
He Jie|Ershang "Cold Trumpet Bird" understands the meaning of persuasion and learns different levels of persuasion methods

author:Teacher He Jie, an old urchin

"Cold Bird"

He Jie|Ershang "Cold Trumpet Bird" understands the meaning of persuasion and learns different levels of persuasion methods

Session A: Look at the picture and get to know the cold bird

1. Explain what the cold trumpet bird is like

First of all, we would like to explain to the children that the Chill Bird is not a bird, it is actually a very interesting animal - the flying squirrel. The flying squirrel is called a cold trumpet bird because it has a skin membrane and can glide. We can lead the children to identify the illustrations provided in the book, which one is a magpie and which one is a cold trumpet. Through picture identification, children can better understand these animals.

2. Read paragraph 1

After reading the first paragraph, we extract the keyword "neighbor".

Why is the key word "neighbor" here? Because our teaching is a closed-loop design, what we throw in the front must be responded to in the later links, interlocking. It is precisely because the relationship here is "neighbor" that there will be behaviors such as "kind persuasion" and "many times of help", and the relationship of "neighbor" is the basis of the following dialogue.

So what about "neighbors"? Here we can use textures to talk about the location.

Stick a wall on the blackboard, then make a crack in the wall, and then squeeze the trumpet bird into the crack. There is a river on the opposite side, and then a tree is placed by the river, and a nest is placed on top of the tree, and the magpies live here. In this way, we put up a picture of the two of them facing each other, and we told the children that such a location is called a "neighbor", and the definition of a neighbor is: living close to each other, living next to each other.

He Jie|Ershang "Cold Trumpet Bird" understands the meaning of persuasion and learns different levels of persuasion methods

So let's ask the children: "What do neighbors do when they are so close?" "As soon as the children guessed, they knew that the neighbors must be able to chat and care for each other often. In this way, we will teach the word neighbor alive.

We can add another question: "The neighbor in this story is a bird and a magpie, and although they are both birds, do you feel that their interaction is like the relationship between two people?" Taking it a step further: "Do you think they resemble two people with different personality traits?" "Through this question, we can get children to think about the differences and similarities between birds and magpies. We can explain: "Birds and magpies represent two types of people that we encounter in our daily lives, each with their own unique personality traits. ”

He Jie|Ershang "Cold Trumpet Bird" understands the meaning of persuasion and learns different levels of persuasion methods

Next, we will let the children read this text freely and find the final ending of the topic "Cold Bird".

Reading through the full text, we find that the "cold trumpet bird" mentioned in the 9th natural paragraph finally froze to death.

Let's read paragraph 9, and after reading it, add a question: "Students, the cold bird has frozen to death, so how cold is it on this day?" What exactly was it like before it froze to death? As soon as he asked, the children began to look for it, "Teacher, it was wailing before it froze to death", "Before it froze to death, it was so cold", so that we tracked down to the 8th natural paragraph, and we still read the 8th natural paragraph first.

He Jie|Ershang "Cold Trumpet Bird" understands the meaning of persuasion and learns different levels of persuasion methods

Here it is suggested that the teachers use the sound effect of "cold wind whistling" to lead the children to pay attention to the word "ice cellar", as we said earlier, "How cold is it?" It's as cold as "ice cellar", and the word "ice cellar" is here with us.

The logic here is divided into "nest" and "nest outside", "nest" is "ice cellar", "nest" is the cold winter wax moon, heavy snow is flying, and the north wind roars like a lion.

He Jie|Ershang "Cold Trumpet Bird" understands the meaning of persuasion and learns different levels of persuasion methods

"Inside" and "Outside the Nest" we can invite boys and girls to read aloud in different roles, the boys simulate the sound of the north wind howling, let the girls read the text, and when they read the wailing of the cold trumpeting bird, the whole class will read together: "Doro, Doro, the cold wind freezes me to death, and I will make a nest tomorrow."

Then we will finish the first link, and when we finish this link, we can also ask another question: "Why did you name the flying squirrel the cold bird?" Here you can explain it to the students: "This is because it constantly "wails" in cold weather, so we call this flying squirrel a cold trumpet bird. ”

The next thing we want to explore is the reason why the "cold horn bird" froze to death.

Session B: Understanding the "Chill Bird"

Introductory wordsWe can say: "Let's pay attention to this pair of neighbors from the beginning of winter", we can first pay attention to the time clues.

1. In the full text, how many times did we find our neighbors and persuade them?

We know that we persuaded a total of two times, and before the third time could be persuaded, the cold bird had already died.

He Jie|Ershang "Cold Trumpet Bird" understands the meaning of persuasion and learns different levels of persuasion methods

2. Interpret the first persuasion

Read aloud paragraphs 3 and 4, focusing on the dialogue between the magpie and the trumpet.

The magpie said two sentences, the first sentence is "don't sleep", the second sentence is "hurry up and make a nest", here we take the children to make annotations: the magpie said two meanings, the first layer is called "don't do anything", the second meaning is "what to do", this is called advice.

He Jie|Ershang "Cold Trumpet Bird" understands the meaning of persuasion and learns different levels of persuasion methods

The cold bird also said three words: "silly magpie", "don't make noise", and "I want to sleep". The book says that the cold bird "does not listen to advice", let's tell the children, what does it mean not to listen to advice? When others advise you to "stop sleeping", you say "I want to sleep", and when others advise you to "go and make a nest", you say "don't make noise", and you come and do it against others, which is called "not listening to persuasion".

Not only that, but the "cold trumpet bird" is also very bad, not listening to persuasion but also scolding, which is an insult to the magpie. Combined with the ending of the cold trumpet bird at the end, we can know that when others persuade you, we must listen carefully, don't disobey the persuasion, and don't come the other way around. In this way, we read this set of dialogues with the children, and we asked the children, "What is the ending of the cold bird not listening to persuasion?" "As soon as the child read it, he came to the fifth natural paragraph, and in winter, it was shivering with cold.

In the lower section of teaching, we need to pay special attention to after-class exercises, "shivering from the cold" in the after-class exercises, we can develop a teaching habit, all after-class exercises, we first make a mark in the text, and then solve with the text. The second question at the end of the lesson mentions the example of shivering from the cold, but we can give other examples to illustrate what it feels like to be cold. For example, you are so cold that your nose is runny or you can't talk because you are so cold. Through these examples, let the children directly recall how cold they were, and then talk about it after the class was done randomly. Teachers, here is a reminder that I must complete in teaching.

He Jie|Ershang "Cold Trumpet Bird" understands the meaning of persuasion and learns different levels of persuasion methods

3. Interpret the second persuasion

Read aloud paragraphs 6 and 7, focusing on the dialogue between the magpie and the trumpet.

This set of exhortations is a little different, it first advises what to do, and then it gives a prophecy that foreshadows the possible consequences of this event.


Use a courseware to compare the 3rd natural paragraph of the 1st persuasion with the 6th natural paragraph of the 2nd persuasion:

In the sixth paragraph, it says what to do first, and then predicts the consequences;

The third natural paragraph is to say what not to do, and then what to do.

In this arrangement, from the advice not to do and what to do, to the second time directly from what to do, and then tell you the consequences of not doing it, you can find that by the second persuasion, the magpie has already said heavy words.

Let's take a look at the response of the cold trumpet: "Silly magpie, don't be verbose, the weather is warm, you have to get by." "First, the Chill Bird insults others again; second, to regard the kindness of others as a kind of irritability; Third, it has begun to set its ambitions, and it has expressed its position, which means: "Don't persuade me, I just have to get by." At this point, we found that the mentality of the cold bird lying flat has become more sick.

He Jie|Ershang "Cold Trumpet Bird" understands the meaning of persuasion and learns different levels of persuasion methods

After interpreting the mentality of the cold horn bird, you also need to take the children to continue to read aloud to strengthen their understanding, and then read the 8th natural paragraph, read the results of the cold horn bird, and in the 8th natural paragraph, it once again issued a "cold horn".

After two persuasions, we should guide the children to feel that the situation of the cold bird is getting worse and worse each time, and at the same time, we should also make them feel that the cold bird is more lazy every time. Through this process, we can help children better understand why the cold trumpet bird ended up in such a tragic end.


Magpie: Advise "what to do now" and "what will the future hold"

Cold Bird: I advise the present to "deal with the present" and "deal with the future" when I say the future, and there has been no change during this period.

This is the constant characteristic of the cold horn bird: lazy, only interested in pleasure, not working hard. In the long run, there will definitely be problems. So here we can analyze this story, the reason why the cold bird died was not because of the weather, but because of its own laziness.

He Jie|Ershang "Cold Trumpet Bird" understands the meaning of persuasion and learns different levels of persuasion methods

Next, we will come back to the word "neighbor", our story starts from the beginning of winter, until the cold winter wax moon, the weather has been changing, the cold bird and the magpie, they are neighbors, we want to explain to the children, this cold weather is not only for the cold bird, but also for the magpie. Then it can be seen that the magpie did not freeze to death, the cold bird froze to death, the responsibility lies with the cold bird itself, the problem is that the cold bird is too lazy. At this point, we must use the time clue and the neighbor relationship, and the neighbor is not only here to persuade you, but also to tell you that the two of them live in the same environment.

At the end, we told the children: "The magpie also needs to deal with the cold, but it is always acting and changing, so it is really fine".

He Jie|Ershang "Cold Trumpet Bird" understands the meaning of persuasion and learns different levels of persuasion methods

Easter Egg - Save the Bird of the Cold

Everyone knows that the last time the cold trumpet bird did not get up, and the next day the sun came out again, and it was already dead. That's pretty much it for the story, but we all wonder if the magpie went to persuade the bird the next day when the sun came out, would the bird change? Notice that for the third persuasion, we need to deepen the level of persuasion, and this dialogue can be like this:

The next day, the magpie came to the crevice of the cold bird and persuaded it: "Make a nest while the weather is fine, if you don't do it, you will definitely die."

Before, the magpie said "I will be sad in the future", but now the magpie has to add a layer called "I will die". We let the magpie warn of death at the third persuasion, adding to the crisis.

The response of the cold trumpet bird can be here: "Silly magpie, don't threaten me, what can a little cold winter do to me?" "The cold trumpet bird still doesn't listen, even if it is threatened with death, it can't see the stupid people, and the stupid people only see their own thoughts.

Finally, saving the Bird is a very warm design, and we have found that the Bird will not be resurrected after this design is completed. In many cases, these bad roots cannot be changed, and cognition determines fate.

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