
10 beautiful early summer poems, falling peanuts, a pillow of dreams, meet the most beautiful early summer

author:Slowly amnesia

Early summer in the guest room

[Song] Sima Guang

April is clear and rainy, and Nanshan is clear.

There is no catkins due to the wind, only sunflowers leaning towards the sun.

In early summer and April, the weather was clear and warm, after a rain, the sky just cleared, and the Nanshan Mountain facing the door became clearer. There are no catkins fluttering in the wind, only sunflowers opening towards the sun.

In the second year of the reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi implemented the reform with the support of the emperor, Sima Guang tried his best to oppose it, so he was forced to leave Bianjing, and soon retired to Luoyang, until Zhezong ascended the throne before returning to Beijing to take office, this poem was written by Sima Guang when he was living in Luoyang.

The whole poem is allegorical in the scene, and it is a poem of words and aspirations. The first sentence points out the time: a drizzle in early summer dispels the coolness of spring and washes away the dust in the air. Then the poet changed his angle to write a close-up scene: when spring went to summer, there was no catkins flying in the wind in front of him, only sunflowers that were shining towards the sun as always. The poet deliberately chose "catkins" and "sunflowers" as comparisons, saying here and meaning the other, just to show his inner feelings: I will not be a "water-based poplar" in the wind and rain, I will be a sunflower that is "always sunny". The poet supports things and words, and the penmanship is euphemistic and subtle. He compared Wang Anshi and others to "catkins" and "sunflowers" to express his fierce loyalty to the king.

10 beautiful early summer poems, falling peanuts, a pillow of dreams, meet the most beautiful early summer

Santei Summer Day

【Tang】Gao Yu

The green trees are thick and the summer days are long, and the buildings are reflected in the pond.

The water spirit curtain moves and the breeze rises, and the roses are full of incense.

In summer, the days are long, the green branches and foliage are luxuriant, the shade of the trees is very thick, and the pond is horizontal like a mirror, reflecting the reflection of the terrace. The slight mountain breeze blows, the water surface ripples layer by layer, like a crystal curtain gently fluttering, the shelves full of roses are blooming, and the whole yard is full of flowers.

This is a seven-word quatrain describing the summer scenery, which was written by the poet standing on the mountain pavilion, and wrote the leisurely feeling of the summer in the mountain pavilion.

The first two sentences are written about static beauty, summer has arrived, the trees are shady, the branches are luxuriant, the water of the pond is crystal clear, and the reflection of the terrace is reflected in the pond. The last two sentences are written about dynamic beauty, the breeze blows, and the water surface stirs up layers of ripples, like a curtain made of crystal, crystal clear. In the last sentence, "full shelf" and "a courtyard incense" vividly depict the fragrance of the courtyard, as if the whole summer is permeated with this fragrance. Although the mountain pavilion and the poet do not appear in the poem, when we read this poem, we seem to see the mountain pavilion and the leisurely poet. This poetic conception is elegant, cleverly conceived, like a beautiful summer mountain dwelling map.

10 beautiful early summer poems, falling peanuts, a pillow of dreams, meet the most beautiful early summer


[Song] Zeng Ji

When the plum is yellow, the day is clear, and the stream is overflowing but the mountains are traveling.

The green shade does not decrease when it comes, and it adds four or five yellow orioles.

When the plums were about to ripen, it was sunny for days, so I took a boat to the end of the creek and walked up the mountain again. The shade of the green trees was still similar to that of the road from which they came, and at this time a few more warblers were added to the mountain forest.

This poem describes the quiet scenery in early summer and the poet's happy mood when walking in the Sanqu Mountain Road, with a bright rhythm, fresh language, and a very lively charm. The first sentence points out the time, at this time it is the rainy season in the south of the Yangtze River, but it is rare to have a sunny day every day, which cannot but make people feel surprised. In the second verse, the poet traveled in a small boat and walked along the stream to the end, but his interest was even stronger, so he turned from the waterway to the mountain road and walked forward. The third and fourth sentences continue to write about what they saw and heard on the mountain road. The green shade has not decreased, and the poet walking in it feels cool and comfortable, and the melodious call of the yellow oriole makes the poet feel more comfortable and happy.

The whole poem is full of jingyu, which is natural, and the poet does not explicitly say that he is happy, but he integrates emotions into the verses. He compared the rainy Huangmei day with the sunny day now, and the change of scenery when he came and when he returned, and everything became better, and the poet's mood naturally became more beautiful.

10 beautiful early summer poems, falling peanuts, a pillow of dreams, meet the most beautiful early summer

Tianping Mountains

[Ming] Yankee

Drizzle wet neem flowers, south wind tree tree ripe loquat.

Xu Xing doesn't remember the depth of the mountain, and the warbler cries all the way home.

A fine misty light rain moistened the lilac neem flowers, and the south wind blew, and the golden loquat trees ripened. Walking slowly along the mountain road, I didn't know how far and near the road was, and the yellow warbler cried gracefully along the way, and accompanied me home.

This poem describes the scenery in the Taiping Mountain, depicts the flowers and trees in the mountain, and fully expresses the poet's love for nature and beautiful scenery through straightforward description, so that people yearn for the poet's attitude towards life and has a strong artistic appeal.

"The drizzle is wet neem flowers, and the south wind tree tree is ripe loquat." A light drizzle drenched the neem flowers, the south wind blew, and the loquat trees bore ripe fruit. First write the scene, describing the environment in the Taiping Mountain, the battle is extremely neat, "drizzle" to "south wind trees", which makes people yearn for the beautiful scenery on the mountain.

"Xu Xing doesn't remember the depth of the mountain, and the warbler cries all the way home." Wandering in the mountains and forests, I lost my way unconsciously, but found my way home in the sound of birds all the way. The whole poem is as catchy and full of charm as a song, similar to Wang Wei's artistic conception of "people in the deep forest don't know, and the bright moon comes to take pictures".

This poem is a typical landscape idyll, through the description of the scenery in the mountains, showing the poet's love for natural scenery mentality, with "neem flower", "loquat" and "warbler cry" several kinds of scenery to set off, showing the poet's interests and hobbies, but also showing the poet's quiet, quiet state of mind, just 28 words, to achieve tangible sound, scenery and color, and fully blank, leaving people with space for reverie.

10 beautiful early summer poems, falling peanuts, a pillow of dreams, meet the most beautiful early summer


【Song】Lu You

The red and purple have turned into dust, and the cuckoo is new in the summer.

The sandwich road is endless, and I know that I am a peaceful person.

The flowers have withered to dust, and the cuckoo calls for summer. I walked on the road planted with mulberry hemp on both sides, and I realized that I was originally a person in a peaceful and prosperous world.

The style of this poem is fresh and bright. The first two sentences write about the summer scene, the thousands of purple and red flowers have withered and turned into dust, and summer has arrived in the cuckoo's cry. In the last two sentences, "mulberry hemp is inexhaustible" refers to the vigorous growth of crops; "Being a peaceful person" means that the world is peaceful, and everyone is a peaceful person.

However, the era in which Lu You lived was an era in which the national contradictions in the history of the mainland were extremely acute. The Northern Song Dynasty fell to the country, and the regime of the Southern Song Dynasty in Lin'an not only did not seek to recover the lost territory, but instead bent its knees to the Jin people for peace. Why did Lu You say that "I knew that I was a peaceful person"? This is because of the poet's love for rural life and natural beauty, because of the vigorous growth of summer crops, and because of the hope of a prosperous era born in troubled times.

10 beautiful early summer poems, falling peanuts, a pillow of dreams, meet the most beautiful early summer

Four o'clock pastoral miscellaneous

【Song】Fan Chengda

The plums are golden and the apricots are fat, and the wheat flowers are sparse and the white cauliflower is thin.

No one has ever fallen on the fence, only dragonflies and butterflies fly.

The plums are golden, the apricots are getting bigger, the buckwheat flowers are snow-white, and the rape flowers are sparse. It was a long day, and no one passed in front of the fence, only dragonflies and butterflies flew around the fence.

This poem writes about the idyllic scenery of Jiangnan in early summer. In the poem, the characteristics of four plants, plum yellow, apricot fertilizer, wheat flower white, and cauliflower thin, are used to describe the characteristics of southern crops in summer. The third line of the poem, "No one has ever passed the long fence", describes the situation of the peasants' labor from the side: in early summer, the peasants are busy with farming, and the peasants go out early and return late, so they rarely see pedestrians during the day. "Only dragonflies and butterflies fly" sets off the tranquility of the village, and there is movement in the stillness, which seems quieter. Reading between the lines exudes a kind of rural tranquility, beauty and natural interest.

10 beautiful early summer poems, falling peanuts, a pillow of dreams, meet the most beautiful early summer

Visit Zhang Garden in early summer

【Song】Wear retro

The water of the duck pond is shallow and deep, and the weather of ripe plum is semi-sunny and cloudy.

The east garden is full of wine and the west garden is drunk, and the loquat tree is golden.

Ducklings are frolicking in the pond, the water is deep or shallow, the plums are ripe, and the weather is half sunny and half cloudy. Take the wine to the East Garden for a banquet, and then go to the West Garden to drink, and pick all the loquat hanging like gold in the garden, for tasting after drinking.

This is a poem about a summer garden drink. The first sentence of the poem writes about the ducklings playing in the water in the garden, and the second sentence writes about the ripe plums and the weather is cloudy and sunny. The last two sentences say that he got drunk in the orchard and plucked the golden loquat tree and drank it. The word "drunk" not only writes the state of the fruit farmers who are happy to drink until they are drunk, but also reflects the happy mood of people.

The joy of the harvest and the abundance of life are the themes of this poem. The poet infects and intoxicates the reader with joy and happiness with his heart and affection.

10 beautiful early summer poems, falling peanuts, a pillow of dreams, meet the most beautiful early summer


[Song] Yang Wanli

The spring is silent and the water is soft.

The little lotus showed its sharp corners, and a dragonfly had already stood on its head.

The water in the spring flowed silently, as if reluctant to flow out. The trees by the pond reflect the shade on the clear water, and it seems to cherish the soft scenery on this sunny day. In early summer, the lotus flowers in the small pond have just emerged tender buds; There were already dragonflies flying in there, and they stopped quietly on it.

This poem is a refreshing sketch. Everything is so fine, so soft, so affectionate. It is a poem, and every sentence is picturesque, vividly showing the bright early summer scene, the language is natural and simple, and it is really touching. This poem describes a spring, a trickle, a pond of shade, a few small early lotuses, and a small dragonfly, forming a vivid picture of the scenery of a small pond, showing the intimate and harmonious relationship between all things in nature, and also showing the poet's love for natural scenery.

10 beautiful early summer poems, falling peanuts, a pillow of dreams, meet the most beautiful early summer

Two quatrains from a nap in early summer (one of them)

[Song] Yang Wanli

The plums are sour and soft, and the plantain is green and the window screen.

The day is long and sleeps ruthlessly, and watches children catch willow flowers.

There is still the residual acid of the plum on the teeth, and the green of the plantain outside the window is thick, as if the window screen has also been dyed green. The summer days are long, and when I take a nap, I feel bored, and I have nothing to do to watch the children outside the window catch those willow flowers flying in the sky.

This poem describes the early summer scenery of ripe plums, the shade of plantains, and the scene of children catching willow flowers, showing a leisurely and innocent taste. The sentence "leaving sour and soft teeth" vividly writes the uncomfortable feeling after eating plums; The sentence "dividing green" describes the thick shade of banana leaves, changing static to dynamic, and the colors are distinct; The sentence "catching willow flowers" writes the state of children concentrating on playing, and the word "catching" reproduces the children's playful and childish movements.

This short poem fully reflects the poet's ability to absorb natural scenery and small things in life into poetry, and to capture fleeting emotions.

10 beautiful early summer poems, falling peanuts, a pillow of dreams, meet the most beautiful early summer

Countryside in April

【Song】Weng roll

The green mountains are all over the white river, and the rain is like smoke in the sound of the sub-regulations.

There are few idlers in the countryside in April, so the sericulture is planted again.

Green stained the mountains and fields, and the river reflected the sky, and the sky was white. The cuckoos cried, and the drizzle was like fog and smoke. In the countryside in April, there are no idle people, who have just finished planting mulberry and raising silkworms, and are busy planting seedlings in the fields.

The first two lines of the poem focus on the scenery - green plain, white river, Zigui, and smoke and rain, and outline the unique scenery of the water town in early summer with a few strokes. The last two sentences are written about people, and the image of farmers planting rice in paddy fields is mainly highlighted on the picture, thus setting off the tension and busyness of labor in "rural April". The front and back echo and interweave into a brightly colored picture.

This poem not only expresses the poet's love and praise for the rural scenery, but also expresses his praise for the working people and working life.


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