
The doctor bluntly said: Don't take these kinds of snacks lightly

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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In Chinese food culture, it has become a common phenomenon that drinking alcohol is accompanied by a variety of snacks. However, certain choices of appetizers may have adverse health effects.

Zhang Wei, a 40-year-old entrepreneur, often drinks alcohol due to his frequent work and socializing. He is Xi to pair it with high-fat, high-salt appetizers such as grilled meats, pickled products and fried foods. After a while, Zhang Wei began to feel unwell, with symptoms such as stomach pain and indigestion. At the suggestion of his family, he went to the hospital for a check-up.

The doctor bluntly said: Don't take these kinds of snacks lightly

At the hospital, doctor Liu Qiang conducted a comprehensive examination of Zhang Wei. Dr. Liu Qiang pointed out that Zhang Wei's discomfort has a lot to do with his diet Xi habits.

Dr. Liu Qiang specifically mentioned that although high-fat nut foods such as peanuts are highly nutritious, they should also be consumed in moderation. Because they are rich in oil, they tend to increase the burden on the liver under the influence of alcohol. In addition, the high salinity of some pickled products, such as salted fish and pickles, can increase blood pressure and adversely affect the cardiovascular system.

In response to Zhang Wei's condition, Dr. Liu Qiang advised him to change his diet Xi habits when drinking. It is recommended to choose some light, low-fat foods as accompaniments, such as stir-fried vegetables, tofu, etc. These foods not only reduce the burden on the liver and digestive system, but also provide essential nutrients.

Under the doctor's advice, Zhang Wei began to adjust his diet Xi habits. He reduced his intake of fried and pickled foods and increased vegetables and soy products. Over time, Zhang Wei's physical condition has improved significantly, and the symptoms of stomach pain and indigestion have gradually disappeared.

The doctor bluntly said: Don't take these kinds of snacks lightly

When drinking, pay attention not only to the choice of food to accompany the drink, but also to the amount and frequency of drinking. Excessive alcohol consumption is one of the leading causes of liver disease and other health problems.

Therefore, even if it is paired with a healthy appetizer, you should control your alcohol intake and avoid frequent drinking.

The doctor bluntly said: Don't take these kinds of snacks lightly

Drinking in a noisy or stressful environment may inadvertently increase the amount of alcohol consumed. It is advisable to drink in a relaxed and pleasant environment, which not only helps to control the amount of alcohol consumed, but also improves the quality of social interaction.

Regarding Zhang Wei's frequent social lifestyle, Dr. Liu Qiang also provided some practical advice. For example, eat healthy foods before socializing to reduce the likelihood of drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, choose low-alcohol alcohol or alternative beverages such as non-alcoholic beverages, and drink alcohol appropriately after drinking to help your body metabolize alcohol.

The doctor bluntly said: Don't take these kinds of snacks lightly

Making healthy food choices, limiting the amount and frequency of alcohol consumption, and enjoying it in a suitable environment are important components of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The doctor bluntly said: Don't take these kinds of snacks lightly

We can learn from Zhang Wei's story that even in a life of frequent socializing, we can maintain our physical health through a reasonable diet and Xi habits.

What do you think about the appetizers? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The doctor bluntly said: Don't take these kinds of snacks lightly

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