
Liu Genghong: Fitness was popular due to the epidemic, but now it has plummeted, what has he experienced?

author:Sister Leigh Chronicle

In the city of Shanghai, an unexpected haze fills the sky, as if the universe has reserved the atmosphere of the city. However, under this gray sky, Liu Genghong, a fitness expert from the treasure island of Taiwan, brings a touch of bright color to the city with a unique perspective.

Liu Genghong: Fitness was popular due to the epidemic, but now it has plummeted, what has he experienced?

During the epidemic period, the people of Shanghai are like being locked in a cage of "home", where depression and helplessness coexist. And Liu Genghong, with his fiery enthusiasm, like an Internet celebrity, ignited enthusiasm online and brought everyone a happy time of fitness. Imagine a middle-aged man kicking a shuttlecock in his room, how funny it is! He seems to be bringing a touch of vitality and hope to everyone who is quarantined at home.

When it comes to their relationship with Jay Chou, their friendship is as deep as the sea. Jay Chou, the king of the Chinese music scene, has a deep friendship with Liu Genghong. But in the fitness world, Liu Genghong's fame is well-known. His fitness coaching has been admired by countless celebrities and has become an authority in the industry.

Liu Genghong: Fitness was popular due to the epidemic, but now it has plummeted, what has he experienced?

Interestingly, although Liu Genghong looks like he is in his early forties, he is actually a middle-aged man in his fifties. This secret to staying young is undoubtedly his ultimate pursuit of fitness. And his wife, who was also infected by his fitness trend and turned into a fitness queen, the couple is simply a representative of "home fitness".

Under his influence, the whole family has been immersed in the joy of fitness, and has even driven the fitness trend across the country. He is like an "Internet celebrity coach" and has become the spokesperson of national fitness.

Liu Genghong: Fitness was popular due to the epidemic, but now it has plummeted, what has he experienced?

I remember one time, Liu Genghong revealed on the show that his aerobics was inspired by the ancient Chinese concept of traditional Chinese medicine. This is not just a sport, but also a cultural inheritance and tribute. Every time he dances, it seems that he is inheriting the spirit of those ancient Chinese medicine practitioners and guiding the direction of health for modern people.

However, now, Liu Genghong's limelight seems to be replaced by a new Internet celebrity. In the face of such changes, he did not bask in the glory of the past. He said, "That's the law of life, isn't it? He uses slang like "Lao Tie" to express his understanding and acceptance of all this.

Liu Genghong: Fitness was popular due to the epidemic, but now it has plummeted, what has he experienced?

In general, Liu Genghong, a star from the grassroots, has created one legend after another in the fitness industry with his efforts and talents. His story is not only a personal achievement, but also a spiritual transmission, a love and dedication to life. In this rapidly changing era, he used his own way to tell us that as long as there is a dream and passion, nothing is impossible.

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