
Rural guys breed turtles, sell 25-150 a pound, and easily earn 300,000 a year

author:Look at the beauty of simplicity

Turtle farming is a common aquaculture project, the following are the general steps and precautions for turtle farming:

1. Seed purchase: choose healthy and lively turtle seedlings, which should have good growth potential and adaptability. It is best to buy from legal farms or fisheries.

Rural guys breed turtles, sell 25-150 a pound, and easily earn 300,000 a year

2. Construction of ponds: Build suitable ponds or troughs to ensure sufficient water sources and good quality, and at the same time ensure that the water quality of the ponds is clean and suitable for growth.

Rural guys breed turtles, sell 25-150 a pound, and easily earn 300,000 a year

3. Feed supply: The feed of turtle can choose fresh small fish, shrimp, earthworms, deep-water insects, etc., or factory feed. According to the growth stage and demand of the turtle, reasonable supply of feed.

Rural guys breed turtles, sell 25-150 a pound, and easily earn 300,000 a year

4. Temperature and environmental control: Turtles are sensitive to ambient temperature, keep the water temperature appropriate, and provide suitable shading facilities to prevent excessive shelter from the sun.

Rural guys breed turtles, sell 25-150 a pound, and easily earn 300,000 a year

5. Pest control: regularly inspect and clean ponds, deal with water quality problems in time, pay attention to pest control, and avoid infectious diseases.

Rural guys breed turtles, sell 25-150 a pound, and easily earn 300,000 a year

6. Regular observation and management: pay attention to the growth and behavior of turtles, timely adjust feed supply and aquaculture management methods, and ensure their healthy and rapid growth.

Rural guys breed turtles, sell 25-150 a pound, and easily earn 300,000 a year

7. Reasonable harvesting and sales: According to the sales market demand and the growth cycle of the turtle, reasonably arrange the harvest time of the turtle and select appropriate sales channels.

Rural guys breed turtles, sell 25-150 a pound, and easily earn 300,000 a year

In the process of turtle culture, keeping the water quality clean and stable, rational feeding and management is the key to ensuring the efficiency of aquaculture. At the same time, it is also important to keep abreast of market demand, understand relevant laws and regulations, and comply with them. The most important thing is to continuously learn and update the aquaculture technology, pay attention to the development of the aquaculture industry, and improve the efficiency and sustainability of turtle farming.

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