
Hezheng County: Silage corn harvest busy Cattle and sheep breeding prospects are wide

author:Linxia Prefecture Rong Media Center
Hezheng County: Silage corn harvest busy Cattle and sheep breeding prospects are wide

In October, the land of Hezheng enters the most beautiful season, with forests draped in autumn clothes, and crops bearing heavy fruits in the vast fields. Recently, the reporter walked into Xinying Town, Hezheng County, and saw that a large silage corn harvester was in operation, harvesting, transferring, and loading, and the scene was busy.

Hezheng County: Silage corn harvest busy Cattle and sheep breeding prospects are wide

"My family used to raise more than 20 head of cattle, but now the government has many preferential policies, the scale has expanded to more than 80 heads, the feeding is silage corn forage, cattle and sheep awards and grain to feed subsidies I have enjoyed!" This year, my own land plus circulating land, a total of more than 150 acres of corn forage, now is the harvest and storage stage, there is enough forage, I also want to expand the scale of farming. Ma Ma Nai, a villager in Shancheng Village, said happily.

Silage corn has the reputation of "canned grass", as forage forage, soft and juicy, palatability, rich in nutrition, conducive to long-term preservation, is an excellent source of forage for cattle and sheep, favored by farmers.

Hezheng County: Silage corn harvest busy Cattle and sheep breeding prospects are wide

Ding Weitao, 33, is a major farmer in the buyer's market town. In 2021, he transferred more than 100 acres of land in the village, developed the aquaculture industry with the help of the county agricultural and rural department, registered and established the Weitao Family Farm, and earned the "first pot of gold". "At present, the farm has raised more than 600 head of cattle, built 7 silage grass ponds, and is expected to harvest more than 1,500 tons of silage grass, including more than 200 mu of own and circulation and more than 500 mu of silage planted by the surrounding people. In the past two years, cattle prices have been unstable, but with the strong support of the government, I believe that I will get out of the predicament and lead the surrounding people to get rich together. Ding Weitao told reporters.

It is understood that since the beginning of this year, in accordance with the principle of "government leadership, departmental promotion, overall planning and coordination, and joint efforts", Hezheng County has relied on the central agricultural production development funds to support large-scale breeding enterprises (cooperatives, households) or professional silage collection and storage enterprises (cooperatives, households) and other business entities, taking the small group of "household grain feeding, household raising cattle and sheep", large-scale green breeding circular agriculture road, in 13 townships and towns to select cattle and sheep farms, cooperatives, companies, Large breeding households carry out the work of changing grain to feeding, expand the scale of animal husbandry development, improve the development efficiency of grass-fed animal husbandry, and promote the development of the whole industry chain of cattle and sheep.

Hezheng County: Silage corn harvest busy Cattle and sheep breeding prospects are wide

"This year, our county plans to complete 40,000 mu of corn silage for the whole plant, of which 10,000 mu will be subsidized 122 yuan per mu, and 30,000 mu will be completed by the full investment of the implementing entity. Through the implementation of the grain to feed project, the forage planting structure will be further optimized, which will not only turn corn stover into treasure, effectively solve rural environmental problems such as straw burning and random piling, but also improve breeding efficiency and effectively increase people's income. Ma Xueming, head of the animal husbandry unit of the Hezheng County Agriculture and Rural Bureau, said.

Reporter: Zhou Junqing Correspondent: Huang Wenwen

Editor: Tian Yuyan

Chief editor: Qin Xia Responsible editor: Fan Haidong

Director: Chen Keyi Executive Producer: Ji Ping

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