
Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Four Seasons Food

Chicken feet are a very common delicacy in life, although there is not much meat, but the taste is crisp and chewy, and rich in collagen, for a foodie, chicken feet are definitely a fine delicacy, but chicken feet have more meat and less meat, and it is a bit difficult to eat, especially for the elderly and children at home, even more so, and the boneless chicken feet will be more enjoyable to eat.

The boneless chicken feet sold outside are not only very expensive, but I don't know how to remove the bones, which is not very reassuring, so today I will share with you a good way to debone the chicken feet, which is very simple, only need to use a toothpick, you can help us quickly debone the chicken feet, and by the way, I will also share with you the practice of lemon boneless chicken feet, let's take a look.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

Cut off the nails of the chicken feet first, which is not only clean and hygienic, but also convenient for boning.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

Put the cut chicken feet in a basin and scrub them well.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

Then put the chicken feet in a pot, add ginger slices, green onions and cooking wine, and pour in cold water that has submerged the chicken feet.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

Bring the water to a boil without a lid, and when the water is boiling, remove the foam with a spoon.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

After the water is boiled, then boil for about 5 minutes, the time should not be too long, otherwise the chicken skin will not be easy to peel when boiled, just cook the chicken feet.

Then take out the chicken feet and pour them into cold water, wash off the excess grease on the surface of the chicken feet, and then add cool white boil to clean the chicken feet again. The main purpose of washing it with cool white water is to prevent people with bad stomach from having gastrointestinal discomfort when they eat chicken feet with raw water.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

After washing, take it out to dry the moisture on the chicken feet, and if you are in a hurry, you can use a kitchen paper towel to absorb the moisture from the chicken feet, as I did.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

Because it is next to be put in the refrigerator to freeze, if you do not wipe the moisture on the surface, the chicken feet will freeze together, resulting in broken skin, and a lot of ice residue will be produced, which will affect the taste.

After drying, put the chicken feet on a plate and arrange them as much as possible, try not to stack them on top of each other, and then put them in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator for about 40 minutes.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

When the time is almost right, we can prepare some side dishes first.

Shred half of the onion, then cut it into small pieces and put it in a large bowl.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

Prepare a few sprigs of coriander, a shallot, and cut them together into small pieces.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

Prepare another lemon, cut it into thin slices, and put one if you like sour spots, otherwise half is enough.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

Remember to throw away the lemon seeds, otherwise they will become bitter after soaking for a long time, which will affect the taste.

Prepare a few more millet peppers and cut them into small rings.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

How can you make cold chicken feet without spicy, how can you be an appetizer if you are sour or not spicy?

Finally, prepare two cloves of garlic, a small piece of ginger, try to chop some, the garlic can be disinfected and sterilized, and increase the flavor, and the ginger can remove the smell of chicken feet.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

After all the above ingredients are cut, all of them are put into the same large bowl for later use, these are all base ingredients.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

40 minutes have passed, take the chicken feet out of the refrigerator. After a short period of freezing, it will be better to remove the bones.

Now start to deboning, use a knife to make a cut on the back of the claw like the picture below, and cut the claw of each chicken claw.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

When using a knife, be sure not to scratch your hand, and try not to point the knife edge to your hand.

Once you've made a draw, prepare a toothpick, insert it through the slice and slide it up and down the chicken bone to separate the bone from the meat.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

Separating the flesh from the bone with a toothpick in advance not only preserves more meat, but also makes it easier to remove the bone later. Both sides of the bone need to be cut in the same way.

Take a look at the picture below, which is what it looks like after both sides are drawn with toothpicks, and now we can take out the bones, it's very simple.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

Break the bones from the chicken feet from the joints one by one.

Because I make it for myself, and it is also to better show my friends the operation of boning, so I don't wear gloves, don't mind, if you make it for outsiders, try to wear gloves to operate, it is more hygienic.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

Like the picture below, the root is the crispy bone of chicken feet, and the taste is also very good, don't throw it away, you can keep it, if you feel that it is not easy to peel off, you can use a knife to cut it first.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

This makes it easy to peel off the whole bone.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

Below is the chicken feet with all the bones removed, isn't it quite complete and beautiful?

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

Chicken feet to bone, the use of toothpicks is really fast and convenient, it is highly recommended that everyone have to give it a try, much faster than bare hands to remove bones, nails will not hurt, and can retain more meat, reduce waste, after all, the price of chicken feet is not cheap, we are close to 30 pounds here, there are not a few pounds.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

Underneath are the peeled chicken bones, which are very clean and almost no meat is wasted.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

If you don't see it clearly, you can go back and study it a few more times.

It didn't take long to get all the chicken feet boned, and each one was very complete.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

When you first try this method, it may not be as efficient as me, but practice makes perfect, and you will be very proficient after a few times, so don't blame me for being too slow the first time.

My chicken feet deboning method is so good, the chicken feet are very complete, I can't eat one bite, so I need to cut it into small pieces.

Change everything and put it in a spice bowl.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

Then add 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, an appropriate amount of pepper, then an appropriate amount of salt, and finally pour in a small amount of cool boiling.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

Put on gloves, grab all the ingredients and mix them into the flavor, and before I started to eat, just looking at this lemon was appetizing, and my saliva flowed down without compromise.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

After mixing thoroughly, put it in the refrigerator for more than 3 hours before eating, it is recommended to leave it for one night, it will add more flavor.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

A simple cold salad boneless chicken feet is ready, sour and spicy appetizing, both Q bomb and flavor, more delicious than what is sold outside, the key is to make it yourself, the process is clear, clean and hygienic, no additives, and you can rest assured when you eat.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

If the children at home want to eat it, or make it for their lovers or couples, the intimacy index will definitely rise sharply, even if it is used to entertain relatives and friends.

Finally, I remind everyone that there are three special points that need to be paid attention to, one is that the chicken feet must be bought with a large one, and it is difficult to remove the bones if they are too small; Second, don't cook it for too long, the skin will be rotten and it will be difficult to peel; Third, the moisture on the surface of the chicken feet must be absorbed before freezing.

Look at the boneless chicken feet that I put in the refrigerator overnight, super Q bomb, sour and spicy, extremely appetizing, so enjoyable to eat, the taste of bone-in chicken feet is not comparable to this at all.

Today, I learned that the deboning of chicken feet is so simple, 1 toothpick can be done, fast and complete, and there is no waste of meat, which is too practical

If you like it, you can collect it and try it, don't be too troublesome, I think in the process of making food, put on some music, listen to the song while cooking, the mood will be very happy, especially when you see the food you make by yourself, it is delicious and beautiful, not to mention how happy.

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