
Nourish yang in spring and summer, yin in autumn and winter, and after the winter solstice, the best health is not to replenish yang, but to nourish yin!

author:Director of Chinese medicine Hei Weike
{"info":{"title":{"content":"春夏养阳,秋冬养阴,冬至过后,最好的养生不是补阳,而是滋阴!","en":"Nourish yang in spring and summer, yin in autumn and winter, and after the winter solstice, the best health is not to replenish yang, but to nourish yin!"},"description":{"content":"可能很多朋友觉得冬天非常寒冷,是补充阳气的时节,所以会在冬至过后,真正的冬天来临之时,选择用一些补阳的药物,比如金匮肾气...","en":"Many friends may feel that winter is very cold and is the season to replenish yang qi, so they will choose to use some yang-tonifying drugs after the winter solstice, when the real winter comes, such as Jin Kui Kidney Qi..."}},"items":[]}

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