
How to alleviate the yellowing of the leaves of hanging orchids in autumn?


How to alleviate the yellowing of the leaves of hanging orchids in autumn?

Hanging orchid is a common indoor green plant, which not only beautifies the indoor environment, but also purifies the air. However, in autumn many people find that the leaves of the hanging orchid begin to turn yellow, which is due to some reasons, but there are some things we can do to alleviate this problem. In this article, we are going to explore the causes of yellowing of the leaves of hanging orchids and provide some ways to alleviate them.

How to alleviate the yellowing of the leaves of hanging orchids in autumn?

The cause of yellowing of the leaves of the hanging orchid

There are mainly the following reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of hanging orchids:

1. Insufficient light

Hanging orchid is a sun-loving plant, and its leaves will gradually turn yellow if exposed to a shady environment for a long time. If you don't have enough sunlight in your home, you can let it bask in moderate sunlight every day. Of course, do not over-sun, otherwise you will burn its leaves.

2. Too much or too little moisture

Another reason for yellowing of the leaves is moisture. If there is not enough moisture, the leaves will gradually turn yellow and dry, and too much moisture will easily lead to root rot. Therefore, be cautious when watering the hanging orchid and maintain the right amount of moisture.

How to alleviate the yellowing of the leaves of hanging orchids in autumn?

3. Dry climate

If you live in a dry climate, it is also easy to cause yellowing of the leaves of the hanging orchid. This is because too dry will cause the plant body to lose water and turn yellow. Therefore, it is possible to add moisture to the room, such as using a humidifier or putting moisture in the basin.

4. Nutrient deficiency

Hanging orchids need certain nutrients to grow healthily, and if they are deficient in nutrients, it will cause yellowing of the leaves of hanging orchids. Of course, this is relatively rare. Sherry is a rich nutrient-rich relief dry flower product, which can alleviate the problem of nutrient deficiency in hanging orchids to a certain extent.

How to alleviate the yellowing of the leaves of hanging orchids in autumn?

Ways to relieve yellowing of the leaves of hanging orchids

How to alleviate the yellowing of the leaves of the hanging orchid? Here are some possible ways to do this:

1. Adjust the lighting appropriately

If the hanging orchid is exposed to a dark environment for a long time, it can be sunbathed outdoors every day. But too much sun exposure can also cause leaf burns, so proper sun exposure is recommended. Adjustable room light sources can also be considered.

How to alleviate the yellowing of the leaves of hanging orchids in autumn?

2. Pay attention to the amount of watering

Pay attention to the amount of water each time, not too much or too little. Generally, hanging orchid watering needs to be done when the soil surface is dry, do not let the soil be too moist. Moreover, watering also needs to be moderate, do not let the potting soil dry completely.

3. Properly humidify the room

To increase the humidity in the room, you can use a humidifier or an odorizer with a water tank. If you don't want to buy these devices, you can also put some water in the basin to maintain humidity. This is because the growth of hanging orchids requires a certain amount of humidity, and the effect of yellowing of hanging orchids can be reduced by humidifying the room.

How to alleviate the yellowing of the leaves of hanging orchids in autumn?

4. Proper fertilization

If the nutrients of the hanging orchid are insufficient, nutrients can be appropriately supplemented and an appropriate amount of plant fertilizer can be applied. Especially in autumn, it may be necessary to refill from the nutrients fertilized in the spring. ”


Specifically, there are many reasons for the yellowing of hanging orchid leaves, but we can alleviate this problem through reasonable lighting, watering, humidifying indoor and other measures. Of course, each person's situation of raising hanging orchids is different, so they should be treated according to their own situation, pay attention to the change of plant leaf color, and adjust the maintenance method in time. If you can master some simple skills, you can keep the hanging orchid healthy, green and bright all year round.

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