
After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

author:Little Peach loves to nag
After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

I was nine years old, and it was a bad summer. The children in the village have summer vacation, and every day they run to the river early to play in the water, and at night they run after fireflies in the open fields.

I woke up early that day, simply ate a few bites of bread and ran out. Many children have gathered by the river, some catching small fish and shrimp by the water, and some piling sand on the shore to make castles.

"Hey, let's go pick wild fruits in the mountains and eat them!" A boy suggested. When the other children heard this, they all came to the spirit and agreed one after another.

We ran happily up the mountain road, looking for wild fruits. A girl in front shouted, "I see wild berries, right behind that bush of grass!" "We all ran over excitedly, and sure enough, we saw the dense array of wild berries, and the red color was very attractive.

I couldn't wait to reach for it, but I accidentally got my hand pierced by thorns. "Shhhhhh

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt." I endured it, but I tried my best to pick more wild berries.

We picked up one handkerchief after another and sat contented on the hillside and ate it. The sweet and sour wild berries are very relieved of the heat, and I eat my cheeks bulging like a little squirrel.

"Touch!" A loud bang suddenly broke our joy, and there was a sound of something falling down the mountain. We looked at each other and hurried down the hill to see what was going on.

I saw the neighbor's uncle's tricycle overturned on the side of the road on the dirt road at the foot of the mountain, and I was horrified to see my left leg being crushed under the car, bleeding like a river.

I rolled in pain and cried out loudly. The older brother and the other children were terrified and stumbled around looking for adults to help.

I only felt that the pain in my legs was becoming more and more obvious, and I almost fainted. My uncle's face was full of self-reproach and apologies, and he said "I'm sorry" to me over and over again.

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

I lay on the stretcher, biting my lip hard, trying to hold on and not faint. But the sharp pain in the wound seemed to burn me alive, and when I finally passed the hillside, my eyes were dark and I lost consciousness.

When I woke up again, I had been taken to the county hospital. My left leg was in a thick cast and hung at the end of the bed.

When I heard the news, I couldn't help but cry. My mother also cried and begged the doctor to think of another way, and my brother comforted me with red eyes.

The next day, I was wheeled into the operating room. "You'll feel a little pain for a while, don't be afraid, it'll pass soon."

I nodded and squeezed my mother's hand. The moment the scalpel fell, I only felt that the pain of my limb being amputated was incomparable, I yelled, and then fainted heavily.

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

When I woke up again, only a mutilated part of my left leg remained. I stared at the empty quilt, tears streaming down my face.

One day after being discharged from the hospital, my uncle came to the house. His face was very haggard, his eyes were red, and he didn't seem to have slept well for a long time.

Then he took out 50,000 yuan in cash from his arms, saying that it was all his savings, hoping to compensate me.

Mom didn't blame him, but just whispered, "Fate sometimes has to have, and life always requires it." "I sat on the bed and watched it all woodenly.

This accident brought me not only the lack of limbs, but also the attachment and yearning for a better life.

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

After my father died, I had to drop out of school and work in a factory. Although I didn't want to, it became the only option I could have to feed my family.

On my first day of work, I came to the factory gate with trepidation. Looking at the busy streets and tall factory buildings, I was filled with fear.

I lowered my head embarrassedly and found a chair to sit down on my own.

"You're here to work too?" A familiar male voice rang in my ears. I looked up and saw a teenager in a cap, standing in front of me.

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

I looked at him carefully a few times and blurted out: "Li Jianhua, is that you?" ”

"Haha, don't look at me growing tall and strong, you still recognize me!" He smiled and sat down across from me and said excitedly, "What a coincidence, I didn't expect us to meet here again!" ”

I couldn't help but curl the corners of my mouth. It turned out that he was his childhood friend Li Jianhua, my neighbor, and the son of the initiator of the accident.

"How have you been all these years?" Li Jianhua looked at my prosthetic leg with concern, with apologies in his eyes.

"Barely make do." I pretended to say it lightly.

"Tell me if you need anything in the future! Although we are still young, we always have to help each other. Li Jianhua patted me on the shoulder, like an adult.

I smiled dumbly and nodded. Reuniting with Li Jianhua made me feel the warmth that I had lost for a long time.

Soon, the bell rang, and we were all going to our respective jobs. I'm responsible for packing the finished product on the edge of the conveyor belt, and this simple job is just right for me.

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

During lunch meal, Li Jianhua took the initiative to sit with me. I was carrying my simple lunch box, a little embarrassed.

I looked at his clean and handsome face and clear eyes, and suddenly felt like home.

When I went to work in the afternoon, Li Jianhua noticed that I was a little struggling to stand up and move, and took the initiative to come and help me. "Be careful not to slip, there is water on the ground.

I nodded and slowly walked back to my workstation, a warmth rising in my heart.

After that, Li Jianhua would often take care of me a few words, help me get things or support me. I gradually stopped resisting his kindness and even began to look forward to his help.

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

But more than that, his concern and care for me came from the sincere kindness of his heart.

One day at noon, I suddenly heard an argument in the packing room. I rushed over to take a look and saw Li Jianhua shaking his fists with two male workers.

Only then did I understand that two people laughed at my disability, and Li Jianhua fought with them to defend me.

I hurriedly ran over to persuade and looked at Li Jianhua's face with bruises and nosebleeds in distress. "I'm fine, they bully you, I can't bear it!" Li Jianhua said aggrievedly.

That night, Li Jianhua sent me home. In the moonlight, I plucked up the courage to say to him, "I'm sorry, and thank you."

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

Li Jianhua looked at me with joy, tears shining moist in his eyes. "I will always be good to you and will protect you.

I know he'll keep his promise. Reuniting with Li Jianhua was a big surprise in my life.

Now, having someone to spend time with me, who cares about me, who takes care of me, means a lot to me. Perhaps, I should forgive the past and cherish the present, because I am no longer a person without dependency.

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

Since I was with Li Jianhua, his father, Uncle Zhang, has changed his attitude.

One night, Li Jianhua came to my house in a hurry, and he said that his father wanted to talk to him, presumably about us.

"I argued with him for a long time, and he just wouldn't listen." Li Jianhua said bitterly, "But I have decided that as long as you are one, I will never give up."

I was speechless, I could only quietly hold Li Jianhua's hand. I know that disability will indeed bring a lot of inconvenience to Li Jianhua's life, which makes me also full of low self-esteem and guilt.

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

After that, Uncle Zhang began to persuade Li Jianhua to give up my "wrong choice". Once, after Li Jianhua came back, he said indignantly: "My father introduced me to the daughter of a merchant in the town, and said that he arranged my marriage!" I directly turned my face with him and told him to stop worrying about my personal affairs! ”。

I listened, and my heart was mixed. I know that Uncle Zhang hopes that his son will live a good life, but this arrangement of marriage is difficult for me and Li Jianhua to accept.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to budge on this issue. Even if I turn my face with my father, I will be with you.

I nodded, grateful for his persistence with me.

In addition to persuading Li Jianhua, Uncle Zhang also privately "talked" with me.

"I know that you will agree to whatever Li Jianhua thinks now, but if you sober up, what benefits can your lame leg bring him?" Uncle Zhang directly said ugly things in my house.

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

"My brother needs money to go to college, give him to complete his studies, how about you leave Li Jianhua?" He even laid out conditions.

I bit my lip and was silent. I know that he wants to dispel this "no three, no four" relationship, but I can't betray Li Jianhua.

Faced with Uncle Zhang's opposition, Li Jianhua chose to heroically break with his father. "Even if you don't give me a penny, I'll take care of her myself!" Li Jianhua yelled at his father with red eyes.

Since that day, Li Jianhua has lived in my small room. During the day, we went to work in the factory together; At night, I huddled into my tiny bed and fell asleep.

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

"Actually, I've always been grateful that you are willing to stay with me." One night, I couldn't help but tell Li Jianhua about my inner inferiority.

"Silly girl, I really love you, and I am very happy with you." Li Jianhua hugged me into his arms.

I know that in the face of Uncle Zhang's strong opposition, Li Jianhua made a very difficult choice. He would rather lose his father than be with me.

One day, I suddenly received a letter from Uncle Zhang, saying that he wanted to come to my house to take a look and compensate for the debt he owed me over the years. I had some doubts about this father, but I agreed to his request.

The next afternoon, Uncle Zhang came to my house with a large bag. "Boy, this is a wild vegetable I dug in the mountains, it is more expensive than ordinary vegetables, but it is more nutritious.

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

He said with a fatherly look.

I was a little surprised, and when I opened the bag, there were about a dozen small green plants inside, which grew very strangely and I had never seen them before.

I was a little puzzled, but I thanked me anyway.

"I see that your life is not easy, so I want to bring some supplements." You remember to stir-fry this wild vegetable today and eat it while it is fresh.

"Okay, I see." I sent Uncle Zhang away, and I was a little touched by his concern.

In the evening, Li Jianhua returned home and saw the wild vegetables in the bag was also very strange. "What is this thing? Don't be my dad cheating! He immediately became alert.

"There shouldn't be a problem." I thought about it and said, "He seems to be trying to make up for his mistake and send some supplements." ”

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

"He would never have been so kind." Li Jianhua frowned.

"Let's eat it first, I'll simply stir-fry it." I still decided to do what Uncle Zhang said.

I washed these wild vegetables that looked like green onions, heated them in oil, and then stir-fried them in a pan. The whole room was filled with the peculiar aroma of grass and trees.

"Wait a minute!" Just as I was about to deliver it to my mouth, Li Jianhua grabbed my chopsticks, "I'll eat first, just in case." ”

I nodded and watched as Li Jianhua carefully took a small bite of the wild vegetable. After a while, he didn't look different, and then he was relieved to let me taste a little.

"Maybe Uncle Zhang is really kind this time." I say.

"Who knows." Li Jianhua still had some doubts.

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

We simply ate some and gave the rest of the wild vegetables to the neighbor's aunt's house. The aunt is a hunter who travels to and from the mountains and forests, and is familiar with wild vegetables.

After a while, the aunt hurried over, her face turned pale and said: "You guys spit it out, this is a poisonous wild vegetable, it's stone garlic!" ”

Li Jianhua and I were taken aback and asked her if there was a misunderstanding. The aunt categorically said that there could be no mistake, she was too familiar with the plants in the mountains and forests.

"I knew my dad was absolutely intrigued!" Li Jianhua angrily punched the wall.

A thought suddenly flashed in my mind: Uncle Zhang deliberately wanted to put us to death, poison us, and break off this relationship!

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

After listening to my aunt's warning, Li Jianhua and I realized that the situation was serious and we had to take action.

"We must call the police and make your dad punished!" I persuaded Li Jianhua.

Li Jianhua hesitated, "But after all, he is my own father..." ”

"He has plotted for our lives twice!" I reminded him, "If you don't stop it, there will be more sinister tactics in the future."

Li Jianhua was silent, he knew that what I said was reasonable. But against his father, he still struggled inside.

"The police aren't just for ourselves." I continued to persuade him, "If you don't care, you will kill more innocent people in the future."

Li Jianhua finally nodded in agreement. Early the next morning, we went to the police station and told the police all the ins and outs of the incident.

"You're doing the right thing." The police comforted Li Jianhua, "As a father, he should not endanger the lives of his children. ”

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

Soon, Uncle Zhang was arrested. The police sternly questioned him why he wanted to harm his son.

"I just want to cut off his connection with that girl, I have the ability to let him marry the richest man in town and live a decent life!" Uncle Zhang said reasonably.

"You beast!" Li Jianhua was emotional and wanted to rush over, but was stopped by the police.

I was silent, my heart like a knife. It turns out that this is Uncle Zhang's motive for plotting evil, and he can put us to death for the sake of his own face interests.

The police persuaded Li Jianhua to calm down and told Uncle Zhang that he was suspected of attempted intentional homicide and that a case must be opened for investigation. Only then did Uncle Zhang realize the seriousness of the matter, and his face turned pale.

After receiving her father-in-law's wild vegetables, the daughter-in-law gave it to the neighbor's aunt, who was shocked and hurriedly returned it

I asked the police to severely punish Uncle Zhang and not let him go unpunished. Uncle Zhang hurt me twice, and I didn't pursue his legal responsibility.

If it falls lightly, he may take more terrible measures again in the future.

The police promised that they would strictly deal with it according to law, so that Uncle Zhang would be punished as he deserved. This gave me a hint of relief, and I was determined to end the shadow that Uncle Zhang had brought to our lives through legal means.

Before leaving, I asked the police to strengthen cultivation and let Uncle Zhang realize the preciousness of human life. I don't want him to have no hope for the rest of his life, but I want him to really reflect on what he's done and be a new person.

At the beginning of man, nature is good. Uncle Zhang also has a good side. Only driven by interests and face will he go down the evil path.

I believe that the power of law can redeem Uncle Zhang's heart and let him understand a truth: life is priceless, and love is greater than everything.

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