
Biography of King Ji Fa of Zhou Wu Ji Fa Biography Ji Fa's allusion to the political initiative Ji Fa Loves The House and Wu

author:The rest of his life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > a brief biography of Ji Fa</h1>

  Rise of the First Week

  King Jichang of Zhouwen reigned for 50 years, implemented many correct policies, and gradually strengthened the country's strength, and at the time of his death, he had already gained two of the three points, laying the foundation for the destruction of the shang. In the ninth year, Ji Chang died, and his son Ji Fa succeeded to the throne, and was known as King Wu of Zhou.

  After Ji Fa succeeded to the throne, he reused Xianliang internally, continued to use Jiang Taigong (i.e., Jiang Shang) as a military teacher, and used his younger brother Zhou Gongdan as a Dazai, and Zhao Gong, Bi Gong, Kang Shu, Dan Ji and other good ministers all took their places, and talents gathered and flourished. Strive to unite more princely states and strengthen their strength. King Wu judged the hour and sized up the situation, actively prepared conditions for the extinction of the merchants, and waited for the opportunity. After he took the throne, in order to facilitate the attack on the Shang capital Chaoge, he established a new capital on the east bank of Fengshui.

  King Wu cuts the silk

  When King Wen of Zhou was fifteen years old, he gave birth to King Wu, and after King Wu ascended the throne, he continued to use Jiang Ziya as the minister of state, with his brothers Zhou Gongdan and Zhao Gongyi as assistants, to further rectify internal affairs, strengthen military strength, and the national strength became stronger and stronger. In the ninth year, Ji Fa was appointed to assemble the princes in Mengjin (Mengjin), and there were 800 princes who came to the alliance to hold a logging exercise together.

  In the eleventh year of his appointment, the King of Shang continued to wage wars against Southeast Yi, which had left the Shang Dynasty impoverished and impoverished. Seeing that the time had come, King Wu united with the Yong, Shu, Qiang, Chulu, Peng, Pu and other tribes, personally leading 300 chariots, 3,000 Tiger Ben, and 45,000 Jia soldiers, to attack Chaoge, and after Makino's defeat of the Shang army, he attacked Chaoge.

  Battle of Makino

  The Battle of Muye, also known as the Battle of Wuwang (武王止纣), was a decisive battle fought between the combined forces of King Wu of Zhou and the armies of the Shang Dynasty at Makino (present-day south of Qi County, Henan Province). Because Di Xin (King of Shang) first conquered Li in the northwest and then on the southeast of Ping, although he won victories, he exhausted his troops and intensified social and class contradictions, and finally defeated and self-immolated, and the Shang Dynasty perished.

  Extinguish the business and build the week

  Because of the lack of military strength, the Shang Dynasty armed slaves to fight against the Zhou army, the slaves had long hated the brutal rule of Yin Shang to the bone, defected before the battle, Yin Shang was defeated, the King of Zhou set himself on fire in Lutai, the King of Zhou Wu cut off the body of the King of Shang, on behalf of the killing of Shang, Yin Shang officially perished, the history is called King Wu Keyin.

  The Zhou Dynasty was established, with the capital at Hojing (present-day southwest of Xi'an, Shaanxi). King Wu of Zhou posthumously honored his father Ji Chang as King Wen and divided them into princes. He reigned for nineteen years and was given the title of "King of Wu".

Biography of King Ji Fa of Zhou Wu Ji Fa Biography Ji Fa's allusion to the political initiative Ji Fa Loves The House and Wu

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13" > Ji Fa's political initiatives</h1>

  Divide the princes

  After King Wu of Zhou destroyed the Shang, he made the capital Hojing (镐京, in present-day southwestern Xi'an, Shaanxi). In order to strengthen the management of land already under the control of the Zhou Dynasty, the founding fathers of the Zhou Dynasty were divided into large divisions, such as Lü Shang in Qi, Gongdan in Lu, Zhao Gongyi in Yan, Shu Xian in Guan, ShuDu in Cai, and Bo Yan in Lu. According to records, at the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, a total of 71 princely states were divided, including 15 brotherly countries and more than 40 countries with the same surname. He then sent troops to recruit the remnants of the Shang Dynasty and the Dongyi forces, and it is recorded that a total of ninety-nine kingdoms were attacked at that time, and 652 kingdoms submitted to King Wu. He also sealed some former kings, such as Jiao, Zhu, Ji, Chen, Qi, and so on.

  In order to learn the lessons of the fall of the Shang Dynasty and govern the country well, King Wu specially brought Jizi to Haojing and humbly asked for advice on the way to govern the country. According to the truth narrated by Jizi, he consulted with Jiang Taigong, Zhou Gongdan, and others to further improve and determine the patriarchal system that existed in ancient times but had not yet been fully formed. That is, the whole country was divided into a number of princely states, and Zhou Tianzi was divided into clans and meritorious ministers who had contributed to the great cause of destroying merchants; All princes may support troops, but they must obey the dispatch of the Son of Heaven at any time, and pay tribute and pilgrimage to the Son of Heaven on a regular basis; It is allowed to be inherited from generation to generation, and can be divided into secretaries and doctors within the feudal country; The Son of Heaven has the right to reward and punish the princes, and he also has the right to inquire about the feudal secretaries and doctors. There is no doubt that the feudal state-building strategy implemented by King Wu is obviously a progress compared to the primitive phenomenon of small states in the Shang Dynasty. It did have the meaning of unifying the whole world and played a role in consolidating and strengthening the rule of the whole country at that time.

  The giant bridge is hairy

  The giant bridge, also known as the bridge, is located in the village of Zhanggeji in present-day Guangzong County. After King Wu of Zhou destroyed the Silk, the Southern Palace distributed grain from the Giant Bridge Warehouse to help the hungry, and the history called the Giant Bridge sent millet.

  Mengjin watched the soldiers

  In the second year after King Wu of Zhou ascended the throne, he led a large army to the tomb of King Wen of Biyuan (in present-day Chang'an County, Shaanxi) to pay homage to him, and then turned east to march towards Chaoge. In the Chinese army, a large wooden plaque with the name of his father Xi Bochang was erected, and he was only called Prince Fa, which meant that he was still commanded by King Wen. The army reached Lujin (盂津, in present-day northeastern Mengjin County, Henan) on the south bank of the Yellow River, and 800 princes rushed to participate. The situation of the people's hearts and minds towards the Zhou and The King of Shang has been formed, and the princes have urged the King of Wu to march immediately to Chaoge. King Wu and Jiang Shang, believing that the time was not yet ripe, ordered the whole army to return after the army crossed the Yellow River, and warned everyone not to be too hasty with "you do not know the destiny of heaven". Because the time was not yet fully ripe, the class master returned to the dynasty. This rehearsal of the annihilation of business is known in history as "Mengjin's Meeting" or "Mengjin's Watching Soldiers".

Biography of King Ji Fa of Zhou Wu Ji Fa Biography Ji Fa's allusion to the political initiative Ji Fa Loves The House and Wu

The Wu King's cutting is by no means as simple as changing dynasties, it breaks the combination of religious theocracy

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" > allusions to Ji Fa Ai Ya and Wu</h1>

  The last King of Shang, Yin Shang, was a poor and extravagant, brutal and ruthless emperor (see "Aiding and Abetting Abuse"). Ji Chang (the head of the western princes) Ji Chang, the later King Wen of Zhou, was imprisoned for opposing King Huan and thought a lot before he was released from prison. At that time, the capital of Zhou was at Qishan (岐山, in modern Qishan County, Shaanxi Province), and after returning to Qishan, King Wen of Zhou was determined to overthrow the Shang Dynasty. He first hired jiang shang (that is, Jiang Taigong) as a military division, actively trained troops to prepare for war, and annexed several neighboring princely states, and gradually became more powerful. He then moved the capital east to Fengyi (near present-day HuXian County, Shaanxi Province) and prepared to march east. However, king Wen of Zhou died shortly after the capital was moved.

  King Wen of Zhou's son Ji Fa succeeded to the throne as King Wu of Zhou. Jiang Taigong continued to serve as a military division. King Wu's half-brother Ji Dan (i.e., the Duke of Zhou) and his half-brother Ji Yi (姬奭[ shì ) ( i.e. Zhao Gong ) were two of King Wu 's right-hand men. At the same time, King Wu was also supported by several other princes. As a result, king Wu officially announced the dispatch of troops to cut down the silk. The army crossed the Yellow River at Mengjin (a Yellow River crossing south of present-day Mengxian County, Henan) and advanced northeastward towards the Shang Dynasty's Chaoge (present-day northeast of Qi County, Henan). Because the King of Shang had lost the hearts of the people, and the army was reluctant to give his life, he fled, surrendered, and revolted, and Chaoge was quickly conquered. King Huan committed suicide, and the Shang Dynasty perished. In the next eight hundred years, it became the world of Zhou, called the Zhou Dynasty.

  When King Wu of Zhou conquered Chaoge, as to how to deal with the powerful nobles, officials and eunuchs left behind by the Shang Dynasty, whether the situation could be stabilized, King Wu did not have a score in his heart, so he had some worries. To this end, he consulted with Jiang Taigong and others. In the "Saying Yuan Guifa" compiled by Liu Xiang of the Han Dynasty, there is such a written record:

  "King Ke Yin of Wu summoned TaiGong and asked, 'Who will nai qi shi be?' Tai Gong said to him: "He who loves his people, and loves the U on the house; Those who hate others, those who hate the rest. Xian Liu defeated the enemy, so why bother?"' to the effect that King Wu of Zhou defeated Yin Shang and summoned Taigong Jiang, "How should we treat their personnel?" Tai Gong replied, "I have heard that if you love that person, even the crows in his house; If you hate that person, bring in his servants. Kill all the enemy elements and leave them alone, what do you think?"

Biography of King Ji Fa of Zhou Wu Ji Fa Biography Ji Fa's allusion to the political initiative Ji Fa Loves The House and Wu

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