
I found an effective prescription for the treatment of prostatitis - Angelica Peony Powder + Zhuling Soup, 5 diagnoses and cures

author:The great doctor is sincere and has wonderful skills

In the clinical treatment of prostatitis, generally speaking, the methods used are only two categories: blood circulation and blood stasis and heat and dampness, but it is difficult to treat in the proportion of damp heat and blood circulation and blood stasis removal drugs, as well as the succession of problems.

I found an effective prescription for the treatment of prostatitis - Angelica Peony Powder + Zhuling Soup, 5 diagnoses and cures

Tell me a very typical case, I met a patient before, not very old, 38 years old, is a middle-level leader of the enterprise, prostatitis has been a year and a half, the patient's prostatic fluid test list shows white blood cells 3+, and accompanied by abdominal pain, frequent urination, urine waiting, sitting for half an hour will feel very uncomfortable, plus the legs often feel soreness and weakness

I found an effective prescription for the treatment of prostatitis - Angelica Peony Powder + Zhuling Soup, 5 diagnoses and cures

In fact, at the beginning, his symptoms and causes were very clear, because he was a leader, so he had a lot of social dinners, drinking, fat and sweet tastes, which were more frequent, which led to this damp and hot endogenous, which went down to the kidneys and bladder to cause this urinary tract infection, and then slowly spread to the prostate, causing prostatitis. In the past, I had been using anti-inflammatory drugs to control it, but it was effective at first, but slowly increasing the amount of anti-inflammatory drugs did not work.

I found an effective prescription for the treatment of prostatitis - Angelica Peony Powder + Zhuling Soup, 5 diagnoses and cures

Let's take a look at his situation, first of all, the lower scorching damp heat is certain, this is a soil for the growth of inflammation, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs to suppress inflammation is effective at the beginning, but the treatment of the symptoms is not the root cause, but with the extension of time, the damp heat hurts the yin, you will feel the weakness of the whole body, the legs and feet are sore; and he also has perineal pain, urination and waiting, plus the inspection to see that the complexion is relatively gray, the tongue is purple and dark, indicating that the damp heat has been a long time, and there has been a situation of blood stasis.

I found an effective prescription for the treatment of prostatitis - Angelica Peony Powder + Zhuling Soup, 5 diagnoses and cures

So, I prescribed him a prescription: angelica, white peony, Chuanxiong, atractylodes, Poria cocos, Zexiao, talc, Ejiao, and Zhuling. In fact, it is the combination of Angelica peony powder and Zhu Ling soup

Angelica peony powder, he is mainly treated with liver meridian dampness and heat, and there is liver and blood deficiency, like the patient's situation, you must not only clean up the scorching dampness and heat, because he is blocked and empty, virtual and real are mixed, if you only use the Qingli method, it will hurt the righteousness, and use the tonic method, and it will aggravate the blockage, so it is more difficult to master the proportion of this clear supplement.

I found an effective prescription for the treatment of prostatitis - Angelica Peony Powder + Zhuling Soup, 5 diagnoses and cures

In this recipe, except for the slightly reused atractylodes, the other dosages are relatively average, try the patient's degree of acceptance, Angelica peony can clear the dampness and heat of the lower coke while invigorating the blood and strengthen the spleen, as well as the effect of nourishing the blood, it is also a recipe for the combination of clearing and replenishing, and Zhu Ling soup can benefit water and dampness on the one hand, and the ejiao in it has a certain effect of nourishing yin, which not only benefits the kidney yin, but also prevents this kind of dampness medicine from hurting yin.

I found an effective prescription for the treatment of prostatitis - Angelica Peony Powder + Zhuling Soup, 5 diagnoses and cures

After the patient ate this recipe, the most obvious manifestation is diarrhea, the stool pulled out is extremely smelly, sometimes like water, but every time he pulls it, he feels a little more comfortable, in fact, in this case he is in the sewage discharge, stasis, the first three days of pulling is more powerful, to the next four or five days, pulling less, and the person feels very relaxed, the lower abdomen falling feeling is significantly reduced, I also know that I use this ratio correctly.

I found an effective prescription for the treatment of prostatitis - Angelica Peony Powder + Zhuling Soup, 5 diagnoses and cures

Later, after four or five courses of treatment, the frequent urination and urgency disappeared completely, the face was obviously much cooler, and the whole body was energetic, so I was instructed not to drink regularly after stopping the drug, and to increase the amount of exercise, light diet, and prevent recurrence.

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