
Exposure is a direct hit, the panoramic view of the ceiling mirror of Liu Bili's mansion makes people laugh wildly, netizens: eye-catching or practice

author:He Yiyan in the south


Recently, Hong Kong real estate agents posted a video on social media revealing the former "love nest" of models Liu Bili and Xi Mihua, a luxury house in Mid-Levels Central, Hong Kong. The video was stunning, with mirrors hanging from the ceiling of the mansion, which attracted heated discussions among netizens. In Hong Kong, Feng Shui is generally considered to be extremely important, especially for the wealthy. Therefore, the feng shui issue of this mansion has caused widespread discussion, and netizens have expressed their opinions.

Exposure is a direct hit, the panoramic view of the ceiling mirror of Liu Bili's mansion makes people laugh wildly, netizens: eye-catching or practice

In Hong Kong, Feng Shui has always been regarded as an important factor in determining a family's fortune. The wealthy see this as extremely important, believing that by arranging the right home furnishings, they can attract wealth, health and happiness into their lives. The recently exposed Liu Bili mansion has caused an uproar, because the ceiling of the mansion is all covered with mirrors, which is considered taboo in feng shui.

Netizens have opinions on this issue. Some people believe that the energy reflected in the mirror can lead to increased family conflicts and even bad financial luck. They are worried that Liu Bili and Xi Mihua will bring unnecessary pressure to live in such an environment. However, there are also those who disagree, arguing that the reflection of mirrors can increase the light in the home, making the space brighter, while also expanding the visual effect and making the room appear more spacious.

Hong Kong's wealthy families value feng shui from ancient traditional Chinese culture. Feng Shui is a complex and mysterious science that aims to improve one's fortune by adjusting the aura of the environment. As we all know, Feng Shui is a factor that cannot be ignored in the Hong Kong property market. Many real estate agents will hire a professional feng shui practitioner to assess whether the feng shui of the house is suitable to attract more wealthy people to buy.

Exposure is a direct hit, the panoramic view of the ceiling mirror of Liu Bili's mansion makes people laugh wildly, netizens: eye-catching or practice

However, Feng Shui is not entirely scientific, and it all depends on personal beliefs and choices. Although there are many people who are full of controversy about the ceiling mirror of Liu Bili's mansion, others believe that it is just a traditional superstitious concept and has no scientific basis. They believe that it is the individual's effort and wisdom that really affects the quality of life, not some kind of decoration. Feng Shui is only a reference factor and cannot determine the fate of a family.

In any case, the exposure of Liu Bili's mansion has attracted a lot of attention and once again ignited people's heated discussions about feng shui. Whether you believe in Feng Shui or doubt its authenticity, we might as well keep an open mind about this topic. After all, everyone has their own beliefs and pursuits, which is a reflection of multiculturalism and a beautiful scenery of Hong Kong society.

Exposure is a direct hit, the panoramic view of the ceiling mirror of Liu Bili's mansion makes people laugh wildly, netizens: eye-catching or practice

This article takes Hong Kong real estate agents' exposure of Liu Bili and Xi Mihua's former "love nest" as the starting point, and introduces the importance that Hong Kong tycoons attach to feng shui. By quoting the views of netizens, different perspectives and opinions are showcased, in order to give readers a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between Feng Shui and modern life. Whether you believe in Feng Shui or doubt it, this article hopes to stimulate the reader's thinking and promote a balance between traditional culture and modern life.

【Disclaimer】The process and photos described in the article are taken from the Internet. The purpose of this article is to encourage positive social energy and not to use vulgar and other bad norms. If you have any questions about copyright infringement or moral rights, please contact us and we will remove the content as soon as possible!

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