
Page, SpongeBob SquarePants and Bear are "crippled", and the bald head becomes a big handsome guy? I was moved

Page, SpongeBob SquarePants and Bear are "crippled", and the bald head becomes a big handsome guy? I was moved

In children's anime, there are many characters to like, even if their appearance is not high, as long as they are funny and cute, it is easy to be accepted by everyone. However, the fans are idle, to these explosive characters "plastic surgery", as a result, Page, SpongeBob and bears were "crippled", bald but became a big handsome guy, this appearance, let the fans moved, let's take a look!

Peppa Pig

Paige is an anime character that children like very much, she is a pink piglet, very cute looking, wearing a red dress, very recognizable. And Page is very cute and polite. And through the "plastic surgery" of fans, Page's eyes and mouth are placed on a flat surface, so that it looks not only unlovable, but even a little scary, such a Page do you still like?

Page, SpongeBob SquarePants and Bear are "crippled", and the bald head becomes a big handsome guy? I was moved

Bear big

Xiong Da is a character in "Bear Haunting", but also the wisdom of the anime, many small animals encounter problems that can not be solved will go to Xiong Da to help, and Xiong Da is very kind and enthusiastic, very willing to help everyone. After undergoing "plastic surgery", Xiong Da actually turned into a feminine and enchanting "female bear bear", not only smearing grease and powder, but also wearing a big red flower on his head, which was really vulgar and couldn't bear to look at it directly.

Page, SpongeBob SquarePants and Bear are "crippled", and the bald head becomes a big handsome guy? I was moved

SpongeBob SquarePants and Pai Da Xing

I thought that Page and Bear after being "plastic surgery" were ugly enough, until I saw SpongeBob SquarePants and Pai Daxing, which was simply outrageous. The original cute two anime characters have been turned into muscle men, and they are also elderly "muscle men", which is not only ugly, but also obstructs the view. "Crippling" anime characters like this is also a kind of skill!

Page, SpongeBob SquarePants and Bear are "crippled", and the bald head becomes a big handsome guy? I was moved

"Bear Haunting" is bald and strong

Seeing the first three pictures, I didn't have any hope, but after seeing figure four, I couldn't remove my eyes. Is this bald strong? This is obviously the male protagonist of the idol drama, this deep eyes, the perfect facial contour, let people have a heart-pounding feeling at a glance. If Bald Head Qiang had appeared in this image at the beginning, I am afraid that it would have been popular in the anime circle long ago. To be honest, do you like this bald head strong?

Page, SpongeBob SquarePants and Bear are "crippled", and the bald head becomes a big handsome guy? I was moved

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