
Eating toast and eating half of the "mouth is weird" Lian Chenxiang restored the unexpected process of "the tongue was almost cut"

author:ETtoday Starlight Cloud

Reporter Tsai Chenyi/Taipei Report

Lian Chenxiang yesterday (8th) PO wen shared his recent experience of eating hot pressure toast to eat half, suddenly cracked teeth, he said through the record company he belonged to, was eating toast at that time, "I feel that the lower row of teeth has a very strange feeling, much like that sudden loose feeling, at the moment I think the teeth are broken, very nervous." I was afraid that my teeth would be swallowed, and then I quickly looked in the mirror."

Eating toast and eating half of the "mouth is weird" Lian Chenxiang restored the unexpected process of "the tongue was almost cut"

Lian Chenxiang reduced the process of eating toast to eating a tooth cleft. (Photo/Photo from Facebook/Lian Chenxiang)

Fortunately, the teeth are not broken, but a small corner collapses on the front, and there is a crack on the inside, and it will scrape the tongue, although it is not painful, but it makes Lian Chenxiang quite frightened, "I am super afraid that the whole tooth will break, immediately contact my dentist clinic." He mentioned that his teeth were broken when he mentioned it to his mother and friends, and the response he got was to be laughed at, "My friend also teased, 'Is it eating hot toast or eating hot spit driver?'" 」

Fortunately, the dentist who Lian Chenxiang usually used to see had a consultation, and after contacting, he went straight to the clinic, and the doctor took an X-ray to see it, although there was a crack but there was no danger of breaking, "so I repaired it on the spot, so that my tongue would not be scratched by my own teeth." He said: "Everyone really needs to develop the habit of seeing a dentist (daily dental care) instead of going there when there is a problem, so that doctors and clinics can accurately grasp their own situation and quickly make treatment."

Eating toast and eating half of the "mouth is weird" Lian Chenxiang restored the unexpected process of "the tongue was almost cut"

Lian Chenxiang called on everyone to develop the habit of looking at teeth. (Photo/Photo from Facebook/Lian Chenxiang)

Because it was the time during the epidemic, he went to the clinic to see that the doctors and nurses were fully protective measures, "Every time I saw a patient's room disinfected, I felt that the medical staff was very hard, and during the epidemic period, we still had to take care of those of us who needed medical treatment."

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