complementary food and doesn't like to drink milk? Will he be malnourished?

What is the reason for only feeding milk and not eating complementary foods?

After the baby is 6 months old, it is time to add complementary food, because the most content in milk is fat and protein, and with the growth of the baby, the need for trace elements and vitamins will be more and more, and breast milk and milk powder alone are far from enough. Some babies are 1 year old and only drink milk powder or breast milk, parents should review whether the "work" of adding complementary food to the baby is carried out on time at 4~6 months.

What should I do if my baby only eats complementary food and doesn't like to drink milk? Will he be malnourished?

Adding too late can lead to insufficient exercise in chewing and gastrointestinal function. Secondly, indigestion, constipation, food accumulation, lack of trace elements, etc., will cause the baby's loss of appetite. Only symptomatic treatment can change this situation.

How to scientifically add complementary food to the baby?

When feeding complementary food at the beginning, do not rush it

When you first start adding complementary food to your baby, don't feed too much in one bite so that your baby won't have time to swallow, which will affect normal food digestion. Don't let your baby eat too much and cause a burden on the stomach. Therefore, try to avoid eating when the baby is very hungry, and at the same time pay attention to the amount of the baby's diet and be aware of it. Because the baby himself does not know how much to eat, it is easy to hurt the stomach.

Don't play while eating

As the baby grows and the development of various functions tends to be perfected, attention is easily attracted by sounds, movements, cartoons, etc. When you are fascinated, it will not only affect the baby's chewing, causing the baby to swallow food raw, but also affect digestion and absorption.

Complementary foods need to be diversified

With the passage of time, the baby's growth day by day, parents are busy with work, the interest in the production of baby complementary food will decrease, if the baby only eats one kind of food, or the lack of freshness of the production of complementary food, it is easy to cause the baby to resist the complementary food, lose interest in the complementary food.

In many cases, your baby's rejection of a certain food is not because he doesn't like the food itself, but because of the way he eats it. For example, some babies don't like to eat pure rice cereal, if the rice cereal is added with egg yolk or green vegetable puree, the baby will like it very much, parents may wish to spend more time to explore the baby's taste and preferences.

The timing of your baby's salt is important!

It is recommended to let the baby eat salt after 1 year old, but only in very small amounts. Many parents say that "the baby is not interested in complementary food, is it because it is tasteless?" for the baby does not like to eat complementary food, it may not be the child's problem, it should be mainly caused by the adult's mistake.

For example, adults can give children some adult foods when they eat, and give children frequent supplements or unnecessary drugs (calcium, protein powder, bovine colostrum, etc.). This can cause your baby's sense of taste to develop prematurely and make them less interested in formula or regular complementary foods (rice noodles, etc.).

It is recommended that parents still start from their usual feeding and life, and do not add salt and other condiments to their children too early. Excessive salt intake can induce high blood pressure and other diseases in the future.

How do children with eczema (allergies) add?

Children under 1 year old, especially those with eczema, should not add milk and related foods, such as egg protein, shelled seafood, soybeans, peanuts and other foods that can easily trigger children's allergies.

Goat milk and related goat milk products are not easy to allergies, so parents can try it.

Children with eczema don't start trying egg yolks until later (at least 8 months). If the yolk is intolerant, it is necessary to resolutely stop. Soy milk should not be given to children under 1 year old, as it may aggravate allergies - eczema!

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