
France spent 200 million to "build a house" for it, with a unique coat of arms, a model of rare animals

author:October knife 1

France spent 200 million to "build a house" for it, with a unique coat of arms, a model of rare animals

The tiger is the overlord of the forest, and even the fierce lion is not its opponent, but there is a cute animal that looks cute but does not dare to provoke even the tiger that is the overlord of the forest, and it is our national treasure panda. The panda is chubby, round, and very cute.

France spent 200 million to "build a house" for it, with a unique coat of arms, a model of rare animals

Only their round little heads and chubby little bellies are white, and everything else is black, especially the pair of black eye circles, which are very cute. Researchers on the mainland conducted a test to rank the world's bears by bite force, and the panda took second place after the polar bear.

France spent 200 million to "build a house" for it, with a unique coat of arms, a model of rare animals

The panda can weigh up to 180 kilograms and has sharp claws, which is worthy of the mount of the ancient god of war. Pandas spend nearly two-thirds of their day eating, and the rest of the time is spent mostly in their sleep. Don't look at the panda's chubby, it is an expert at climbing trees, and the panda has a gentle temperament, and can be friends with other animals, and eat and sleep with them.

France spent 200 million to "build a house" for it, with a unique coat of arms, a model of rare animals

The mainland's giant panda is the world's most sought-after goods, France has invested 200 million yuan to build the same building as the breeding place for the giant panda to live, and also sent a special plane to meet the giant panda, and the president also personally went to meet the giant panda, enough to see the status of the giant panda is high, even if it is like this, the mainland has to depend on the mood to decide whether to rent to them.

France spent 200 million to "build a house" for it, with a unique coat of arms, a model of rare animals

Giant pandas rely on their mother's milk to get nutrition when they are young, and they can eat bamboo leaves at about 1 year old, and an adult panda has to eat 35~38 kg of bamboo and 15~18 kg of bamboo leaves every day to ensure the normal functioning of the body. Adult giant pandas also occasionally eat some meat to replenish the protein and fat needed by their bodies.

France spent 200 million to "build a house" for it, with a unique coat of arms, a model of rare animals

As a model for the protection of rare animals, the giant panda has attended the Rare Animal Protection Association and made a unique badge for the giant panda. It turns out that the giant panda also has the important task of promoting the protection of the environment and animals in the world!

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