
How long can you earn 100 million selling turquoise

author:Zhushan County Damei turquoise

How long can you earn a hundred million by selling turquoise

Recently, as Boss Xu's affairs continue to ferment, everyone has a fierce discussion on the way to earn money in the top rich circle, I remember that many years ago, a certain big card said, to make money must have a plan, first fix him 100 million, so how long can you earn 100 million by selling turquoise?

How long can you earn 100 million selling turquoise

Players often ask me, you sell turquoise so expensive, can you make a lot of money a year? Today, with more than ten years of experience in the industry, combined with the actual situation of turquoise mining areas, I will take you to understand how big the interest chain of turquoise is

How long can you earn 100 million selling turquoise

In my hometown, the turquoise industry is very common, especially in recent years, turquoise is hot, the turquoise centered cultural industry has developed vigorously, the turquoise industry is stable and mature, more and more people join the turquoise army, many people feel that the turquoise business is bright and beautiful, is synonymous with money

How long can you earn 100 million selling turquoise

And in fact, in the turquoise production area, the top predators in the industry, the value of achieving small goals is a handful, and most of them are the first pot of gold earned before the turquoise standard mining, but also the veterans of the industry, just like many people do not understand turquoise, sometimes can pick up a big leak, and now with the formalization of turquoise mining, processing, sales, turquoise profits are reasonably distributed, although the price of turquoise is more arbitrary, but each link has high cost control, no profit turquoise era is gone

How long can you earn 100 million selling turquoise

So is it profitable to sell turquoise? The turquoise market is huge, rich a large number of people, such as we sell turquoise finished products, consider the cost of turquoise rough, the risk of gambling, the risk of turquoise processing, and finally wear the mouth to sell turquoise products to have profits, especially now by the big environment, the industry's involution, in fact, profits are quite low, and other sales industries are not much different, want to achieve a small goal of 100 million have to work hard

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