
Wudang Mountain tourism how to buy turquoise

author:Zhushan County Damei turquoise

Wudang Mountain tourism how to buy turquoise

Speaking of Hubei Shiyan, many people don't know, but if you talk about Wudang Mountain and Turquoise, it is estimated that there are very few people who don't know, these two are the business cards of Hubei Shiyan, and they are also the main pillar industries of Hubei Shiyan

Wudang Mountain tourism how to buy turquoise

Wudang Mountain is a Taoist holy land, a national 5A scenic spot, Wudang Mountain is famous all over the world, every year many people come to Wudang Mountain to travel, often people ask me, come to Wudang Mountain to travel want to see turquoise by the way how to go

Wudang Mountain tourism how to buy turquoise

Wudang Mountain is about 30 kilometers away from Shiyan City, many people who come to Wudang Mountain to travel will live in Shiyan City, in Shiyan City downtown Wuyan there is a Wudang Square Turquoise Jewelry City, which are basically turquoise sales shops, mainly finished products, wool rough stones, and from processing, inlay to braiding rope have professional shops, can be said to be a complete variety, one-stop service

Wudang Mountain tourism how to buy turquoise

Yungai Temple is rich in high porcelain violent blue turquoise and world-famous, it is located in Shiyan City, Yun County, now Yunyang District, the two places are about 55 kilometers apart, Yungai Temple has been closed for many years, and has now been transformed into the largest gemstone geopark, where you can appreciate the whole process of turquoise from mining to finished product exhibition, see the development history of turquoise and the turquoise works of the master

Wudang Mountain tourism how to buy turquoise

Zhushan County, it can be said that everyone who knows Hubei turquoise knows him, Zhushan turquoise quality is good, stable goods, amazing reserves, of which Majiadu Town is the largest turquoise distribution center in China, you can also come to Qingu Town turquoise mine around, experience a turquoise source to pick up the fun of scumbags

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